November 14, 2014

Dental Professionals – Resolving Chipped Teeth

By Arthur Kezian

Dental problems can occur any time. One example of a problem is a chipped or fractured tooth. Dr. Kezian, a specialist in dental procedures, will help you understand a chipped tooth and how it can be repaired.

What is a Chipped Tooth?
·         A blow to the face, catching a baseball or tennis ball on the chin, or even biting into something hard can all cause a chipped tooth.
·         This is more likely to occur if the tooth has experienced a lot of decay or already has a deep cavity.
·         Should you ever have a chipped tooth, do not panic; Dr. Kezian and his staff are specialists with knowledge of the various restoration procedures available to revamp that gorgeous smile of yours.

It is important to know what to do and avoid doing when you discover that one of your teeth have chipped.

        The first thing to do upon realizing that you have chipped or broken teeth is to seek a dentist immediately. The reason being that failing to do so could lead to further damage, infection, or tooth loss.
        Once you make an appointment with a dentist, you should take care of your injury by rinsing your mouth with warm salt water. In case you experience pain, use the salt water rinse and take a pain reliever.
        Avoid eating and try to eat soft foods or liquids if you have to.
         Never attempt to bite down with your chipped teeth; you don’t want them chipping further.

How to Cater for Minor Chipped Teeth?

If the chip is of a minor nature, it is possible for your tooth to be repaired in one quick visit. A chip can be fixed using composite bondings. With advanced dental technology, the bonding can look very natural! During the procedure, an adhesive is used to bond the resin to your tooth and shape it accordingly to your tooth’s anatomy. An ultraviolet light is then used to harden the resin. A couple adjustments will be made to make sure your bite is on point and the new bonding is smooth, and the repair is complete.

What Happens when the Chipped Tooth has Decay?

When a large piece of your tooth is missing or there is significant amount of decay in your fractured tooth, your dentist will either cap or crown the damaged tooth. This is usually a two-visit appointment. The procedure commences with x-rays. Once the diagnosis of your tooth is complete, upon your approval, the treatment will start. Your tooth will be prepped, minimizing its structure to make room for the crown that will sit atop it. You will be given a temporary crown to provide structural support for your tooth until your second appointment, where your permanent crown will be ready.

What Other Restoration Methods are Available for Chipped Teeth?

If the tooth is severely damaged, a root canal is performed to save the tooth. Your teeth have nerves and a pulp chamber, and when infected or damaged, can cause you excruciating pain. To free you from pain, your dentist would remove the pulp, clean out the root canal, and seal the chipped tooth to later crown it.
Another alternative restoration method to damaged teeth involves the application of veneers. Veneers are made of porcelain or resin, and are thin custom fit shells used to cover chipped teeth. They are attached to the frontal surface of your chipped teeth. Just like crowns, veneers also require a two-visit appointment.
If you have ever have a chipped tooth, don’t wait around. Call a dentist immediately and plan a treatment together. You and your dentist can review the aforementioned options and decide which is best for you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS and staff. We are here to guide you through the entire process.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


July 28, 2014

Oral Cancer - The Importance of Dental Check-Ups

By Arthur Kezian
How often do you go for a dental checkup? How often does your dentist do a screening for oral cancer as part of your checkup? Dentists recommend getting a dental exam once every six months. 

It is important for your dentist to not only check for possible cavities, but possible symptoms for oral cancer.

Your dentist will feel your mouth for lumps or irregular tissues in your neck, head, oral cavity, and cheeks. He or she will also check the soft tissues in your mouth looking for sore spots and any tissue that is discolored. This type of screening should be done every six months for preventative measures. 

Every year more than 30,000 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed in the United States. Oral cancer can be fatal if not treated properly in its early stages. The earlier the cancer is found, the earlier it can get treated. This is why it is very important to keep up with routine dental exams. Your dentist should make sure to send you reminder letters every six months or so. 

Some of the possible signs for oral cancer include lumps or thick spots, sores that do not heal and/or are constantly bleeding, soreness of the throat, hoarseness, numbness of the tongue, difficulty moving the jaw or tongue, or difficulty chewing or swallowing. Sometimes ear pains are also associated with oral cancer we well as changes in the way teeth fit. 

Ask your dentist for more information regarding oral cancer. It is important to take action from the beginning. It is better to be safe when it comes to something as important as this. Make sure to get yourself checked every time you visit your dentist. 

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


June 16, 2014

Tips from a Dentist: Masking Bad Breath

By Arthur Kezian

            Do you like having your burger with raw onions? Do you enjoy a nice slice of garlic bread with your Caesar salad? Onions and garlic can both make your food taste better, but they also come with a price – bad breath. These two are the most common foods that cause bad breath; they contain sulfuric compounds that can promote the growth of some microbes in your mouth that already cause bad breath. If you’re a fan of garlic, you have probably noticed that even after brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth some of the bad odor remains. Why? The sulfuric compounds found in garlic become metabolized, and ultimately make their way into your blood stream. During the digestive process, allyl methyl sulfide is passed through the bloodstream, and this is the main reason for the smell. Once this sulfuric compound is in your blood stream, it passes through a variety of excretions in the body, including pores. The compound also gets into the air that fills your lungs. As you breathe, the air goes into your lungs and is mixed and contaminated with the allyl methyl sulfide. So, even if you rinse your mouth or brush your teeth, the smell will not necessarily go away; it is not just coming from your mouth. Even if your oral care may be good, the smell is coming from your body.

            Fortunately, just as some foods can cause bad breath, others can mask it. They can’t get rid of the smell for good, but they do have a great temporary affect on hiding the smell! One of the most commonly known foods that can temporarily mask the odor is parsley; the trick is in the oils found in parsley. Parsley is also a good source of chlorophyll, which is a compound that has anti-bacterial properties. Apart from parsley, other herbs or spices can also mask the smell. Some of these odor fighting foods are spearmint, cinnamon, coriander, cilantro, tarragon, eucalyptus, cardamom, and rosemary.

            Another factor that helps is green tea. Green tea contains antioxidants like polyphenols that destroy sulfuric compounds. Green tea also contains catechin, another antioxidant that can fight off bacteria.

            Yogurt is also very good for hiding bad mouth odors. The live active cultures in yogurt help diminish bad breath. Yogurt has probiotics, which are “good bacteria”, and can fight the “bad bacteria” that causes the smell. Researchers found that eating about six ounces of yogurt a day could reduce levels of odor-causing compounds (i.e. hydrogen sulfide). Ask a dentist about eating yogurt daily and they can let you know how beneficial it is.

            Fruits are also very beneficial in masking bad odors. They help with the production of saliva, which helps nourish the mouth and give it a natural balance. Given this information, apples and pears are good for producing saliva. Some other fruits that are good for masking bad breath are oranges, melons, and berries. These fruits are particularly rich in Vitamin C which not only helps fight bacteria but also battles gum disease and gingivitis, which can also be factors that cause bad breath. Vitamin C is a great source for your oral health.

            Sugar-free gum is also good for the production of saliva. Chewing on sugar-free gum will cause the bad odor to go away temporarily. Breath mints have the same temporary affect the gum does.

            There are a number of items that help mask bad breath. As long as you are cautious of what you consume and know what you can consume after the make the smell go away, then you have nothing to fear. You can enjoy your onion rings and your garlic aioli sauces; just make sure to have one of the odor-fighting items on hand! If you have any questions regarding bad breath caused by certain foods, feel free to call Dr. Kezian and staff. They will be more than happy to help answer your questions!

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


May 19, 2014

Reasons Why You May Feel Sensitivity

By Arthur Kezian

Do you feel sensitivity on your teeth when you drink cold water or when you brush them? Sensitivity is a very common type of pain in the dental field, and the good thing is that you don’t have to put up with it. There are a number of things you can do to help lessen sensitivity or even stop it completely. To understand why your teeth are sensitive in the first place, mentioned below are some of the main reasons any dentist would agree with.

One reason why you might feel sensitivity around your teeth is because you brush with too much force or use a brush that has very hard bristles. Constant brushing with too much force can cause wearing of your teeth overtime. Because you are wearing away a protective layer of your teeth, feeling sensitivity when you drink something cold is to be expected. The simplest way to change this is to switch to a brush that has softer bristles and to brush your teeth without exerting too much force.

One other reason sensitivity may occur is because of toothpastes or mouthwashes. Some toothpastes have whitening substances inside them that can cause sensitivity for some people. If this is your case, you should switch your toothpaste or use one that is specifically for sensitivity, like Sensodyne. Some people have more sensitive teeth than others and can even get the sensitivity because of excessive use of mouthwash. Mouthwash contains alcohol and other chemicals that may cause sensitivity; you can try switching to neutral fluoride rinses instead.

You may also have sensitivity due to the foods you eat. Certain foods that are acidic in nature can cause sensitivity. These foods include, but are not limited to, lemons, grapefruits, kiwis, nectarines, pickles, vinegar, and even tomato sauce. If you are having sensitivity from the foods you are eating, be cautious of what you consume.

You can also feel sensitivity because you may have gum disease or because your gums have receded. This is very common with age, especially if you don’t pay much attention to your oral health. If the sensitivity is a lot, your dentist can seal the edges of the teeth around the gum line with a small filling to stop the sensitivity or even use a special chemical that can seal the area and act as a protective layer.

Sometimes sensitivity can even occur from fillings that have been done years ago and need replacement because there is decay around the edges of them. A general or cosmetic dentist can replace your fillings for you and stop the sensitivity.

One other reason may be because of plaque. If you have a lot of built up plaque, then that too can wear off your enamel overtime. You need to keep up with your dental visits and cleanings every six months and make sure your home care is good!

You can also feel sensitivity if you grind your teeth. Grinding your teeth can also wear your enamel away and cause sensitivity. The solution for this would be to get and start wearing a mouth guard. The best types of mouth guards are custom-made to fit your bite perfectly.

Sensitivity can also be caused by recent dental work. It’s common to feel some sensitivity after a filling or after getting a crown. This type of sensitivity is normal and temporary because the teeth have just been worked on. If the sensitivity does not go away though, you should visit a cosmetic dentistry to have the area checked out.

One more reason why you might feel sensitivity is because your tooth might be chipped or even cracked. Depending on the size of the chip or crack, your dentist will decide upon the treatment that should be done.  

Whatever the reason may be for your sensitivity, you should make an appointment with your dentist and try to come to a solution together. If you have any questions about sensitivity and the causes of it, feel free to contact Dr. Arthur A. Kezian. He and his staff will answer all your questions and ease your concerns.                                                                                        

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


April 7, 2014

Cosmetic Dentistry – Natural, Beautiful Bondings

By Arthur Kezian

Do you have a specific tooth that bothers you? Are you thinking about veneers or crowns? Sometimes, depending on your case, taking the more conservative option can benefit you. What is the more conservative option compared to getting a veneer or a crown? The answer to that is a dental bonding.

A dental bonding is a moderately easy and inexpensive way to make a significant change to your smile by visiting a cosmetic dentist.

What is a Dental Bonding?

A dental bonding is a procedure used in cosmetic dentistry where composite materials are applied to the tooth to help change its shape, appearance, color, texture, or size. Dental bondings can be used to repair chipped teeth, stained teeth, or teeth that have broke from the edge. A dental bonding is just like a filling used to restore a cavity. With the many shades available today, a cosmetic dentist can match the bonding to your adjacent teeth and make the tooth look very natural.

Advantages of Dental Bondings

One of the advantages of bondings is that it is less expensive than most other procedures used to repair teeth.

Not only is the cost an advantage, but so is the time. A dental bonding procedure is a one-visit appointment to your dentist and can be completed in 30 to 60 minutes, depending on your case and the simplicity of your tooth.

Dental bondings are usually very easy to do. Unless the bonding material is used to fill a cavity, some patients don’t even need anesthesia for the procedure, your dentist may recommend only using topical – a temporary numbing gel. The process is fairly easy because it requires very minimal removal of the enamel.

Disadvantages of Dental Bondings

Like most things that have advantages, dental bondings also have a few disadvantages. One of the cons of bondings is that they can stain over time. Unlike crowns or veneers (usually made of porcelain), bondings tend to stain because they are made of composite resin. Coffee, tea, red wine, and smoking can all cause staining to the bonding. Because bonding material is porous, you’ll need to be careful about keeping it stain-free. If it stains though, do not panic; bonding materials can be changed and replaced every now and then.

Another disadvantage to bondings is that they are not as durable as crowns. This means you have to be careful about how you chew and what you bite into, especially if the bonding is on your front teeth. You should not bite into hard foods and should make it a habit to cut your foods rather than bite into them (apples, carrots, ribs, etc.). Bondings can last from 3-7 years. As long as you are cautious of your bondings and take care of them, you should be happy with the results!

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


Dr. Arthur A. Kezian – Cosmetic Dentistry

By Arthur Kezian

New advancements and developments in technology help give comfort and relief to patients in need of dental work. With the help of cosmetic dentistry, a patient can achieve an amazing smile with very little work done. For discolored, crooked, chipped, or non-proportional teeth, porcelain veneers are a great way to repair them. Dr. Arthur A. Kezian has been in the dental field for over thirty five years and has completed many successful veneer cases. If you’re trying to find a dentist who can give you a beautiful, natural looking smile with veneers, then Dr. Kezian is who you should consult with.

If your case needs more work, porcelain crowns could be the right procedure for you. If you have had a root canal, or are going to have one done, a crown is always recommended to be placed over the tooth. If this is your case, Dr. Kezian can provide you with a beautiful looking crown that will match the adjacent teeth in structure and color.

Porcelain Veneers:

Dental veneers are very thin, custom made shells of teeth that are placed on top of your existing teeth to cover any problems you may have with them. Dental veneers can be made of a few different materials, but the most popular is porcelain. Porcelain veneers look more appealing and resisting staining. These veneers can fix problems like discoloration, wearing down of the teeth, chips, misaligned teeth, and even teeth with gaps between them.

Getting veneers done usually takes about three appointments, the first being the consultation with the doctor and the next two being the prepping of the teeth and the placement of the veneers. Because the procedure itself only requires two appointments, porcelain veneers are a great and easy way to enhance your smile.

Porcelain Crowns:

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that cover your teeth. This is the main difference between a crown and a veneer – a veneer only covers surfaces areas whereas a crown covers your entire tooth. Just like veneers, crowns can be made of different materials, porcelain crowns being the most popular. Dental crowns are used more for protective reasons rather than esthetic. Crowns could be placed to protect a weak tooth from breaking. A tooth could become weak and fragile due to the amount of decay. Crowns could also restore an already broken tooth by giving it good structural support. Another reason a crown could be used is to cover a tooth that has a very large filling which can’t be filled again due to lack of tooth structure. Crowns are also used for bridges and to cover implants. Just like veneers, crowns require more than one visit with the dentist. The first visit will include the prepping of the tooth, as it requires more drilling than a veneer, and the second appointment will be the cementation of the crown.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian has been making crowns and veneers for many years and has the latest technology at his office to help make the procedures painless and keep his patients satisfied. Each crown or veneer case is carefully planned out and high-tech equipments are used to make sure the crown or veneer matches the teeth they will be placed next to. Each case is different from another and therefore requires a consultation visit. If you have any questions regarding crowns or veneers, feel free to call Dr. Kezian’s office to schedule a consultation.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


March 11, 2014

Are You Grinding Your Teeth at Night?

By Arthur Kezian

Have you ever woken up in the morning and felt pressure or soreness in your jaw? Have you ever woken up clenching your teeth? If so, you could be grinding your teeth at nights. Most patients who grind their teeth are not aware of it until they feel soreness or see wear patterns on their teeth. Most of the grinding happens unconsciously which is why patients are not aware of the problem.

Although most of the unconscious clenching occurs at night, you can also be clenching your teeth during the day. About 70% of people clench their teeth because of stress or anxiety. If you are stressed about a certain situation or are trying to focus on a certain task, you might be clenching your teeth. Also, if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned below, you may be a grinder and may have to visit a dentist. The symptoms include but are not limited to:
- Soreness of the jaw (TMJ pain)- Headaches- Ear pain- Stiffness of the shoulders and neck - Sleep disorders
A cosmetic dentist that deals with temporomandibular joint pain can check your symptoms and help you treat your problems with grinding. If you don’t try to stop your clenching and grinding, then given time, you can wear away most of your enamel. Worn off enamel means weaker teeth, and weaker teeth are the best candidates for fractures and brakes in the teeth.

To prevent this from happening to your teeth, a dentist will most likely recommend a night guard for you to wear while you sleep. These are custom-made plastic trays (almost like sport’s guards) that fit your mouth according to your bite. They are either made for your top teeth or your bottom teeth. These trays act as a protective layer for your teeth and prevent you from grinding down your enamel. Patients who wear their night guards for a very long time notice the wear in the plastic. If they hadn’t worn the guards, that same wear, or more, would have been on their teeth. These trays are the most conservative approach when it comes to grinding or clenching and are considered one of the best options.

If you have noticed any of the aforementioned symptoms, then visit Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS. He is a dentist that helps many patients with their grinding and clenching habits. Don’t put the situation to the side. If you prioritize your teeth, you will be able to keep them in the long run.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


February 3, 2014

Ways to a Whiter, Brighter Smile

By Arthur Kezian  

Do you have teeth that are stained or look yellow? Are you self-conscious about your smile? If you answered yes to both of these questions then maybe it’s time you consider whitening your teeth. Bleaching is one of the most requested procedures in Los Angeles today. Not only does your physical appearance change after bleaching but you will notice a lot more confidence as well. It is one of the best priced procedures to help make a change to you smile. If you are looking for a beautiful smile, then bleaching can get you one step closer to it.

There are different ways to achieve a whiter smile, but all the methods fall into two categories – in office bleaching or bleaching at home. The main difference is how the products are applied or used. Both options use bleaching agents with peroxide. At-home whitening kits can contain peroxide anywhere from 3% up to 22% while in-office bleaching can contain 15% to 43%. Although the in-office bleaching is a lot stronger, it is not necessarily better. Dr. Arthur A. Kezian has been in the dental field for over thirty years and has worked with different types of bleaching procedures. He has tried every method and believes the best one for his patients is the bleaching done at home. These at-home bleaching kits include trays with gels and let you start whenever you want and stop whenever you want; it is all for your convenience.

The Procedure

The first step in getting the bleaching kit is taking impressions of your teeth. During your first appointment, a dental assistant will take impressions of your teeth using putty that will dry and take on the shape of your smile. The putty will set and your impressions will be finished. Depending on your dentist, these impressions will be sent to a lab to create your bleaching tray which looks very similar to a mouth-guard (but not as bulky). You will be given a second appointment to pick up your bleaching trays once they are ready.

At your second appointment your bleaching trays will be given to you along with instructions and a set of rules to follow. Your dental office will show you how to wear the trays and how to apply the gel. There are different brands for whitening kits and the brand used at Dr. Kezian’s office is the Philips Zoom! If you are using the Philips Zoom kit, you will see a difference in one day, but have to bleach for about 5 days to get to a desired shade of white. There are day kits as well as night kits with a higher percent of peroxide. The night kits are usually recommended for first-time users. The trays are to be worn five nights in a row to see a dramatic difference.

Although getting a Hollywood smile through bleaching seems effortless, sometimes it can be a little difficult. Depending on your body, you may experience sensitivity due to the bleaching. If you notice a lot of sensitivity, you can start bleaching your teeth every other night rather than every night. Giving yourself a break from the whitening would help ease the sensitivity. Amongst this, there are other ways to decrease sensitivity, like using Sensodyne as your toothpaste while you are bleaching. This toothpaste will relieve tooth pain due to sensitivity. You are also advised to stay away from citrus foods and drinks during bleaching to prevent sensitivity.
For other tips about using bleaching trays, feel free to contact Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS and staff. They will be more than happy to help answer all your questions about bleaching. If you are ready to start, make an appointment today! You can be five days away from brighter, whiter teeth!
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


January 27, 2014

What to Expect from Your First Visit

By Arthur Kezian

Are you looking for a new dentist? Maybe you have recently moved and want a dentist closer to your home, or maybe you are looking for a dentist who is up-to-date with the latest technology; whatever the reason is, it is important to do your research correctly.  If you are an internet savvy person, one of the best ways to find a good dentist is online. Checking websites like Google, Yelp, Angie’s List, or ZocDoc can be really beneficial in helping you find the right dentist. You can also get word of mouth from friends and family members and have them tell you about some good dentists. Apart from collecting your information, it is important to also try out a dental office. Just as first impressions are important in meeting new people, they also matter in finding a good dentist. Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS, a dentist in Los Angeles, has been welcoming new patients into his office for over thirty years. His office is equipped with the latest technology in dental care, and he and his staff make a great team. Visit his office and make your own opinion about the place, you will more than likely be very pleased.
During your visit at Dr. Arthur A. Kezian’s office, you will be taken into one of the dental rooms to have your consultation with the doctor. Prior to this consultation, you will meet one of the lovely staff members who, depending upon your situation, will take a few X-Rays for the doctor to be able to diagnose your teeth. The X-Rays at Dr. Kezian’s office are digital X-Rays that are linked to the computer that will be facing you. These digital X-Rays are very low in radiation, are very quick, and are very accurate. Once the dental assistant steps out of the room to take the X-Ray, you will automatically see it on the screen in the room. This means you don’t have to wait for any film to be processed, you can zoom in and out of the X-Ray on the screen to focus on problem areas, and you don’t have to bite on the X-Ray for too long (this is good news for those who have gag reflexes)!

After the X-Rays are completed, the dental assistant will also take some intra-oral photos of your teeth. For those who have not had intra-oral photos taken before, they are digitalized cameras made specifically for the mouth. They capture pictures of your teeth including the biting surfaces that are hard to see in the mirror. These intra-oral photos will not only give the doctor a better understanding of what is going on in your mouth, but you will learn from them as well. Many parts of the mouth are hard to check out in the mirror, so these pictures will allow you to see everything you hadn’t before. Also, it is hard for patients to understand and read X-Rays, but with the intra-oral photos, your dentist can explain to and show you what you may not see in the X-Ray.

Once the X-Rays and the intra-oral photos are complete, you are ready to meet your dentist!

The first visits at the office are usually diagnostic. The doctor will take preventive measures and examine all your teeth. Using the X-Rays, the intra-orals, and the oral examination, he can let you know exactly what it is you need. Depending on your case, you and the dentist will devise a treatment plan. This treatment plan will consist of the items that need to be taken care of and the cost. Dr. Kezian’s office is preferred providers with much insurance companies. For patients who do not have insurance, the insurance coordinator can help with various payment options!  

Take control of your dental health and visit Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS today! He and his staff will make you feel comfortable with your decision and will guide you through every step. If you are looking for a new dental professional, look no further! Dr. Kezian has a flexible schedule, call his office today for a free consultation with him!

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


January 21, 2014

Dental Health – Effects of Smoking

By Arthur Kezian

Tobacco products are known to be very harmful. Everyone knows the effect they have on the lungs and the heart, but what a lot of people don’t know is that it is far more than that. Smoking also affects your bones, vision, blood, and autoimmune system. Smoking can also cause cancer of the lungs, stomach, nose, mouth, throat, and other areas of the body. Smoking can also cause dental problems. If you are a smoker and think it is important to take care of your body as well as pay importance to your dental care, then maybe it is time you not only consider quitting, but try your best to quit.

Smoking leads to dental problems such as:

  • An increase of dental plaque on your teeth
  • An increased risk of gum disease
  • An increased risk of developing oral cancer
  • Inflammation of your salivary glands
  • Constant bad breath
  • Tooth discoloration and staining 

The list above just goes to show how smoking can affect your dental health in so many ways. One main danger that tobacco products can bring is oral cancer; about 90% of people who have oral cancer use or have used tobacco. It is said that smokers are six times more likely to get oral cancer than nonsmokers. If you think your health is important, then quitting smoking will benefit you in so many ways. Even reducing the amount you smoke can help you. Smokers who go from smoking a pack a day to less than half a pack a day reduce their risk of getting oral cancer or gum disease. Ask your dental office about some helpful tips on reducing smoking and taking small steps to quitting.

Another danger that tobacco products can bring is the increase of gum disease as it is harmful to your gum tissue cells. Smoking affects the connection of your bones and your soft tissue to your teeth. This makes smokers more prone to getting infections in the mouth, such as gingivitis. This is a mild form of gum disease that only affects the gums, and if not taken care of, can lead to periodontitis. Periodontitis is a more severe form of gum disease which causes the gums to pull away from the teeth. This gum recession causes deep pockets where bacteria can reside; this bacteria can damage the bone that supports your teeth. Overtime, your teeth will get loose because of the lack of support and will have to be pulled out or will fall out on their own. It is important to prevent this from happening. Having routine check-ups with your dentist is crucial, especially if you are a chain-smoker.

Apart from the damage cigarettes can do to your oral health, they also cause damage esthetically. If you care about the looks of your teeth, then smoking is something you should try to do without. For many people, smoker stains are a very common side-effect. Whitening your teeth or using toothpastes with whiteners can change the look of your teeth, but if you continue to smoke and do not get the stains cleaned by your dentist, the whitening will only mask the staining.

Quitting smoking will also cure bad breath. Many smokers experience a specific odor that may bug them and others as well. It is a very unpleasant feeling knowing that the people around you can be affected by your breath. Not only is your breath a problem to them, but they are also inhaling second-hand smoke. Think about your overall health and consider quitting if you haven’t already. If you can’t quit for yourself, maybe you can try to quit for the sake of the people around you. You will be doing yourself, your family, your friends, and everyone else you spend time with a great favor!

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


January 13, 2014

Oral Health during Pregnancy

By Arthur Kezian

Keeping your teeth and gums in good condition is very important, and it’s twice as important during pregnancy. During pregnancy, there are many hormonal changes in the body that may increase the risk of gingivitis, a type of gum disease. A severe case of gum disease can affect the health of a developing baby.

To make sure you are on top of your oral health, you should try to visit your dentist during three different periods: before, during, and after pregnancy.  Keeping up with your dental visits before you are pregnant can eliminate future problems. Be proactive and get your teeth cleaned, gum tissue and bone level checked, as well as a full mouth examination. This way, you can take care of your oral health in advance and maintain it.

You should avoid dental appointments during the first trimester and second half of your third trimester because these are vital times for the baby’s growth and development. However, during the second trimester, you should visit your dentist and have your gums examined as well as have a thorough cleaning (optional procedures should be put off until after you have delivered the baby).

It is important to keep up with your regular periodontal examinations (especially during pregnancy). Pay very close attention to your gums. During pregnancy, about 60% of women experience pregnancy gingivitis. An increase in hormone levels can also increase levels of plaque in the mouth. This amount of plaque build up can definitely affect the gums. If you notice tender, puffy, red or bleeding gums, those are major signs to visit your dentist. A dentist can see you, and if the case is extreme, you can be referred to a gum specialist. 

Brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash are all twice as important during pregnancy. Be extra cautious and spend more time brushing your teeth, at least two minutes in the morning and two minutes at night before you go to bed. Floss in between your teeth very thoroughly, at least once a day, and try to use mouthwash to rinse out access bacteria. If you experience morning sickness during pregnancy and put off brushing because of that, try changing your toothpaste and getting one without much flavor; ask your dentist for any recommendations.

Dental X-Rays should be avoided during pregnancy, but if there is a dental emergency where an X-Ray is needed, don’t panic. As long as your dentist follows modern technological advances, as in uses digital X-Rays, then one or two X-Rays should be safe. Dr. Arthur A. Kezian, keeps up with the latest technology. His dental X-Ray machines are top of the line machines and are all computerized. This means they have minimal radiation, are quick and easy, and show up on the screen in front of you right when the X-Ray is taken. Visit his office to see the difference.

After you have delivered your baby, it is still important to keep up with your dental visits. Of course with a new baby this can be difficult, but try to set aside a day for yourself and get your periodontal examination and cleaning.

For more information regarding oral health and pregnancy, call Dr. Arthur A. Kezian and staff. He is a dental professional with a staff that is more than happy to help you with all your questions. If you are looking for a dentist who will take care of you, you have found the right office.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


Cosmetic Dentistry – Dental Bridges

By Arthur Kezian

Do you have missing teeth? Have you considered getting them replaced? There are different options to choose from ranging from flippers to bridges or implants. A cosmetic dentist like Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS can help you change your look and give you the smile you’ve been yearning for. Dentistry has come a long way, and now, dental bridges can look as natural as your other teeth. A cosmetic dentist makes sure that the tooth being replaced by a bridge is not only beneficial to your health, but looks esthetically pleasing as well.
What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a dental device that plainly bridges a gap between your teeth. A bridge usually consists of two crowns (abutment teeth) that sit on either side of the gap between your teeth. Between these two crowns would be a false tooth to replace the one that is missing. This tooth that sits in between two crowns is called a pontic. Depending on the type of crown you and your dentist choose, you can either have a metal crown or a porcelain crown. Nowadays metal crowns are not used as much, but a mixture of metal and porcelain is used a lot. This mixed-material crown is called a PFM (porcelain fused to metal); the inside of the crown is made of metal while the outside is made of porcelain to look more natural.

Types of Dental Bridges:
There are a few different types of bridges that could be made. First, there are traditional bridges – these are the bridges with two crowns and a pontic hanging in between. These types of bridges are the most common and could be made from the materials mentioned beforehand. There are other types of bridges for special cases as well, like Maryland bridges. These types of bridges are made of plastic material and are supported by metal. The pictures in this article are those of a Maryland bridge case.

Dental Bridge Procedure:

During your first visit, you and your dental professional will discuss your case to decide which type of bridge will benefit you most. After you have decided and the treatment plan has been made, you are ready to begin. As always, the first part of the procedure is the anesthesia. As long as you are numb, the procedure is painless! Just like regular crowns, a portion of your enamel has to be reduced. After reduction, impressions will be taken of your teeth. These impressions will then be sent off to a lab where your crowns and bridge will be made. You will be given a temporary solution to wear until your actual bridge is ready.

During your second visit, you will be given anesthesia again. This is to prevent you from feeling any discomfort as your temporary is taken off, as your new bridge is cemented on, and as the access cement is cleaned off. Usually, an X-Ray will be taken with the bridge in place (before cementing) to make sure there is a correct and tight fit. If everything looks fine, your bridge will be cemented in place. Once the cement is cleaned out, you are finished.

A two-visit appointment for a bridge can be life-altering. If you’ve been thinking about replacing your missing teeth, don’t hesitate to call Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS and Staff. They can help answer all your questions and make an appointment for you. The procedure as well as the expense will be made as easy as possible for you.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777
