September 24, 2012

The Easy Road to Great Dental Cleaning

By Arthur Kezian
A dental cleaning can be looked at in two ways – the first being basic tooth brushing at home, and the second visiting a dentist. Many people brush their teeth twice a day, floss, and even use mouthwash to keep their breath fresh. Dental homecare is very important, but it is equally important to visit your dentist for more thorough cleanings.

Dental cleanings with you dentist:
Visiting your dentist once every six months is not mandatory, but it is definitely recommended for good dental hygiene. In doing so, you can keep your teeth free of tartar build-up and also stay on top of the condition of your teeth in regards to gum recession, bone loss, cavities, and even staining. Your teeth can stain, turn yellow, or lose their shine if you are a smoker, if you drink coffee, tea and wine regularly, or even because of age. To help reduce the staining your teeth are prone to, make sure you get your teeth polished along with a cleaning every six months.


Dental cleanings usually consists of a three step process. If your dentist is up-to-date with technology, then the cleaning usually starts with an ultrasonic scaler, or in dental terms, a cavitron. This instrument helps chip tartar away a lot more efficiently. The next step is the hand scaler, which the doctor uses manually to go over all the areas making sure not to leave any tartar behind. The final step in the cleaning is the coronal polishing. The dental assistants usually do the polishing; they use a polish paste to help remove stains off the surface of the teeth. In cases with a great extent of staining, powdered pumice can be added to the paste to make it coarser and help rid the stains quicker.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
