April 29, 2013

How to Restore a Fractured Tooth

A smile is a beautiful thing, but with most other things that are beautiful, it needs to be maintained. Teeth require a lot care and treatment, especially if one of them gets fractured or broken. This normally happens when cavities are present in the teeth. Cavities are directly linked to the cleanliness of the mouth, gums, and teeth. Overtime, cavities weaken the health of your teeth. Once your teeth are weakened due to the amount of active decay inside them, they become very fragile. This means biting into something hard can fracture or crack your tooth. Being careful at times like this is very important. But what happens if you don’t know that you have deep cavities? It’s not always painful from day one. Some people don’t even know they have cavities until it becomes a major issue; a root canal. So, if you are suffering from such a problem then you should consult Dr Arthur A. Kezian. He is a renowned dentist in the community of Larchmont for recovering a fractured tooth. He is fully equipped for such treatments and is always using the latest technology.
Major Symptoms of Fractured Teeth
·         It is not necessary that you always feel pain in the case of fractured teeth. Minor fractures are only due to cracks in the teeth which can be treated on time in order to protect them from converting into major fractures. Large fractures on the other hand can be painful due to the fact that the nerves are interlinked with the teeth which are damaged by them.
·         These teeth can be sensitive to temperature or can cause difficulty in chewing. Proper treatments are available which can minimize or recover the effect of cracks or fractures.
·         If teeth have very serious fractures then the root canal can be affected. Once the decay reaches the root of your teeth, the pain kicks in. Don’t wait to feel the excruciating pain that is linked with root canals. Keep your 6-month appointments with your dentist to make sure everything is in proper condition.
Minimize the Pain through Some Remedies:
·         Once you find out that you have fractures in your teeth which can possibly affect the nerves or root canal, then you must make an appointment with your dentist so that proper treatments can rectify the problem.
·         Here are some suggestions to help keep your teeth in good shape:
1.      Rinse your mouth with a lukewarm salt water mix.
2.      If fractured teeth are bleeding, you can minimize it by pressing the area with some gauge and applying pressure.
3.      Put a cold pack on lips or cheeks to help lessen down swelling and pain.
4.      If you have large fractures that cause pain, you can easily fill these gaps with dental cement available at most drug stores. This option can only be adopted when you make an appointment afterwards.
5.      You can take pain medication to temporarily mask the pain until you get to your dentist.
·         All of these points are very effective in giving relief to pain and help with fractured teeth.
Adopt an Appropriate Restoration Method:
·         Depending upon the condition of the fractures, proper methods could be adopted. But, other than your dentist, no one can suggest which procedure or treatment is best for you. Fillings are one of the common treatments for restoring a fractured tooth. In cases where the fracture is larger, different procedures come into play.
·         Dr. Kezian and staff give you detained information about your fractured teeth and their treatments especially for the vertical breaks and decay induced breaks. All these conditions are very painful because they are interlinked with nerves. Don’t let the pain persist, make an appointment as soon as possible.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004\ (323) 467-2777 


April 19, 2013

How to Maintain the Beauty of Teeth through Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is highly recommended for the care and treatment of your teeth. There are a lot of treatments that help maintain dental health and allow you to acquire a beautiful smile. Healthy and strong teeth help strengthen your jaw and make eating much simpler.  To get or maintain healthy teeth, you should consult a reliable dentist. Dr Arthur A. Kezian is a well known dentist that not only ensures your teeth are healthy, but that they look amazing as well. He may recommend some of these common treatments:
For Alluring Smiles:
·         If you have stained or discolored teeth, you don’t have to worry. Whitening treatments that restore the color of your teeth are available. This allows you to have an attractive and elegant looking smile.
·         Dr. Kezian prefers whitening trays over laser treatments for whitening teeth; this is because the trays are safer, more effective, and can be done at the comfort of your own home.
·         After just five consecutive days of whitening, you can see a whole shade of a difference. Whiter teeth can increase your self confidence and poise. 
·         Those who are worried and suppressed by their teeth due to their color can change their smile in just a few days! 
For perfect composition:
·         If you have a broken, chipped, or fractured tooth, you should attend to it as soon as possible. In this regard, a cosmetic dental office provides incredible solutions for the recovery and restoration of your teeth.
·         In most of the cases, oral cavities become the cause of fractures or chipped teeth. For reducing the impact of oral cavities, you must have a proper dental routine at home and maintain your six month check ups with your dentist.  For chipped teeth, fillings and bondings can be recommended, but for something larger, like a broken tooth, a crown may be suggested.
·         Crowns and veneers are also used to close gaps and help make your smile look more aesthetically pleasing.
·         In cases of missing teeth, an implant procedure may be an option. Discuss with your dentist to see if an implant is right for you. You should confer about the amount of bone level you have, your healing process, the time it takes to finalize and complete the procedure, as well as the cost of the procedure and payment options.
While socializing, one of the first noticeable things is your smile. Everyone wants to have a Hollywood smile, but not everyone makes it a priority. You can consult a cosmetic dentist for all the different options for improving and bettering your smile. With the help of an experienced dentist you can acquire a smile that will definitely be noticed, in a good way, of course.
Visit Dr. Arthur A. Kezian’s website for more information about all the aforementioned procedures; don’t wait for your smile to change, make it change.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


April 8, 2013

Porcelain Veneers: The Center Of Cosmetic Dentistry

By Arthur Kezian
The world has reached a point where multi tasking equals multi-value. This being the case, Dr Kezian and staff have come up to offer dental treatment addressing several aspects of patient’s smile at once. One of the most noticeable, prominent and common cosmetic dentistry options are porcelain veneers. This is mainly because this option serves as a guarantee for easy and quick transformation. Here is the definition of porcelain veneers:
Porcelain Veneer at a Glance
What are porcelain veneers? In case you are wondering then know that it refers to a cosmetic dental restoration that is individually attached to the front side of the tooth. Also referred to as dental veneers, shells are used to cover several smile imperfections in a clever way at once. Porcelain dental veneers have also proven to be an ideal choice for covering permanent tooth stains while at the same time addressing chipped teeth, crooked or overlapping teeth, misshapen teeth, smile gaps as well as short stubby crowns.
Advantages of Dental Veneers:
                   i.            They serve as a perfect choice for patients looking to cover a variety of smile imperfections at once. Generally, veneers have proven to be a quicker way to transform your smile unlike many other common procedures.
                 ii.            Porcelain veneers are able to last for decades and are characteristic of proper dental care.
              iii.            Veneers are stain resistant and above all very durable. The monolithic porcelain material use is less vulnerable to color discoloration.
How to Know Whether You Are A Qualified Candidate To Take Advantage Of Porcelain Veneers:
Dr Kezian ensures that your smile make over compliments your facial appearance and its shape. Dr. Kezian and staff know that facial structure plays as a very crucial role in porcelain veneers process hence they emphasize on examining interested parties to find out the level of eligibility which allows them to predict how beneficial the outcome of the whole process might be. As a patient to qualify for veneers:
·         Must be at least 17years [this serves as a guarantee that the bone structures will less likely experience any significant changes].
·         Must be free of gum disease
·         Must also be free of periodontal disease which is believed to cause cosmetic dentistry failure.
·         Must welcome periodontal care as provided by spring dentists prior to considering veneers.
Porcelain Veneer Procedure:
One interesting thing about the porcelain veneer pointed out by Dr. Kezian about the procedure is the fact that the whole make over is subject to completion in as little as two office visits. Your appointment/consultation with cosmetic dentists will familiarize you with the guide that will help determine your smile. In fact after creating unique specifications for your porcelain veneer arrangements will be made for fabrication and once the veneer come back ready the dentist will then go ahead to place the dental restoration. Take note this process involves a minimal invasive surgical procedure aimed at covering the front side of the tooth in particular.
Porcelain Veneers Is A Proven Multitasking Cosmetic Procedure:

One interesting thing about veneers is the fact that they are able to cover tooth chips from tooth trauma as well as bruxism injury or generally the appearance of your smile. Apart from the above it can also be used for stains, both extrinsic and intrinsic stains all of which will compliment vertical claims for your tooth enamel. More people prefer porcelain veneers to change the way the look of their smiles to their benefit and for long lasting durability purposes. Remember, are able to instantly bond on your teeth instantly enhancing your smile as expected or desired.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


April 1, 2013

Dental Implant Dentures: A Resolution for Loose Dentures

By Arthur Kezian
Dental implant dentures also known as false teeth are often used as an alternative to the missing teeth. These are often removable teeth and are usually supported by soft and hard tissues present in the oral activity. The person might have lost the teeth due to several reasons such as accidental falls or tooth decay. Dr. Kezian and staff work with implants which provide the ultimate solution for individuals suffering from loose dentures – which can be annoying at times. There are occasions where people using dentures find them getting slipped while eating and moving unnaturally while engaging in conversation with other people. Fitting is an important aspect of any denture implantation in the patient.
The major cause of loose dentures is jawbone deterioration. It is natural for the jawbone to shrink due to the absence of teeth. The jaw bone usually stays healthy through chewing stimulation from the connecting tooth roots which obtain nutrients from the patient’s body. The loss of teeth results in the stoppage of nutrients being received by the jawbone which eventually starts shrinking. This is what causes the failure of dentures to fit perfectly in the jaw of the person’s mouth.
Replacement for Dentures
Dr. Kezian recommends dental implant dentures which will help the patient restore tooth functionality by replacing traditional dentures. The restoration procedure comprises of two parts: ‘Dental Implant Rod’ and ‘Dental Crown’.
·         Dental Implant Rod is usually made up of bio compatible titanium which allows the dental implant to move forward with the jaw similar to that of a tooth root.
·         The second part is the dental crown which is placed comfortably towards the top of implanted rod. It is designed to serve the exposed structure of the missing teeth. It is manufactured with porcelain and is shaped to look like a natural tooth.
·         The combination of dental implant rod and dental crown together constitutes a secured tooth replacement that looks realistic in nature.
Benefits of Dental Implants than traditional dentures
It has a lot of benefits compared to the traditional form of dentures.
·         One of the greatest benefits of dental implants is that it does not need any messy pastes or any form of suction for staying inside the mouth of the individual.
·         It stays intact while eating some of the toughest foods. This is made possible with the help of an implanted rod.
·         These kind of dental restorations are durable in nature and will last a lifetime if proper oral care is undertaken by the patient.
·         It can also be easily maintained compared to traditional dentures.
Instead of removing the dentures from the mouth, the dental implant technique does not require any removal and the person can brush and floss their dental implant similar to that of a natural tooth. It gives the patient the same feeling as that of natural teeth. The method of placement makes it stronger compared to dentures. Thus it creates a stable foundation that is required for a natural looking tooth restoration. The direct implementation to the jawbone makes it the closest and most preferred choice to a natural tooth.
New techniques eliminate the denture pains that patients experience even with modern denture methods. Pain is supposed to be the highest in people who are using a full set of lower dentures. These are some of the reasons that have led to the increase in popularity of dental implants as a quicker and natural substitute for the missing teeth. Dr. Kezian's office offers the best solution for the missing teeth problem using advanced generation methods making it a much better option compared to conventional dentures.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
