October 5, 2012

Bad Breath - Don’t Feel Insecure

By Arthur Kezian
Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can make people feel very insecure. Apart from the discomfort associated with bad breath, it can also make socializing very difficult. Given the effects of bad breath on one’s life and social circumstances, Dr Kezian has outlined the causes, treatments, and best dental and lifestyle habits that can help one entirely eliminate bad breath from their lives.
Halitosis is basically caused by bacteria which cling onto the teeth, tongue, and gums causing a foul smell as they multiply and thrive. Further, bad breath varies in intensity with the mouth being particularly smelly in the morning or right after a meal. This is because at night the mouth doesn’t get the oxygen that it requires which gives the bacteria a chance to multiply and produce awful odors, especially if one fails to brush their teeth before sleeping.

Bad breath can either be transient, which goes away after brushing, or it can be chronic, which means brushing will not necessarily stop the smell. One of the most common causes of transient bad breath is diet. Eating food with strong odors such as garlic, cheese, onions, and meat usually leaves a persistent bad odor in the mouth unless one brushes their teeth or uses mouthwash. On the other hand, chronic bad breath is usually caused by dental health problems such as gum disease, tooth decay, and dry mouth. Other causes of bad breath include diabetes, lesions caused by viral diseases such as herpes or HIV, and lifestyle habits such as smoking, tobacco chewing, and alcohol consumption.

According to Dr Kezian, the simplest way of effectively combating bad breath is through a regular thorough mouth cleansing. One should faithfully brush their teeth twice a day taking special care to brush hidden parts like the back of the tongue. This is a notorious area for bacteria to hide. If this fails one can book an appointment with Dr Kezian who is highly qualified for halitosis treatments. Alternatively, if the culprit is not one of the major dental problems such as gum disease or tooth decay, Dr Kezian can refer you to a specialist or a general practitioner who is better placed to make the appropriate diagnosis.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
