October 7, 2013

Dental Health – Gingivitis

By Arthur Kezian

Would you agree that being preventive is a good thing? If so, you would also agree that keeping up with your dental visits is good seeing as how it could be a preventive approach. By keeping up with your dental visits, you are also keeping up with your dental health.
 When dental health is mentioned many people refer to the health of your teeth. But, you can’t forget that your gums are also apart of your overall dental health. After the age of thirty, it gets even more important to take care of your gums. If your gums are not taken care of properly or routinely, you can develop gingivitis.

      Gingivitis - What is It?

Gingivitis is a form of gum disease but in its early stage. If you or your dentist notice inflammation of your gum tissues all around your teeth, that is a sign of gingivitis. Another sign to look out for is bleeding gums. Gingivitis can be painless, which may be a good thing on one hand, but on the other, it is bad. If there is no pain, then you probably won't be aware of the issue unless you always pay attention to your gums.

If gingivitis is left untreated, it can progress to periodontal disease which is also known as periodontitis. This disease can be very problematic and can result in bone loss as well as tooth loss in adults.

One of the leading causes for gingivitis is collected plaque on the surfaces of teeth. Plaque is basically bacteria that build up on your teeth if they are not taken care of properly (brushed every day). This plaque can slowly start to damage your gums and teeth. It is important to maintain your oral health and try to prevent gingivitis.

      Gingivitis - How to Prevent It

Home care is very important when it comes to your teeth and gums. To prevent gingivitis, you should brush twice a day to make sure you remove the plaque off your teeth and not let it build up. Dentists also recommend using toothpastes with fluoride because they contain certain components that attack the acid in plaque. Use mouthwash regularly to help kill bacteria and always floss!
Apart from home care it is important to keep up with your dental check-ups and cleanings. Your teeth and gums should be cleaned at least once every six months to make sure tartar is removed. A toothbrush can only clean so much. You need to visit a dentist for a more thorough cleaning of your teeth and gums.

Regular visits to your dentist are very important if you want to be preventive. Your dentist can help you keep your dental health in good condition. As long as you put effort into your home care and have your dentist helping you alongside, then you should not be worried about gingivitis. Take control of your health, keep it at a good level, and most importantly, maintain it!
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 http://www.drkezian.com
