June 25, 2012

Are Digital X-Rays That Much Better Than Film? Yes!

By Arthur Kezian
Dentists have been using x-rays to spot issues for decades, and now, they've got a new tool that makes diagnosing problems even easier -- digital x-rays.
How do they work?
If your dentist uses digital X-Rays, he'll put digital sensors inside your mouth.  On the other end of those sensors is a wire that's connected to a computer.  As soon as the sensors take the pictures of your teeth, they're sent into the computer.  Instead of having to wait for them to be developed, you and your dentist can look at the x-rays immediately.
But are digital x-rays really worth all of the hype?  Are they really that much better than the traditional film x-rays? Yes!

Here's why:

1.      They offer clearer images
Because the equipment is so advanced, digital x-rays are clearer than what you'll see on any film.  They're also much less likely to get over- or under-exposed. 
But it's not all about looks. 
Having clearer x-rays makes it easier for your dentist to see the tiniest of problems.  And, the sooner he can spot issues, the easier it is for him to treat them.  That way, you don't have to worry about a small problem going undetected -- and turning into a big problem later!

2.      They can be enhanced
Just like the photos you take with your digital camera, digital x-rays can be enhanced inside your dentist's computer.  He can zoom in, adjust the brightness, or even adjust the contrast.


3.      They're more comfortable
If you're like most people, you hate biting down on those uncomfortable pieces of cardboard that help position your teeth for film x-rays.  Luckily, they're not needed when you get digital x-rays!

4.      They subject you to less radiation
Digital x-rays can be a whole lot more comfortable for your insides, too!  Traditional film x-rays don't emit a ton of radiation, but it's certainly more than you'd like to be exposed to.  Because the equipment is so much more sophisticated, digital x-rays can reduce the amount of radiation you're exposed to by 80%!

5.      They're easy to share
If your dentist uses traditional film x-rays, there's no easy way to share them.  If you need to have a specialist take a look at them, you'll have to get in your car, drive to your dentist's office, pick them up, and take them to your specialist's office. What a waste of time!
But since digital x-rays are stored as a file on your dentist's computer, sending them to a specialist is as easy as sending an email!
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
