January 11, 2013

Dental Health: Flossing is Very Important

By Arthur Kezian
Did you know that having good dental care can affect arthritis in the knees? Recent studies have proven that there is a direct correlation between arthritis and the teeth in your mouth. Dr. Kezian knows that this is an issue and wants all of his patients – and those who may read this – to consider the following points.
How Does It Affect Your Knees?
·         The same bacterium that is found in patients who have gum disease are oftentimes found in the knees. This can cause osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
·         Researchers believe that the bacterium travels the blood stream and affects different parts of the body. If a body part has pre-existing inflammation, then the inflammation grows when the bacteria from the mouth presents itself.
What To Do?
·         Having good oral hygiene can make all the difference in your physical body’s affect to sicknesses. Studies have shown that many diseases are related to bad hygiene in the mouth and can include, but are not limited to, diabetes; stroke; and heart disease.
·         If your mouth has the following symptoms of gum disease : ruddy or swollen gums; blood found upon brushing your teeth; bad breath; or gums receding from teeth, you may already have a gum disease and should focus on getting immediate dental care
·         Before your arthritis develops, you should have frequent Dental visits – at least, twice a year, unless otherwise noted – to Dr. Kezian and staff. They know how to take care of you and will provide you with the best care for your teeth.
·         You should also begin to brush your teeth at least twice a day; floss once a day, unless otherwise needed more; and use mouth rinse to cleanse all bacteria from your mouth.
Reversing The Effects:
·         You can reverse the affects of gum disease by adapting a healthy routine of dental care.
·         If you choose to get your teeth cleaned at least twice a year, you will notice a huge difference in your oral hygiene. 
·         Adapting a thorough regimen of brushing, flossing, and rinsing will eliminate all unhealthy bacteria from your gums.
·         If you have good dental care, do not forsake continuing on in your care as your health depends on it.
Visiting The Dentist:
·         If you already have poor gums and teeth; it is not too late to start working on your oral hygiene. Begin by coming to the Dentist and making it a regular experience.
·         When you visit him, ask him all the questions you may have about how to fix the side effects of years of poor hygiene.
·         Listen to him and do not try to argue; he knows what he is talking about. If you do not understand something, ask him to clarify it.
·         Begin to adapt lifestyle changes to help your dental – and over all – care.
·         If started and caught, it is possible to completely ratify the spread of the bacteria found in gum diseases.  You can be completely free from all the health woes that come with improper dental care.
If you have had arthritis pain, it may because of the health of your gums and mouth. Researchers have linked these together as commonly occurring as one. To get rid of the pain, you can begin to adapt a healthy understanding and practice of hygiene in your mouth. Begin to visit your Dentist at least two times a year; brush your teeth twice a day (at least); use floss and mouthwash; and pay attention to any symptom of gum disease that may arise. You can reverse the affects of arthritis and other health-related issues if you adapt good oral hygiene and have good dental care.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
