May 25, 2011

What You Need to Know About Lava Crowns

By Arthur Kezian

Here are some facts about Lava crowns.
·         Lava crowns are excellent solutions to restoring chipped, damaged, stained or cracked teeth. It is also referred to dental laminates and dental veneers
·         Patients who have unwanted gaps especially in the upper middle teeth that easily is noticeable whenever they smile can be easily corrected with porcelain veneers. No need to wear braces which usually is a long treatment and some patients may not want that.
·         Porcelain veneers are like fake nails and wafer thin like which are custom designed and glued or bonded on front surfaces of your natural teeth. A .5 mm reduction is done on the surface of your teeth and do try to remember this is not a reversible process.
·         Porcelain veneers are translucent which exactly the same with the enamel layer of our natural teeth. Both are translucent where light passes unto the tooth enamel and is reflected on the opaque area which is the dentin. Porcelain veneers emits the same characteristics with that of the enamel of the tooth giving you a complete natural look.
·         Having cosmetic dentistry done such as porcelain veneers resists staining. This is one advantage of type of cosmetic material; there is no need to avoid having discolorations one gets from drinking and eating colored food and beverages such as tea, red wine, soda and coffee. Stain from tobacco and cigarettes also does not affect with the color of your veneers in fact, Lava crowns are the solution to cover such damages from these materials.
·         Tooth preparation and laboratory fabrication usually doesn't take that long. Usually it only takes a week’s time for it to be installed. You will be wearing temporaries in between visits.
·       Lava crowns are made of strong material and can resist most of the forces placed unto the teeth with normal diet. But remember that porcelain veneers have strong crushing strength but low in tensile strength, so try to avoid any twisting motion of your tooth when you bite with your crown (i.e. opening a bag of chips, biting onto a bone, opening pistachio nuts, or even biting into apples). Listen to your dentist’s advice regarding this matter.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los AngelesCA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


There is nothing to Fear about Dental X-rays for your Children

By Arthur Kezian
Are you scared or bothered when your child needs to have his/her x-rays done? Well, don’t be because it is okay. Dental X-rays are considered safe and okay.
Digital X-Rays have far less radiation than film X-Rays do and they are considered to be more safe. Exposing your children to a minimal amount of radiation is okay, just as long as standard safety precautions are taken, today's X-ray equipment usually eliminates unnecessary radiation and allows the dentist to focus the X-ray beam on a specific part of the mouth.
Sometimes when you hear someone mentioning the word “radiation”, it gives you an unpleasant feel and an array of negative images for most people. Radiation does not always conjure with the word cancer, bomb, and all kinds of negativity. Medical and dental professionals consider x-rays as beneficial for diagnosing and treating a wide variety of medical conditions.
What are Dental X-rays?
X-Rays are high-energy photons which take pictures of the teeth, bones, and its surrounding structures that have more energy and short wavelengths than ordinary visible light. It acts out as a diagnostic material for checking cavities in teeth, underlying dental structures such as bone defects and impacted wisdom teeth. X-Rays play an integral part in diagnosing a dental problem most especially structures that cannot be seen during a visual examination.

There is definitely nothing to fear about your child having X-Rays. If you have questions regarding this matter, feel free to ask about how helpful and useful X-Rays are when it comes to diagnosing medical and dental conditions. They will attend to you immediately and answer to all your questions regarding this matter.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
