April 19, 2013

How to Maintain the Beauty of Teeth through Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is highly recommended for the care and treatment of your teeth. There are a lot of treatments that help maintain dental health and allow you to acquire a beautiful smile. Healthy and strong teeth help strengthen your jaw and make eating much simpler.  To get or maintain healthy teeth, you should consult a reliable dentist. Dr Arthur A. Kezian is a well known dentist that not only ensures your teeth are healthy, but that they look amazing as well. He may recommend some of these common treatments:
For Alluring Smiles:
·         If you have stained or discolored teeth, you don’t have to worry. Whitening treatments that restore the color of your teeth are available. This allows you to have an attractive and elegant looking smile.
·         Dr. Kezian prefers whitening trays over laser treatments for whitening teeth; this is because the trays are safer, more effective, and can be done at the comfort of your own home.
·         After just five consecutive days of whitening, you can see a whole shade of a difference. Whiter teeth can increase your self confidence and poise. 
·         Those who are worried and suppressed by their teeth due to their color can change their smile in just a few days! 
For perfect composition:
·         If you have a broken, chipped, or fractured tooth, you should attend to it as soon as possible. In this regard, a cosmetic dental office provides incredible solutions for the recovery and restoration of your teeth.
·         In most of the cases, oral cavities become the cause of fractures or chipped teeth. For reducing the impact of oral cavities, you must have a proper dental routine at home and maintain your six month check ups with your dentist.  For chipped teeth, fillings and bondings can be recommended, but for something larger, like a broken tooth, a crown may be suggested.
·         Crowns and veneers are also used to close gaps and help make your smile look more aesthetically pleasing.
·         In cases of missing teeth, an implant procedure may be an option. Discuss with your dentist to see if an implant is right for you. You should confer about the amount of bone level you have, your healing process, the time it takes to finalize and complete the procedure, as well as the cost of the procedure and payment options.
While socializing, one of the first noticeable things is your smile. Everyone wants to have a Hollywood smile, but not everyone makes it a priority. You can consult a cosmetic dentist for all the different options for improving and bettering your smile. With the help of an experienced dentist you can acquire a smile that will definitely be noticed, in a good way, of course.
Visit Dr. Arthur A. Kezian’s website for more information about all the aforementioned procedures; don’t wait for your smile to change, make it change.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
