December 13, 2013

Porcelain Crowns and Veneers

By Arthur Kezian

Do you feel uncomfortable with your smile? Have you thought of way to change it? Whether you need it a little whiter and brighter or you want a big change, a cosmetic dentist can help you. Two treatments that can change your smile drastically are dental veneer procedures and dental crown procedures. Have you considered dental crowns or dental veneers? Although these two procedures are very different from each other, they both create a similar look for you and your smile. Cosmetic dentist, Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS, is experienced with dental crown and veneer procedures. Call his office today to get more information about the procedures!

Porcelain Veneers Bring Beautiful Smiles:

Porcelain crowns replace the outer portion of a tooth to maintain its original function. Crowns can be used in cases where decay has taken over a big portion of the tooth, when the tooth has experienced trauma, or after a root canal to give strength to the tooth. Crowns do not only replicate the function of your tooth but can also be made to look a lot like it, or even better than it looked before. Crowns can be made from a few different materials, all making the crown look very natural. One type of crown that many people opt for is the porcelain crown. This crown looks the best esthetically because it is all porcelain and metal margins do not show. Consult with your dentist to see which crown is best for your case and your budget.

The crown procedure is split up into two procedures. The first part includes getting you numb, removing the enamel of your tooth to make room for the crown to slip on, and taking impressions of the shape of the tooth after it has been restructured. These impressions are sent off to a lab where the crown will be made. Depending on your dentist’s schedule and the lab, your crowns will be made somewhere between one to two weeks. Until they are delivered back to the office, temporary crowns will be placed on the teeth being worked on so you can still chew and smile normally.

When your crowns are delivered, you will go in to have them seated permanently. Your dentist will make sure the crown fits correctly and looks nice before using permanent cement. The cement needs to dry for a few minutes and then the access cement will be cleaned out. This is the final step of the procedure.   

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers are very thin (usually porcelain) shells that cover the surface of your teeth. If you have problems with the size, shape, color, or alignment of your teeth, veneers could change that. The procedure for veneers is usually a two-appointment visit, the first being the preparation and the second being the seating of the veneers. Veneer procedures are a lot like crown procedures; the main difference is the amount of enamel that has to be removed. For veneers, only about half a millimeter of your tooth is removed; this is basically how thick the veneer is going to be. After your tooth is prepared, impressions are taken to be sent off to the lab. Just like crown cases, you would have to wait 1-2 weeks for the lab to send the veneers back to your dentist. Once the veneers are at the office, you are ready for the second stage of the procedure – the seating of the veneers.

Dental veneers and dental crowns can both be completed in as little as two visits. You can have a nicer, brighter smile in no time! If you’re interested in porcelain veneers or porcelain crowns, please call Dr. Arthur A. Kezian today! You can also log onto his website to find more information about crowns and veneers as well as before and after cases!

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


November 25, 2013

Dental Veneers Can Change Your Life

By Arthur Kezian
Once you start your career, or already have one that involves a lot of socializing, you are going to need to smile often. What happens if you don’t like your smile though? Don’t worry; a cosmetic dentist is just around the corner. If you have problems with the alignment, color, size, or just overall look of your teeth, then you could consider getting dental veneers.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian provides tremendous medical and professional assistance for dental health and care. He assures you have a long-term, fabulous smile on your face.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are basically thin shells made to cover the surface of your tooth. Veneers can be made from a few types of materials, including resin composite and porcelain. Resin veneers are thinner and don’t entail too much removal of teeth, but porcelain veneers seem to be a better option. Porcelain veneers resist stains a lot better and they also look more natural than other materials. Dental veneers made of porcelain usually last longer and look more esthetically pleasing.

The Procedure:

Once you and your dentist have treatment planned your procedure, you are ready to begin. The first step of the procedure would be to get you numb. Not too many patients enjoy this part, but remember, it is a very quick part of the procedure. Take a few, deep breaths through your nose to help you relax, and before you know it, the injection will be over.

Once you are fully numb, you are ready to undergo the dental procedure. Your dentist will remove a small layer (about half a millimeter) of your enamel to make room for the veneer that will be placed on your tooth. After some quick drilling, an impression will be taken of your teeth to be sent to a lab. The veneers will be delivered back to the office in about two weeks. Depending on your teeth, your dentist will make you temporary veneers until the permanent ones come in.

You will make a second appointment to finish the procedure when your veneers arrive. Your dentist will make sure that the veneers match your teeth in terms of shade and shape. If they look natural and fit correctly on your teeth, they can be bonded. Your teeth will be cleaned and etched to make sure the bonding remains strong. Once it is cemented in, a light cure is used to dry the cement. At this point you are almost done with the procedure; the only thing left to do is clean some of the excess cement off once it has dried.

Veneers can last somewhere between 5 to 10 years, but depending on your habits, your homecare, and the way you take care of them, they could last longer. If you’re interested in getting dental veneers, call Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS. He and his staff can help answer all your questions about dental veneers, you could even stop by the office to have a free consultation.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


November 15, 2013

What to Expect During a Root Canal Therapy Procedure

By Arthur Kezian

If you were to ask someone what a root canal was their reply would most likely consist of the words “painful” or “scary”. Why is this so? Many people fear the procedure, when in reality, there isn’t much to be afraid of. Surely, there have been cases where a patient has not liked the procedure, but there have been twice as more cases where the patient has been satisfied. People associate root canal therapy to the pain they felt before the procedure, and so, saying that a root canal is painful isn’t necessarily correct. Before we can jump into why a root canal is actually very beneficial, let’s break it down so you can have a better understanding of what happens.

Opening the Root Canal:

If you are having throbbing or pulsating pain coming from your tooth, it is probably because decay has reached the nerve of your tooth or there is an abscess and infection around the tip of your root. If this happens, you need to call a dental professional with emergency hours. They should be able to get you right in and start the first step of the root canal. If the nerve of your tooth is dead, you wouldn't really need anesthesia, but many dentists will give you some localized anesthesia anyways to make sure you are totally at ease and do not feel a thing. If the injection is the part you are afraid of, just remember, the pain lasts for a few seconds and then it is gone. We tend to hype things up in our minds and make situations seem worse than they really are. As long as you know you are in good hands, all you need to focus on is your breathing. Before you know it, the injection will be over.

Once you are fully numb, your dentist will create an access to the root of your tooth by drilling a hole from the biting surface. The bacteria is cleaned out, the decayed nerve tissues are taken out, and the pulp is removed. Specific files are used to make sure the tooth is thoroughly cleaned out. The first part to the procedure is done.

Closing the Root Canal:

The second part of the root canal therapy (RCT) involves closing the tooth back up. Depending on your dentist and the circumstance of your tooth, the tooth may be closed the same day it is opened and cleaned out or it may be left open for drainage, will have medication placed inside, and will be closed during a following appointment. If this is the case, the tooth is not actually left open. A small, temporary filling is placed on the tooth to prevent food and bacteria from entering. Once the tooth is ready to be sealed, a rubbery material is placed inside the tooth. This material is called gutta percha, and it basically replaces the nerve of your tooth. Once the tooth is filled, a more sturdy filling will close the access hole the dentist had made to get into the tooth. This is the final step to your root canal. Most dentists recommend you get a crown placed on top of a tooth that has a root canal to provide strength and support to the tooth.

Now, we can state that a root canal procedure is very beneficial. It saves your tooth from being extracted and it saves you from a lot of pain. There is no reason to fear a root canal procedure. Apart from an extraction, a root canal is the only way to stop a painful tooth from acting up.

If you have any questions regarding root canals or emergency dentists, feel free to call Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS. The office staff will be delighted to help you and answer all your questions. Dr. Kezian has been in the practice for more than 30 years and has done numerous root canal procedures. If a good, experienced dentist is what you need, call his office today.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


November 1, 2013

A Shot at a Second Chance: Dental Implants

By Arthur Kezian

Before you learn about something, it is important to cover the basics. So, for dental implants, the basics start from a simple question – what is a dental implant? A dental implant, just like any other implant, replaces a part of your body with something that looks or acts just like it. Dental implants replace your teeth; they provide a strong, natural looking tooth as well as a brighter, whiter smile. If you have a missing tooth, you should look into dental implants. Mentioned below are reasons why implants are beneficial followed by the procedure of a dental implant.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are helpful for people who have missing teeth or have a tooth that needs to be extracted. They boost up self esteem, especially for those who have had missing teeth for a while, and they make you feel comfortable with your smile. Apart from their physical appearance and the benefits that provides, implants also help you chew better and improve your speech (if you have missing teeth). Dental implants vary in success rates because everyone’s body is different. Generally speaking though, implants have a very high success rate. Patients who receive implants are so thankful that they can smile the way they used to. It’s amazing how much of a difference a smile can make!

The Procedure:

Once you’ve had a consultation with your dentist and have come up with a treatment plan, you are ready to start your implant procedure. During the first visit, the actual implant is placed into the socket of your bone where your missing tooth used to be. The implant is a small post usually made of titanium. This implant is left alone until the jawbone heals around it, giving it more structural support. As the bone grows around the implant it secures its place (the healing process is very important). The healing process depends on the person, but it usually takes around 2-3 months.

Once the implant is secured into the jawbone, you are ready for the second step. A small post that is used as a connector is attached to the implant. This is called the abutment and helps hold the new tooth that is going to be placed on it. The new tooth that is going to be used is going to be a crown. Everything after the abutment is basically a crown procedure. Your dentist will take impressions of your bite to create a model from it. This model is sent off to a lab where your new crown will be made to match your existing teeth. The crown is made very precisely taking shape, color, texture, and size into consideration; this is done to make the implants look as natural as possible.

When your crown is ready, your dentist will place it onto the abutment and adjust your bite to make sure it is not high or rough. This is basically the last step of the procedure. You then have a new tooth added to your smile and can feel more confident about smiling and laughing.

As far as keeping the dental implants under good condition, you have to treat it just like you would any other crown or your other teeth. You must brush and floss to keep it clean as well as keep up with your regular dental check-ups with your dentist to make sure the implant is doing fine.

If you have any questions or concerns about dental implants, contact Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS. He and his staff will be delighted to answer your questions and help you in every which way. Dr. Kezian has done many implant cases and with a quick consultation he can let you know if you are a good candidate. Call his office today; what do you have to lose?

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


October 22, 2013

Do You Have Dental Insurance?

By Arthur Kezian

Dental checkups and appointments are always necessary to make sure your teeth are in good condition. By keeping up with your routine dental visits, you and your dentist can keep an eye on areas of your teeth that could possibly be problematic in the future. This way, you know what to expect and can prevent the problem from getting too big. Dr. Arthur A. Kezian recommends seeing your dentist at least once every six months. Although this may seem like one visit too many, you need to see the bigger picture – by visiting your dentist more often, you can save yourself from facing big problems that will be costly for your and your family. If you don’t have a dentist yet, call Dr. Kezian. This is the ultimate solution in keeping your teeth and gums healthy.

Many people don’t focus on the continuance of good dental health because treatments can be expensive. Sometimes paying out of pocket can leave your pockets empty, but there is an alternative – dental insurance.

Do You Need Dental Coverage?

Many people do not know that they do not have dental insurance. This is because most health insurance plans do not include dental care. Also, if you are older and receive Medicare, this can also be an issue. Many dental offices do not take Medicare. Apart from that, Medicare does not necessarily pay dental claims. Before you apply for dental insurance, check your health insurance to see if dental is included.

Once you have dental insurance, it is important that you use your benefits and you use them wisely. With health insurance, you pay your deductible and then pay a lesser portion when your bill comes. With dental coverage though, it is the opposite. The insurance company covers a certain amount and you have to pay the balance of the bill. Once you have reached your yearly maximum, you have to pay out of pocket. If you think dental insurance is right for you and your family, you should ask your dentist which one has better coverage. Mentioned below are different types of dental insurances.
Types of Dental Insurances:

HMO Plans – these plans are pre-paid plans and usually need you to pick one dentist to take care of all your dental needs. These plans usually do not have deductibles or maximums. Instead, you pay a fixed dollar amount for specific dental services you undergo.

PPO Plans – these plans usually provide a network feature. They have a deductible and an annual maximum of coverage. This maximum differs amongst different PPO insurances. With this plan you pay a certain percentage of the reduced rate of your dental service and your plan pays for the rest. This percentage varies based on the work you are doing whether it is diagnostic or something more major. With a PPO plan, you can visit a dentist of your preference even if he or she is not in the network. With a PPO plan you usually have lower out-of-pocket costs.

It is up to you to see which dental option fits you best. Do some research before you decide to settle with a specific dental insurance It is important that you know about your plan with all its details. If you have questions about specific types of dental insurances, call Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS. His staff can help you with your questions and guide you in the right direction.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


October 7, 2013

Dental Health – Gingivitis

By Arthur Kezian

Would you agree that being preventive is a good thing? If so, you would also agree that keeping up with your dental visits is good seeing as how it could be a preventive approach. By keeping up with your dental visits, you are also keeping up with your dental health.
 When dental health is mentioned many people refer to the health of your teeth. But, you can’t forget that your gums are also apart of your overall dental health. After the age of thirty, it gets even more important to take care of your gums. If your gums are not taken care of properly or routinely, you can develop gingivitis.

      Gingivitis - What is It?

Gingivitis is a form of gum disease but in its early stage. If you or your dentist notice inflammation of your gum tissues all around your teeth, that is a sign of gingivitis. Another sign to look out for is bleeding gums. Gingivitis can be painless, which may be a good thing on one hand, but on the other, it is bad. If there is no pain, then you probably won't be aware of the issue unless you always pay attention to your gums.

If gingivitis is left untreated, it can progress to periodontal disease which is also known as periodontitis. This disease can be very problematic and can result in bone loss as well as tooth loss in adults.

One of the leading causes for gingivitis is collected plaque on the surfaces of teeth. Plaque is basically bacteria that build up on your teeth if they are not taken care of properly (brushed every day). This plaque can slowly start to damage your gums and teeth. It is important to maintain your oral health and try to prevent gingivitis.

      Gingivitis - How to Prevent It

Home care is very important when it comes to your teeth and gums. To prevent gingivitis, you should brush twice a day to make sure you remove the plaque off your teeth and not let it build up. Dentists also recommend using toothpastes with fluoride because they contain certain components that attack the acid in plaque. Use mouthwash regularly to help kill bacteria and always floss!
Apart from home care it is important to keep up with your dental check-ups and cleanings. Your teeth and gums should be cleaned at least once every six months to make sure tartar is removed. A toothbrush can only clean so much. You need to visit a dentist for a more thorough cleaning of your teeth and gums.

Regular visits to your dentist are very important if you want to be preventive. Your dentist can help you keep your dental health in good condition. As long as you put effort into your home care and have your dentist helping you alongside, then you should not be worried about gingivitis. Take control of your health, keep it at a good level, and most importantly, maintain it!
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


September 30, 2013

A Healthier Diet Can Lead to a Healthier Smile

By Arthur Kezian
Have you been thinking of changing your diet recently? Maybe you want to feel more energetic, maybe you want to lose some weight, or maybe you just want better overall health. Did you know that your diet also affects your teeth? What you eat or don’t eat have a correlation with the health of your teeth. Eating healthier doesn’t only keep your body healthy, but it keeps you with healthy teeth and gums. Specific types of food can either be beneficial to your teeth or can be harmful. Ask your family dentist about types of foods that will be advantageous to your oral health. Mentioned below are some important things to know:

Importance of Calcium:

As we all know, calcium is good for our bones, but it doesn’t stop there. Calcium is also good for our teeth; it decreases bone loss and improves tooth retention. Adding calcium to your diet is great to help form strong teeth and bones, as well as Vitamin D, which the body uses to absorb calcium. Some good examples of calcium can be low-fat dairy products, almonds, dark green vegetables, as well as canned salmon or sardines (with bones).  

Importance of Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is important when it comes to gums as it helps keep the lining of the gums healthy. Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, which makes up connective tissue. This means Vitamin C will be beneficial for the connective tissue of your gums and your periodontal ligaments. Lack of Vitamin C can cause gum related problems or loose teeth.

Stay away from Sodas:

They might be called “soft” drinks but they are hard on your teeth. Acids and acidic sugars in soft drinks soften tooth enamel and contribute to the development of cavities. Weak enamel is bad in itself, but when combined with bad oral hygiene, tooth loss can occur. Not only do sodas and soft drinks weaken your enamel but they also stain your teeth. Your dentist might recommend that you try substituting your soft drinks with 100% fruit juices, or milk, or better yet, water.

Stay away from Sweets:

Candies, caramel, and other sugary foods should be cut down. They cling to the surfaces of your teeth and also take a while to dissolve. This is harmful to your teeth. The longer the sugar stays on your teeth, the quicker the cavity can occur. This means if you are constantly having candy and sugars, you are probably prone to getting cavities.

Citrus and Teeth:

You may think citrus or lemon would be good for your teeth, but they are not. Foods that are acidic in nature can erode your enamel. Enamel erosion can cause sensitivity or pain in your teeth. This sensitivity can be when your brush or even when you drink hot or cold liquids. Sometimes thinning of the enamel can also cause the teeth to look more yellow. If you can cut down on acidic meals, that would be beneficial. If you do not want to cut back on acidic foods, try to brush your teeth right after you consume them. You can even finish your meal with a glass of milk or a piece of cheese to neutralize the acids.

All in all, your teeth should be taken care of everyday. Do not neglect them because their overall health is important to the rest of your health. Because foods and drinks play a big role in your oral health, it is important to watch and maintain what you eat. If you have any questions regarding the connection between foods and drinks to your oral health then ask your family dentist to elaborate on the topic.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS, can help you with all your questions. Give his office a call today to find out more information on how to keep your teeth and gums in good shape!

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777



September 23, 2013

Change Your Smile through Cosmetic Dentistry

By Arthur Kezian

Are you tired of looking at your smile in the mirror and not liking what you see? A cosmetic dentist can help you. From very subtle changes to major reconstructive treatments, a cosmetic dentist has many procedures available for you. Depending on your preferences, your dentist can help you get to the smile you want. Some people like getting major work done to change their smile, while others prefer being more conservative and making minor changes that still make a difference. Mentioned below are some things your cosmetic dentist can do to help make your smile look more appealing.


Bleaching is a very popular dental treatment that can change the look of your teeth dramatically. Overtime, your enamel changes color. You lose the natural shine of your teeth as they turn slightly yellowish.

  • One factor that contributes to the yellowing of teeth is poor dental hygiene. Lack of proper hygiene (brushing and flossing to remove plaque and other staining substances) can cause your teeth to discolor.
  • Another major factor can be the foods and drinks you consume. Coffee, tea, soda, wine, and certain foods can stain your teeth.
  • Tobacco also plays a big role in staining. Smoking or chewing tobacco can leave stains on your teeth that are hard to get rid of with just brushing, especially if you are a chain smoker.
  • Age is also a factor of yellowish teeth. Since this can not be controlled, it is best to look into ways to brighten your teeth and keep your smile looking healthy and vibrant.

Ask your dentist about the type of bleaching done at the office. Some dentists do laser bleaching while others prefer in-home bleaching trays. Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS prefers the latter. In-home bleaching trays are not only safer, but they are twice as convenient. You can start the bleaching whenever you want and stop whenever you feel you have reached your desired shade of white. Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth to create your custom mouthpiece. This way, the trays fit proportionally to your smile and give you better results.

Contouring and Reshaping

Apart from bleaching, another simple dental treatment to improve your smile can be reshaping. If you have slightly crooked or overlapped teeth, really lengthy teeth, or chipped and jagged edged teeth, your dentist can fix those problems in one simple dental visit. Using a hand piece (drill), your dentist can adjust your teeth. This is almost like art; a few adjustments here and a few adjustments there can leave you with a beautiful smile. You would be surprised how the smallest change can make the biggest difference in some patients’ teeth.


Another simple procedure is dental bonding. This may take longer than contouring or reshaping teeth, but it is still categorized as one of the simple procedures done by a dentist. If you have gaps or fairly big chips (especially on your front teeth) and want to fix them without having major work done, then bonding is the right treatment for you. Bonding is very similar to a tooth filling. Sometimes patients with short teeth can also do bondings to make their teeth look longer. Bonding is not as advantageous as a veneer or a crown, but it does get the job done for someone who is looking to save money. Depending on your habits, a bonding can last somewhere from 3 to 10 years. Every once in a while, a bonded tooth should be touched up or restored by your dentist.

Ask your dentist about these simple options that can benefit you in two ways – change your smile and be more cost efficient. If you have any questions pertaining any of the aforementioned treatment options, call Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS. His staff will be ready to answer your questions, or better yet, make an appointment for you to have a consultation with the dentist.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


September 16, 2013

Emergency Dental Professional - Quick Relief

By Arthur Kezian

It’s hard to keep regular appointments for dental issues because let's be honest, some people just don't like the dentist. The overall health of the patient is severely affected due to lack of oral care. So whenever you are at a stage where you are extremely frustrated and find yourself completely unable to make good decision regarding appropriate dental treatment then go for Dr Arthur A. Kezian. He is indeed the best option to all the problems related to dental health which causes irritation for you. He is the ultimate source to bring a bright smile to your face. The procedure regarding dental extractions is a very delicate one and should be done by a dentist you can trust!

Pleasing Dental Visits for Sedating Treatments:

·         Most of the people really get afraid while visiting their doctors. They feel quite depressed and the dental problem gets prolonged due to negligence and you need to consult a dentist. So it’s better to avoid all such possible conditions.

·         So these treatments will eventually help you to relax your nerves and find better and correct solutions for your concerned problems.

·         Now you need not to worry in order to maintain regular appointments with your dentist due to the anesthetic procedures that they usually carry on.

Sedating Solutions for Dealing Frustrations:

·         People generally linger on their dental issues due to the fear they have in their minds for the dentist. They think that it’s a very painful method that will cause nothing much rather than giving a painful feeling.

·         The solutions for irritable dental problems need to be solved as soon as possible. Dr Kezian and Staff have pretty much good stuff to help out people in solving their issues.

·         Many people prefer to take the sedation treatments orally. In fact it can be useful if you take one or at least two tablets prior to the beginning of the treatment. It’s good to have consultations regarding extraction treatments with your doctor so that the problem is solved timely.

Alternative Solution of Surgery:

·         The modern and concurrent technology is producing enormous solutions to complex problems which otherwise seems impossible to be solved. These solutions have lessened the chances to visit an emergency dentist which seemed to be the only solution to solve the dental issues.

·         The fear of surgery is not almost finished since people are reluctant to have either minor or major surgeries for their health problems.

·         Dr. Arthur A. Kezian is the only name that comes into mind when you are thinking about alternatives methods and techniques in comparison to surgery. Since the former mentioned solution is not only expensive rather its causes much pain .So it’s good to have a better solution which makes your life easy and smart.

Why One Should Go For Sedation Dentist?

Although it seems to be less effective, but it’s always advisable rather mandatory to have solutions for your dental problems. Fear, aggression and frustration are not the solution to overcome the dental problems. Though it sounds very dangerous when you plan to visit your dentist but one should go for heuristic evaluation methods for solving a specific problem. Rather Dr. Kezian and Staff have a good repute in the market for providing consultancy regarding dental solutions for ambiguous problems which apparently seems to be tough and impossible to be solved.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


September 9, 2013

Dentistry: All About Dental Crowns

By Arthur Kezian

You have probably heard people talking about dental crowns, or know someone who is about to get one. If you aren’t familiar with and want to know about the basics of a crown, you have come to the right place. A crown is basically a cap that is placed over a tooth for structural support. It can improve a tooth’s strength as well as its looks. Crowns may be used to protect a weak tooth, to restore a broken tooth, to cover a tooth that doesn’t have enough tooth structure because it had a big filling and can not be re-filled, and to cover a tooth with a root-canal, bridge, or implant. There are a few types of crowns that are mostly used nowadays. Keep reading on to find out about different crown types and crown procedures done by a local dentist.

All Metal Crowns:

Metal crowns are usually made of alloys such as gold, palladium, nickel, or other base-metals. If a metal crown is used, less tooth structure needs to be taken out as compared to other types of crowns. Metal crowns are very strong and can take biting and chewing forces well. In regards to wearing down, metal crowns probably last the longest of all crowns, and they very rarely break or have a chip. The only problem with metal crowns is the appearance because they have a dark color to them. They are usually used for back molars because those teeth are not as visible.  

Porcelain Fused to Metal:

  • Unlike the metal crowns, porcelain fused to metal crowns can be matched to your exact tooth shade. These crowns are self-explanatory. They are porcelain crowns but they are fused to metal – the inside layer is metal while the outside layer is porcelain. As far as looks go, porcelain fused to metal crowns are commonly used because they look more esthetically pleasing. Although these crowns look nicer than all metal crowns, they have a higher chance or breaking or chipping because the outer layer (porcelain) is not as sturdy as the metal crowns. Even though there is a chance of breakage, it rarely occurs. One concern patients might have about porcelain fused to metal crowns is that over time the metal underneath the crown might show through as a dark line, or show around the gum line if the gum line recedes. Other than this, porcelain fused to metal crowns are a great option. You and your dentist can discuss which crown is best suitable for you and your budget.

All Porcelain Crowns:

All porcelain crowns are also self-explanatory; they are made of porcelain and do not have any metals. For looks, these are probably the best crowns. They look very natural and blend in with your smile. They can be matched to your exact tooth shade just like porcelain fused to metal crowns, except these crowns won’t leave dark lines around your gums because they do not have metal on the inside. These crowns would be best for patients who have allergies to types of metals. Although they look great, they are not as strong as crowns with metals. You can have a discussion with your dentist to see if all porcelain crowns are suitable for your teeth. Most patients nowadays opt for porcelain crowns because they look the most natural. If you want to have a natural looking smile, make sure you ask your dental office about the types of crows they work with.

Crowns can be done is two appointments, the first being the preparation of the crown, and the second being the seating of the crown.  Ask your dental professional to describe the steps he/she uses for a crown procedure. It is best to know exactly what is going on during the procedure. This makes you more aware which in turn makes your more relaxed. Many patients have had satisfactory crown procedures done. If you need a crown, then don’t hesitate to call your dentist. Your case can be the next satisfactory crown case!

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


Los Angeles Dentist - Root Canal

By Arthur Kezian

You are feeling an ache around your jaw, you can’t sleep at nights, your teeth are causing a throbbing and pulsating type of pain, and you can’t bite down or chew on anything without a twinge – all of these are symptoms of a root canal. This is when you need to make an appointment with a reliable and experienced dentist. Dr. Arthur A. Kezian has been completing root canal procedures for over thirty years now and is more than experienced in the field. His office takes emergency appointments so you can be sure you will be out of pain in no time. Dr. Kezian will use all his skills and advanced equipment to get you out of pain as quickly as possible.

What is a Root Canal?

  • A root canal treatment is a procedure done by a dentist, usually an endodontist, to save a tooth that has an infection or has decay into the nerve.
  • Many people fear root canals and make the procedure sound worse than it really is. Patients associate a root canal procedure to the pain they feel prior to the procedure. Teeth that need root canals can be very painful, but the procedure itself is not; in fact, it feels no different than a filling since you are numb.
  • Since the only function of the nerve of a tooth is to provide sensation, then taking it out has no harmful effect to the tooth. This is the gist of a root canal – the action of taking the root (nerve) out of its canal.
What to Expect during the Procedure:
  • Before starting a root canal your dentist must confirm that the tooth has a possibility of being saved and doesn’t necessarily need to be taken out. For this, an X-Ray will be taken of your tooth for your dentist to evaluate.
  • After confirming and treatment planning, you are given local anesthesia to make sure you do not feel anything during the procedure.
  • Following the anesthesia, your dentist will create access to the nerve by drilling into the tooth. Keep in mind, you won’t be feeling a thing. The bacteria are then cleaned out from the tooth using different files and drills. Once the tooth is cleaned, it is ready to be closed again. Depending on the dentist and how the procedure is done the tooth will either be temporarily sealed until the next appointment or the root canal will be finished in one appointment. Your endodontist will decide this.
  • Depending on your tooth, you may or may not need a crown after the root canal. Most cases need a crown after a root canal because the decay was either too deep making the tooth weak, or there was a big filling prior to the procedure that can’t be replaced because of its size.
What to Expect after the Procedure:
  • After your root canal treatment is complete, your dentist will probably provide you with a prescription for a pain killer. This can be necessary because for the first few days following your procedure, your tooth might feel sensitive due to inflammation. Pain killers such as Motrin or Advil can ease the sensitivity you might feel. Sometimes, depending on how large your infection was, your dentist might prescribe you something stronger such as Tylenol 3 with codeine.
  • Although there are complications at times, most root canals are satisfactory. After your root canal treatment you can go about your normal activities. If you have a crown over your root canal it is recommended to be extra cautious on keeping it clean – this means brushing and flossing habitually.
There is no need to fear a root canal; after all, it is what saves you from a whole lot of pain. If you have any questions regarding the treatment of a root canal then don’t hesitate to call Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS and Staff.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


August 20, 2013

Effective Ways to Adapt a Beautiful Smile

By Arthur Kezian

A smile is not just something you do, but it is something that represents you. When you feel good about something, you smile, and others can see your happiness because of your smile. But what happens when you don’t like your smile? Even when you are happy, you can’t smile or laugh because you are worried about your looks. Hiding away your smile will give your self-confidence the exact opposite of what it needs. Don’t you think it’s time to boost your self-esteem up? Stop hiding your smile; it is time to let it shine. With the help of the latest cosmetic dental treatments you can easily repair the physical appearance of your teeth. Even if you have missing teeth, dental implants can help bring back your smile. For all such cosmetic dental treatments, Dr. Arthur A. Kezian is recognized as the leading dentist. He not only has the knowledge but the experience in this field. He is fully equipped with all possible solutions for dental issues. Here are some main points that could help increase your confidence by making your smile look pleasing.

Diagnosis and Treatment:

·         Before giving the right treatment, a proper examination and diagnosis is necessary to help identify the issue. For this, dentists normally take x-rays and assess the dental health of a person so that appropriate treatments are suggested. It is also very necessary to examine the dental health before giving the cosmetic treatments.

·         If you take the treatments from Dr. Kezian, one of the great facilities is the online forum. You can take the help and assistance to remove the current dental issues and have the perfect smile. It also guides you about removing the stains of the teeth and improves the color and shine of teeth through the use of white fillings.

Curative and Remedial Cosmetic Dental Measures:

·         With the help of diagnosis, a dentist is able to judge the complete internal as well as external health of gums and teeth. He or she is able to recommend the appropriate treatments. All such treatments are aligned to increase the dental health leads to perfect smile.

·         Take an example of implants which helps to restore the position and appearance of the teeth.

·         Numerous other treatments are available which help to regain the health of teeth. These treatments help to make your teeth safe and secure from teeth decay or any other bacterial infections. Moreover, ever long problems of gums can also be treated through such cosmetic dentistry.

Perfect Smile by Renovation Techniques:

·         After ensuring the dental health, various treatments are suggested to increase the appearance and look of the teeth. In these treatments aligning, whitening and reshaping of teeth are very common. So if you want to get the knowledge about that you can consult Dr. Kezian and staff, they will be ready to answer your questions.

·         In order to improve the color of teeth or want to get the stain free teeth, white fillings are available in the market which is normally in practice by a dentist. These fillings help to retain the original color of teeth. They also help acquire a nice smile.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


August 12, 2013

What Determines a Great Dentist?

By Arthur Kezian

If you are looking for a good dentist in Los Angeles, you have come to the right place. Nestled in Larchmont Village is a cozy dental office that is waiting to greet you and treat you. Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS is a dentist who is overly experience with cosmetic procedures, general dental procedures, as well as surgical procedures regarding extractions and implants. Call his office to make a consultation today; whether you have pain, sensitivity, gum issues, or just want a cleaning and a check up, Dr. Kezian and his staff will help you and make sure you leave satisfied. He is a dentist
who provides all sorts of cosmetic dental treatments to give you your smile back. He keeps up with the latest advances in cosmetic dental technology which is imperative to ensure patients receive the great dental care. His sole mission is to provide a beautiful smile to everybody irrespective of the age or caste.

A Great Dentist has a Great Staff      

·       As important it is to find a good dentist, it is also important to find one who has a great staff. This is highly important because you will spend most of your dental experience with the staff. Because of this, Dr. Kezian pays very close attention to his staff. He makes sure they are righteous and ready to aid patients in many different ways. He has hired a great staff that works alongside him and is committed to the office.
·         When you walk through the door you will be greeted with smiles and the staff will do their best to make sure you also leave smiling.
·         Call Dr. Kezian today to have a chance to meet a great dentist and his wonderful staff.

A Great Dentist has Great Equipment

·    Whether you are getting a regular cleaning or you are getting an abutment for an implant, it is important that your dentist has up-to-date equipment to help make the treatment quicker, easier, and pain free.
  • It is also important that your dentist has an up-to-date X-Ray machine; this means it should be digital. Digital X-Rays are beneficial in more than one way. You know your dentist really cares about your comfort and your health when he or she has digital X-Rays.
  • Along with having the great equipment, they should also be kept neat and clean. A clean office is a good office. The more the office focuses on cleanliness the more the patients will notice.

                                                                      A Great Dentist Explains
You, as a patient, should know exactly what is going to be happening to you during a procedure. Although dental work is not as immense as a surgery, it is still important to be informed about every step. Your dentist should agree with this and should give you the information you need to know as well as the proper guidelines about what to do before the treatment and what to do after.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian also gives you the option to pay in different methods so that you are happy with the procedure as well as the expense. His staff will suggest ideal solutions to suit different budgets. He has a special customer support section which works round the clock to help patients with various payment options.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777
