October 26, 2012

Dental Hygiene: A Brief History

By Arthur Kezian

Every day we use modern dental products such as an electric toothbrush and nylon floss to maintain
proper dental hygiene. Thankfully, the dental techniques used in modern day dentistry have come a long way. 
Dentistry is a field that has changed quite a bit throughout history.  Dr. Kezian uses the latest dental techniques to provide excellent dental care.  Let’s examine the history of dental hygiene to see how far we have come.
Origin Of The Toothbrush
Many people want to know the origin of the toothbrush.  The first evidence of a toothbrush was from 3000 BC.  A stick with a frayed end was found among the Egyptian pyramids.  A more widespread early toothbrush was from the Chinese.  Instead of a plastic handle, they used bamboo, a tough plant ubiquitous to China.  They used bristles from the hair of wild boars, especially the tough ones from the back of the neck.  Due to the toughness of boar hair, some people switched to softer horse hair which caused less irritation to the gums.  Nylon, created by DuPont Laboratories, was introduced in 1938.  Shortly thereafter, plastic handles were invented and the modern toothbrush was born.
The Beginnings Of the Toothpaste
Toothpaste goes hand in hand with toothbrushes as a key component of dental hygiene.  Again, the Egyptians were the first to create toothpaste like powder that when combined with saliva cleaned and whitened the teeth.  There was evidence that dental toothpaste was in use since 500 B.C in India and China.  Believe it or not but in the 19th century, charcoal was popular as a tooth cleaner!  As we moved into the 20th century, manufacturers replaced powders with pastes like we use today.  Modern toothpaste often contains fluoride and there are varieties specifically designed for sensitive teeth.
Dental Floss
Flossing has been around since the mid 1800s.  In fact, early types of floss were made from silk.  In the 1940s, floss material was switched to nylon because it was smoother and more durable.  Silk often splayed or shredded.  
In the past, poor dental hygiene caused tooth decay and tooth loss for many people.  Many people have called Dr. Charles Bass the “Father of Preventive Dentistry.”  He recognized that good oral hygiene resulting in clean teeth and gums lead to a drop in tooth loss.    The combination of modern toothpaste, toothbrushes, floss and dental treatments give everyone the tools they need for adequate oral and dental health.
As you can see, dentistry has come a long way from bamboo toothbrushes.  Dr. Kezian keeps up with the newest advances and developments in the field so that you the patient receive excellent care.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
