June 25, 2012

Are Digital X-Rays That Much Better Than Film? Yes!

By Arthur Kezian
Dentists have been using x-rays to spot issues for decades, and now, they've got a new tool that makes diagnosing problems even easier -- digital x-rays.
How do they work?
If your dentist uses digital X-Rays, he'll put digital sensors inside your mouth.  On the other end of those sensors is a wire that's connected to a computer.  As soon as the sensors take the pictures of your teeth, they're sent into the computer.  Instead of having to wait for them to be developed, you and your dentist can look at the x-rays immediately.
But are digital x-rays really worth all of the hype?  Are they really that much better than the traditional film x-rays? Yes!

Here's why:

1.      They offer clearer images
Because the equipment is so advanced, digital x-rays are clearer than what you'll see on any film.  They're also much less likely to get over- or under-exposed. 
But it's not all about looks. 
Having clearer x-rays makes it easier for your dentist to see the tiniest of problems.  And, the sooner he can spot issues, the easier it is for him to treat them.  That way, you don't have to worry about a small problem going undetected -- and turning into a big problem later!

2.      They can be enhanced
Just like the photos you take with your digital camera, digital x-rays can be enhanced inside your dentist's computer.  He can zoom in, adjust the brightness, or even adjust the contrast.


3.      They're more comfortable
If you're like most people, you hate biting down on those uncomfortable pieces of cardboard that help position your teeth for film x-rays.  Luckily, they're not needed when you get digital x-rays!

4.      They subject you to less radiation
Digital x-rays can be a whole lot more comfortable for your insides, too!  Traditional film x-rays don't emit a ton of radiation, but it's certainly more than you'd like to be exposed to.  Because the equipment is so much more sophisticated, digital x-rays can reduce the amount of radiation you're exposed to by 80%!

5.      They're easy to share
If your dentist uses traditional film x-rays, there's no easy way to share them.  If you need to have a specialist take a look at them, you'll have to get in your car, drive to your dentist's office, pick them up, and take them to your specialist's office. What a waste of time!
But since digital x-rays are stored as a file on your dentist's computer, sending them to a specialist is as easy as sending an email!
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


June 19, 2012

Emergency Dentistry -- What You Need to Know to Get the Best Treatment

By Arthur Kezian
You may think that because you don't play contact sports or because you're careful about what you bite into, that you're never going to suffer a dental emergency.  Unfortunately, though, no one is immune from needing the services of a good Los Angeles emergency dentist.
If you want to get the very best treatment, just follow these 5 tips:

1.       Cleaning a knocked-out tooth is a no-no
Your Los Angeles emergency dentist will need to see exactly what was attached to your tooth when it came out, so resist the urge to clean it off.  That way, your dentist will be able to assess the situation better, which means you'll feel better sooner!


2.       Milk can save a tooth that's been knocked out
Getting a tooth knocked out is one of the biggest emergencies at an emergency dental office.  That's because you only have so long until the cells at the end of the tooth die.  If enough cells die, your body can reject the tooth when your Los Angeles emergency dentist goes to replant it.
Luckily, milk can buy you some time!
Milk has special chemical properties that protect those fragile cells and even encourage them to keep growing.  By sticking your tooth in a cup of milk as soon as it gets knocked out, you can make things a whole lot easier for your dentist -- and yourself!


3.       Keep track of that nagging toothache
In many cases, the pain of a toothache can flare up at specific times.  In order to help your dentist diagnose the problem quickly, have a journal that keeps track of everything you're doing when the pain gets worse.

4.       Be careful with pain relief
In the emergency dental world, there isn't much that's more common than a bad toothache.  However, if you use the wrong kind of pain relief products, you might actually make the pain worse.  By applying gels and aspirin right to the tooth, you can burn your gums. 
Instead, keep the pain meds to a minimum until your Los Angeles emergency dentist can assess the situation.

5.       Don't discount the idea of a cracked tooth
Toothaches aren't random; they don't show up for no reason.  It's very common for a Los Angeles emergency dentist to find a tiny crack that's only visible on x-rays -- but causes a ton of pain.  That's why, if you're in pain, call your dentist.  If you wait around, the pain is only going to get worse!
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


June 11, 2012

Want More Confidence? These New Dental Tools Can Give It to You!

By Arthur Kezian

Whether you're posing for pictures, out on a date, or meeting new people at a business conference, having a smile that you're not crazy about can do a number on your self-confidence.  If you've always dreamed about fixing your smile, these 5 advances have improved dentistry and can make your dreams a reality!

1.       Dental implants
Nothing's more embarrassing than having gaps in your smile.  Instead of fiddling with empty spaces or loose-fitting dentures, a good dentist can give you dental implants!  That's really just a fancy way of saying that you'll have little titanium roots screwed into your jaw bone, with a natural-looking crown or bridge on top. 
Unlike dentures, dental implants look and feel completely natural.  No one will ever know you have them!

2.       Laser teeth whitening
Maybe you're sick of those annoying trays and yucky bleaching chemicals.  Or, maybe you hate the tooth sensitivity you suffer from all of those chemicals.  Either way, laser teeth whitening can make your life a whole lot easier!
A good dentist uses a special laser to make your teeth as white as you want - in just one office visit.  It's a far cry from using trays for weeks on end!

3.       Gum sculpting
One of the biggest cosmetic dentistry complaints out there comes from people who have "little teeth".  When they smile, they feel like they're all gums!  Luckily, gum sculpting can make that a thing of the past.
In gum sculpting, A special laser is used that removes excess gum tissue and exposes more of your tooth.  As a result, your teeth will look longer, and your smile won't be nearly as "gummy".

4.       Porcelain
Today, some of the most popular advancements in dentistry involve porcelain.  That's because it's used for veneers and caps that cover up damaged and discolored teeth.  If you're insecure about your smile, a thin piece of porcelain may be all you need!


5.       Composite materials
Hate those old silver fillings that get darker with age?  Thanks to new advances, they're completely unnecessary!  That's because dentists are now using composite materials (made out of resin) to fill cavities. 
Composite materials can also be used to bond gaps between teeth.  No matter what you use them for, though, you can count on them to look natural.  That's because the resin used can be custom-blended to match your exact tooth shade.  You can have a mouth full of fillings, and no one will ever be able to tell!
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS  443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


June 4, 2012

Is TMJ Pain Ruining Your Life? Here's How to Solve the Problem

By Arthur Kezian
When you're dealing with a TMJ disorder, even the most simple of things - like eating, yawning, or talking - can be excruciating.  Trying to make conversation on a blind date or trying to enjoy a big, thick sandwich feels like agony.  That's why people with TMJ pain are desperate for answers and relief.
So, first things first - what causes TMJ pain?
Your TMJ - or, your Temporomandibular Joint - is the "hinge" that connects the side of your skull to your lower jaw.  Inside the joint, there is a small cartilage disc.  If that disc slides out of place, it puts pressure on the nerves around it.  Every time you open and close your mouth, the disc slides around, usually making a popping or clicking sound.
Why does the disc slide out of place?
There are a number of reasons - like a jaw injury, too much teeth grinding, chewing too much gum, or even experiencing too much stress.  No matter what causes the disc to move, the result is the same - intense pain.
How do I know if I have TMJ pain, and not something else?
Only a qualified TMJ specialist can tell you for sure that your discomfort is being caused by a TMJ problem.  A good dentist will give you a complete physical exam - including x-rays and a check of your bite alignment - to see exactly what's going on.
Typically, TMJ pain causes headaches, trouble opening and closing your mouth, cheek pain, muscle spasms, and ear pain.  In fact, some people's ear pain is so intense that they think they have an ear infection!
What can a good specialist do for me?
Once he figures out what's causing your specific pain, there are a number of things he can do to give you some relief.  Some of the most common TMJ pain treatments are:
-        Braces, specifically for people who have bites that are out of alignment

-        Mouth guards, which can eliminate excessive teeth grinding

-        Special stretches and massage techniques that can instantly relieve pain

-        Prescription pain killers and/or muscle relaxers, but only on a temporary basis

What if the problem is more serious?
If your pain has led to a lot of inflammation, your dentist can give you a corticosteroid shot.  However, this is only done in rare cases.
More and more TMJ dentists in Los Angeles are turning to laser therapy.  Specifically, they use a special laser to soften the cartilage disc.  That makes it easier for the disc to slide back into its proper place.
No matter what's causing your problem, you don't have to let TMJ pain ruin your life.  With the help of a good TMJ specialist, you can feel as good as new!
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
