October 12, 2012

How to Ensure Your Bedtime Hygiene Is Okay

By Arthur Kezian
Dental health is very important. Many people have a fear for dentists because of the discomfort that they associate with their tooth pain. Dr. Arthur A. Kezian and his staff have very important dental advice that everyone should use to maintain their oral hygiene and bedtime hygiene is a big part of that.

Brushing the teeth
Brushing your teeth before hitting the sack is an important habit to maintain. You can avoid waking up with awful bad breath in the morning by brushing your teeth at night. Tooth brushing removes harmful bacteria that stay on them overnight and eventually lead to the build-up of plague which in turn leads to tooth decay. In order to have long lasting results, you should brush your teeth for about two minutes.
Flossing is also an important part of a person’s oral hygiene. You should floss at least once every day, preferably after every meal. While tooth brushing is critical and helps remove the food particles in the teeth, it doesn’t remove all the food particles that are stuck in between the teeth like floss does. Tarter build up can easily be prevented by flossing before going to bed at night.

Gargling Mouthwash
Many people gargle with mouthwash before stepping out of the house. Mouthwash has fluoride and other ingredients that are helpful for the mouth. After doing all the necessary brushing and flossing you should gargle with mouthwash so you wake up with great smelling breath.
Achieving and maintaining good dental health seems daunting. When taking steps to incorporate them in your daily routine, you eventually get used to them and the results are often very rewarding.
For those who experience bruxism, a mouth guard is a great option. They come in handy by preventing the enamel from wearing and keep you from developing TJM problems. Bedtime oral health is an important part in the maintaining of dental hygiene and definitely something everyone should take seriously as Dr. Kezian and staff advise.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
