June 1, 2011

How to Avoid Visits to an Emergency Dentist

By Arthur Kezian

If you are suffering from acute dental pain in the middle of the night then you will need the services of an emergency dentist. They will take steps to provide immediate relief from pain and then make a careful assessment of your case to work out a long term solution to your problem.

Emergency dentists will take up your case even if you have never visited their office before.
Toothaches are most often caused by tooth decay that has entered the pulp of the tooth. On the façade the problem might not appear so serious but once decay sets in the condition of such tooth can deteriorate rapidly. Pain is usually accompanied by infection. That is when you need the services of an emergency dentist. There are other reasons too for dental emergency.

Gum infections and periodontal abscess are a common cause of toothache. Gums around the tooth are severely affected when your wisdom tooth becomes infected. This also leads to conditions of severe dental pain and an emergency visit to the dentist.  Cracked tooth can also cause a tooth ache that can be quite unbearable. Like a deep decay, cracked teeth can also lead to infection of the pulp.

Dental emergency can be prevented by taking adequate dental care measures. Regular dental checkup and maintaining proper dental care can help prevent emergency dental situations. It is often seen that dental anxiety is an indirect cause of toothaches. Previous traumatic experiences at a dentist make you form a strong adverse opinion of all dental procedures leading to a situation where you avoid basic dental care. This can gradually lead to a situation where you will need to visit emergency dentist.

Experienced dentists are aware of such situations and can take care to help you change that opinion with proper counseling. This is where sedation dentistry can play a major role. Dental care can be made extremely comfortable with sedation dentistry; most patients do not even remember the time spent in the dentist’s office. Awareness that you have access to pain free dental care can help you overcome your anxiety and stay current with your routine dental care procedures. If you stay current with your checkups, the chances of you needing emergency visits are lower; this way you can avoid dental emergencies.

Advancement in modern dental techniques has made it easy to undergo any type of dental treatment without pain. You must ensure that you avail the services of an experienced dentist who has the necessary expertise in their chosen area of dentistry.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


Now Get the Smile That You Always Dreamt Of

By Arthur Kezian

Cosmetic dentistry is your best choice when it comes to improving your biggest asset that enhances your face value - your smile.
Good oral hygiene is imperative to keep your teeth and gums in fine shape. It is also necessary to visit your dentist regularly to maintain the good health of your teeth and to monitor any developing problems. However, for a few individuals, their teeth may still not look as attractive as they would like them to. This may be because of conditions such as stained teeth, improper alignment or unattractive shape due to uneven size and spacing between the teeth. All these factors combine to affect the overall look and smile factor.
Cosmetic dentists have the professional expertise to handle all types of dental problems including cosmetic dentistry. They are well versed in treating conditions that affect the quality of your smile. They have a wide range of dental techniques at their disposal that can be used to improve the appearance of your teeth and make your smile look more bewitching than ever.
The primary intent of cosmetic dentistry is to qualitatively improve the appearance of your teeth and enhance your smile. Unlike traditional dental care that focuses on keeping the teeth and gums in fine mettle, cosmetic dentistry concentrates on improving appearance. There are numerous options in restorative treatments available at your cosmetic dentist.
Basic cosmetic dentistry involves methods such as tooth-colored fillings to improve the looks of your teeth cosmetically by taking care of conditions caused by tooth decay. Porcelain or composite materials that match the color of your tooth are used to provide a more pleasing appearance. Treatment processes such as composite bonding take care of imperfections such as chips, breaks, discoloration and decay. Materials that take the natural color of gums and teeth are sculpted into position and hardened. They blend effortlessly with the rest of the teeth to create a beautiful, uniform look.
Teeth whitening are perhaps the most commonly used cosmetic dentistry procedure. Stains from excessive consumption of coffee, smoking and from certain types of food and beverages are removed during the teeth whitening process. The procedure is simple, painless and swift but the results can be spectacular.
There are many other cosmetic dentistry procedures such as dental veneers, dental implants and smile makeovers which are all designed to improve your dental appearance and enhance your smile in the way you always wanted it to look.
Choose the best cosmetic dentist for the best results at the most affordable prices.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777
