April 16, 2012

These 5 New Cosmetic Dentistry Tools Will Give You a Reason to Smile!

By Arthur Kezian
If you're working with a good dentist, you can give your smile a brand new look.  That's because new tools and techniques are coming out all the time.  All of these advances in cosmetic dentistry have created more natural-looking finished products that aren't nearly as painful or as complicated as you might think!
Some of the biggest advances in dentistry in recent years are:

1.     Teeth whitening
Ask a group of people why they're headed to a Los Angeles cosmetic dentist, and the majority of them will tell you they're going to get their teeth whitened.  There are a few different options for teeth whitening, one of them being bleach trays. This option gives you the ability to whiten your teeth at your own pace in the comfort of your own home.
2.     Dental implants
Another big part of dentistry is dealing with teeth that have fallen out.  Before, you had to rely on dentures.  Today, dental implants look natural and feel secure in your mouth.
What are they?
Dental implants are actually artificial tooth roots (usually made out of titanium) that are screwed into your jaw bone.  Then, your dentist installs a crown or a bridge on top.  The end result looks just like a natural tooth!


3.     The use of composite materials
Whether you need a cavity filled or you need a gap in your teeth covered up, a good dentist will use composite materials to do it.  These materials are made out of resin, so they bond securely inside your mouth.  Plus, they can be custom-blended to match your exact tooth shade.
Thanks to composite materials, you can have tons of dental work done, and no one will ever know!

4.     The use of porcelain
Want a smile like an A-list celebrity's?  A good dentist will use porcelain to do it!  Because porcelain is now being used for veneers and caps, you can cover up damaged and discolored teeth.

5.     Gum sculpting
Insecure about your "tiny teeth"?  Embarrassed by your "gummy smile"? Cosmetic dentistry has taken a giant step forward with gum sculpting.  
How does it work?
Your dentist will use a special laser to remove excess gum tissue.  It will expose more of your teeth, which will immediately make them look longer.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777
