September 21, 2012

Silver Fillings- A Thing Of The Past?

By Arthur Kezian
Did you know that if you replace silver fillings you may be protecting yourself from the toxic effects of mercury?  People have always had to deal with dental cavities, but now you need to worry about mercury exposure too!  Silver amalgam fillings often contain about 50% mercury and many consumer advocacy groups are saying that they are dangerous. 
You can take action even if you have had the same fillings for decades. Dr. Arthur A. Kezian, who uses white fillings, can replace old silver fillings with new non-toxic ones.

What Are Amalgam Fillings?
Amalgam fillings are silver in color and contain a mixture of metals such as copper, tin, silver and mercury.  As a filling material they are inexpensive and durable, sometimes lasting up to forty years.
Why Is Mercury Dangerous?
Mercury present in silver fillings will vaporize into a gas when the filling is irritated or rubbed vigorously.  This leakage of mercury increases with more and more stimulation against the silver filling.  Mercury is believed to be a neurotoxin, and your body has difficult time expelling it from your tissues.

How Dangerous?
This question is very difficult to answer and quite controversial.  Many expert dentists and toxicologists debate over the safety of this amount of mercury exposure. Currently the FDA is reviewing peer reviewed literature and clinical studies to make a final recommendation. However, as of 2009, the FDA has issued a statement saying amalgams are safe for people over the age of six.  It is a fact that mercury leaks from the amalgam fillings and people with them have been documented to have higher levels of mercury in their bodies. However, these levels typically do not reach unsafe levels. 
Should You Replace Silver Fillings?
This question too is a challenging one.  If you are exposed to mercury in other ways in your life you may want to consider undergoing a replacement to limit your exposure. However, replacing fillings can be a tricky procedure.  It is strongly recommended that you consult a dentist to undergo a complete history and oral exam. Together you can determine a treatment plan best suited for your needs.
Dr. Kezian prefers composite resins to avoid the potential toxic effects of mercury and because composite fillings look better aesthetically. Make an appointment today for a free consultation.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
