February 28, 2011

Bring Back Your Radiant Smile With A Dental Implant

By Arthur Kezian

Anyone who has lost a tooth can relate to the fact that a missing tooth can seriously affect your level of confidence, be it at work or at home. You will not be as comfortable smiling when you have a tooth missing especially if it is one of your front teeth. You have this constant worry about people noticing your missing tooth and laughing about it behind your back.

Once you get home, you sit down with your family for a meal only to realize that you will not be able to enjoy that big, juicy steak because you cannot chew properly with your missing tooth. This takes the joy out of eating and that can be really depressing. You will not be able to eat all your favorite foods just because you have a missing tooth. This is such a depressing thought but there is an easy solution to this kind of problem and that is a dental implant.

cosmetic implant is a synthetic tooth root which is attached to the jaw so that a bridge or replacement tooth can be attached. This is the most practical solution when a person has lost a tooth because of injury, tooth decay or some other periodontal disease.

There are two types of dental implants that can be used and these are the endosteal and the subperiosteal implants. The endosteal implant is the type that is commonly used to replace missing teeth. It involves the surgical attachment of cylinders, blades or screws into the jawbone. The subperiosteal implant is attached on top of the jawbone with part of the metal posts showing through the gums. This type of implant is usually used on patients who have inadequate jawbone height.

The advantage of a dental implant is that it looks very natural as if it is your own tooth. It will not look out of place amongst your pearly whites like a denture would. No one ever has to know that you have a tooth missing. Another advantage of a dental implant is that it lasts for a long time, with proper care. With your teeth complete, you can now smile with confidence and enjoy life to the fullest.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los AngelesCA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


When Do You Call an Emergency Dentist ?

By Arthur Kezian

Imagine yourself out and about when suddenly you have a dental emergency. Dental emergency by definition means an emergency involving the teeth that needs the immediate attention of a dental professional.

Before dialing the number of an emergency dentist, you have to assess if your dental problem is indeed an emergency. You do not want to visit a emergency dentist in the middle of the night when in reality, your dental problem can wait until morning. If you are having a severe toothache and it has become unbearable, that counts as a dental emergency. With a toothache that severe, there is no way you can get any sleep. The most common reason for a toothache is tooth decay and the pain will only go away if the decayed tooth is treated or filled. The best solution to your problem would be to contact a reliable emergency dentist immediately. There is no need for you to endure the pain for the entire night because an emergency dentist can help you no matter what time it is.

Another problem that could count as a dental emergency is when your tooth gets knocked out accidentally. This counts as a dental emergency especially if there is bleeding involved. You need to see an emergency dentist immediately because it increases the chances of your tooth being saved.

One can never tell when a dental emergency will occur so it helps to have a reliable dentist on your contact list. This is important so that you know the person to contact in case you have a dental problem in the wee hours of the morning and you simply cannot wait for regular clinic hours. When you are in severe pain and discomfort, you do not have to wait for morning to see your dentist. You can immediately contact an emergency dentist and get relief from the pain.

Dr. Kezian to provide you the highest standard of personalized dental care with a gentle, efficient and professional manner as a dentist. Dental veneers are one of the most popular ways to give people better smiles. If a tooth is knocked out, it can often times be re implanted by your dentist.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


February 16, 2011

Get Back to Your Natural Smile with Dental Implants

By Arthur Kezian
Did you know that there is a recent study from Germany that shows 97% of those who have received dental implants confirmed that they feel happy with their newly regained quality of life, improving their confidence and getting to go back with the natural feel of having real teeth and a great smile? Remember that teeth play an important role with the quality of your life. Improving and simply wanting to have healthy and beautiful teeth will enable everyone to enjoy how they eat, laugh out freely, speak clearly and correctly.

Though sometimes you cannot really avoid having early tooth loss due to having decay when you were younger right? You have a sweet tooth, eating chocolates and sweets to your hearts delight and sometimes forgetting to pay a visit to your dentist was once a part of your past. Then, as you grow older you begin to realize that you should have paid much more attention to your teeth when everything was still okay that time. Then there goes the dilemma of having it extracted at a younger age sometimes giving you low self esteem and loss of confidence.

Patients may only have superficial knowledge and information about dental implants. Sometimes they would simply think of the fear, pain and cost of this type of surgical procedure and will just give it a pass. What people don’t know is that dental implants can improve the quality of life compared to having no treatment at all.

Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of dental implants so that you would be able to make a wise choice as to which dental treatment you would like to have. So if there are any questions you would like to be answered, please ask your dentist any time. We always look forward to providing you with answers.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


February 11, 2011

Get Back to Your Natural Smile with Dental Implants

By Arthur Kezian
Patients may only have superficial knowledge and information about dental implants. Sometimes they would simply think of the fear, pain and cost of this type of surgical procedure and will just give it a pass. What people don’t know is that dental implants can improve the quality of life compared to having no treatment at all.
    A recent study from Germany shows that 97% of those who have received cosmetic dental implants confirmed that they feel happy with their newly regained quality of life proving their confidence and getting to go back with the natural feel of having real teeth and a great smile. Remember that teeth play an important role with the quality of your life. Improving and simply wanting to have healthy and beautiful teeth will enable everyone to enjoy how they eat, laugh out freely and speak clearly and correctly. Do not take your teeth for granted.

If you have experienced early loss of tooth these can cause the following:
·         Bony defects in the maxilla and mandible
·         Drifting, shifting and unnecessary movements of your teeth
·         Changes on your bite
·         Difficulty in chewing food
·         Your remaining teeth will result to excessive wearing
·         Chipped and cracked teeth
·         Pain in your jaw joints
·         Facial profile changes

    There are a number of solutions for replacing missing teeth. Your dentist will offer you different options such as wearing prosthesis like removable dentures, either complete or partial, fixed bridges – these are artificial crowns permanently cemented in your mouth, and lastly the most viable and long term solution among all options which are called dental implants.

    Dental implants have been an option for a long time already. It has been in the market for about 40 years. Notice how technology has advanced nowadays that dental implants are considered to replace teeth completely and for a long term basis. Now, you don’t have to feel any discomfort such as avoiding certain foods, risk bone loss and sudden changes in your facial profile which sometimes result from wearing dentures and permanent crowns and bridges.

What are the advantages of having dental implants?

·         It can replace one or more lost teeth
·         It reduces bone loss which sometimes are an effect of long time denture wear
·         The feel, look and function of having natural teeth
·         It doesn’t compromise the adjacent teeth where the dentist has to prepare a sound tooth as abutment for dentures and bridges
·         It makes chewing teeth and eating food more of a natural feel
·         Eliminates pain where often times are a result of wearing ill-fitting dentures
·         It improves the aesthetic appearance of a person
·         Are much easier to clean rather than the traditional ones

    Now you don’t have to hide your smile because you have missing teeth. Your confidence with speaking to colleagues, chewing and eating food without any difficulty will be regained in no time. Remember that dental implants are so natural looking that sometimes you might forget that you ever lost a tooth. Our office is equipped with the latest tools and our dental procedures are the latest in technology.  More importantly, our dentist  will work with care and compassion and patient well-being is of utmost importance.  Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


February 10, 2011

Dental Implants | Getting a Dental Implant

By Arthur Kezian
  If you are considering getting dental implants, this discussion is for you. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are used to help replace missing or damaged teeth. Unlike bridgework or dentures, a dental implant is placed within the jawbone. A titanium implant is inserted into the jawbone and is allowed to fuse with the bone.
    The actual process of creating and implanting these artificial roots and teeth may be interesting, but the prospective patient receiving them is probably more interested in things like:
·         Possible pain
·         How long it takes to recover from the procedure
·         Are they better than dentures and
·         How much it will cost?


Pain Management

    Pain management for dental implants is similar to that for tooth extraction or other oral surgery. Sedation dentistry can make the process easy and effortless for the patient who feels stress and anxiety during oral procedures.
    After the initial surgery, pain should be minimal. You may be given prescription pain relievers by your dentist if needed. A diet of soft food for the first seven days is a must.
    Any real pain after the procedure may be a warning sign that your new implant is too tight in the bone in your jaw. Always seek immediate help if (and when) you feel serious pain. Maintain good oral health by regular flossing and brushing. This will help prevent infection and will allow the new implant to fuse with the bone properly.

                        Healing and Recovery
    Healing and recovery can take up to six months (for full osseointegration, which is when the bone fully fuses with the titanium implant). When you are fully healed, your dentist will attach an abutment to the implant (which holds and supports the crown or tooth-like replacement) and a temporary crown. In some cases, your dentist may attach the abutment and temporary crown during the initial implant procedure.
   The temporary crown allows the gum to grow and shape itself around the place where the permanent crown will go. The final step is attaching the permanent crown.
    Once you have the permanent crown, continuing with regular flossing and brushing is vitally important, along with routine follow-up dental appointments and cleanings. When well cared for, a dental implant can last for more than 40 years.   
        Implants vs. Bridgework and Dentures
    The key to successful dental implant outcomes is keeping the mouth clean with regular brushing and flossing. The main cause of implant failure is bad oral hygiene.
    If you hate brushing and flossing, dental implants may not be for you. Then again, the rest of your teeth may not be for you, either, if you fail to brush and floss them!

                  How Much Will This Cost?
    Great question! Since each person's need for a dental implant will be different, you'll need to talk with a Dental Implant professional. Dr. Arthur Kezian is ready and willing to give you a “quick quote” during business hours, right over the phone.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


February 9, 2011

Change Your Entire Attitude with Help from a Cosmetic Dentist!

By Arthur Kezian

Does it seem like you never enjoy parties and dates, because you’re afraid to show off your discolored, crooked, or chipped teeth?
If you are self-conscious about your smile, it is something that’s holding you back both socially and professionally.  But, you don’t have to suffer with a smile that makes you uncomfortable.  Instead, you can give your smile – and your entire attitude – a makeover with help from a Los Angeles cosmetic dentist!
By working with a qualified cosmetic dentist, you can take easy and painless steps towards getting a healthier, more radiant smile. 
By investing in porcelain veneers.

Dental veneers are one of the most popular options for people who want better smiles.  They are designed to look completely natural.  In fact, porcelain and natural tooth enamel reflect light the exact same way, so no one will know you’ve been visiting a Los Angeles cosmetic dentist.  Instead, people will look at you and simply think you look great.
As an added benefit, getting porcelain veneers isn’t difficult.  In fact, a good cosmetic dentist can have them fully installed in as little as a week or two!
How different would your life be with porcelain veneers?
You could go out on a date without worrying that your smile is making the wrong impression.  You could head to a business meeting and voice your opinion without feeling self-conscious.  You could go to a party and make new friends, without worrying about people judging you because of your smile.
In fact, in Los Angeles porcelain veneers can give you a brand new attitude.  The work of a good Los Angeles cosmetic dentist doesn’t just give you a better smile.  It also makes you feel healthier and gives you more energy.
Think a healthy smile isn’t capable of all of that?  Think again! 

There are tons of psychologists out there who believe in a practice called “Smile Therapy”.  Simply put, with Smile Therapy, patients are told to make a conscious effort to smile more.  As a result, they can overcome their feelings of low self esteem and depression.  Research shows that the physical act of smiling can boost your entire mood, because it reduces the amount of stress hormones being produced in your body.
So, the next time you feel self conscious about showing off your smile, think about all of the good things that can come from a trip to a cosmetic dentist.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
