June 30, 2011

Enhance Your Smile with White Fillings

By Arthur Kezian
When you think of fillings, you think a mouth full of metal, silver amalgam fillings and gold restorations. This is the thing of the past. Thanks to much advanced equipment, techniques and resources in the dental industry, aesthetic has been a basic factor when it comes to having tooth restorations. Now, you don’t have to worry about having gray silver fillings seen whenever smile or laugh to your heart’s delight.
The following are types of cosmetic fillings currently available. Each will depend on the tooth structure and location of your tooth which needs to be repaired.
The Direct Composite

This is a type of filling 
which is offered by your dentist nowadays. Composites are made of composite quartz resin and activated by a light source which is called a Light Cure machine. This is the most common restorative procedure a dentist performs in his office. A tooth colored composite or white filling material are used to fill the cavities, repair broken old fillings with cracks, close gaps in between teeth and build up worn down teeth. This type of filling material is more natural looking and requires more precise placement of the filling material.

Usually, this treatment is done in one visit. Your dentist will use a bonding material for white fillings to adhere unto the tooth. First, the tooth needs to be conditioned and etched. Then bonded by a bonding agent, then finally the placement of the composite material is done and activate by intense light for a specific time period which is about 40 seconds.
Proper finishing and polishing is done after curing the composite material. Then you will be asked to bite unto a piece of paper to check the height of the tooth or if there are any unwanted contacts present on the filled tooth. Proper instructions and post operative care will be given to you by your dentist. If sensitivity is felt after treatment up to a week’s time, it is normal. But if it doesn’t disappear afterwards, let your dentist know right away.
The Indirect Composite or Porcelain Inlay/On lay

This is another type of filling. This material is placed on the back of your teeth and it is called an indirect filling because it is fabricated in the laboratory, then bonded and cemented directly on the surface of the damaged tooth. This procedure usually takes two visits. The benefits of these types of material is that preserves and strengthens the tooth structure, has a much more natural looking appearance, lasts longer than the amalgam fillings and prevents the need for extensive treatment on a later time. Indirect Inlays and On lays are highly strong and durable and has better aesthetic quality. This is usually suggested for large cases of tooth decay.  Inlays and On lays are more of a conservative approach when it comes to having a tooth filled but is much more expensive compared to a composite filling.
Ask your dentist regarding white fillings, and rest assured that you will receive professional, gentle care in a relaxed environment throughout the course of your treatment.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


Teeth Whitening Services with Your Dentist

By Arthur Kezian
There are different shades when it comes to teeth just like it is with the skin. A majority of people who have not so white teeth shades find the need to have whitening procedures as a way of improving their general dental outlook. With white teeth, individuals feel more comfortable even when smiling and the procedures can therefore be termed as great confidence boosters.
There are a variety of dental clinics offering whitening procedures. It is normal for the teeth enamel to discolor over time as a result of different aspects hence a huge number or people require the whitening procedures. The food and drinks we take sometimes lead to the teeth discolorations while some of the conditions are caused by age and other factors.
Whitening methods differ from clinic to clinic and also from situation to situation. However, the trained professionals know exactly what methods are best in the different cases and you won’t need worry about that. On choosing a good dental clinic offering the whitening services, you will be taken through the procedures to help you make a choice between them. This means that you will have the liberty of selecting a procedure you are most comfortable with which is a great plus for the clinics here.
Besides being offered an overview on the available whitening procedures, you are allowed to ask as many questions as possible to have all your concerns taken care of hence making the right decision. You will for instance have to choose between the professional procedures or the use of products that you can use with ease and safely from home. The kind of procedure you choose will determine the service charge and how soon you get the desired results.
One of the procedures used by the dentist will entail cleaning the teeth first, then applying a whitening gel and a rubber dam meant to protect the gums from any damage. After this preparation, a laser light is then used in activating the active ingredients of the gel whitening your teeth within a short period of time.
When seeking the whitening services, always settle for a clinic or dentist who has the necessary knowledge in terms of training as well as one who has a good reputation as a way of making sure that you get only the best of the procedure you choose to go for. A good dentist will make you feel as comfortable as possible with the procedure you settle for and should never ever pressure you into selecting one procedure over another provided he has offered you all the information. You should be the one to make the final decision on the best procedure for your needs.

You can now smile again without worrying about the color of your teeth thanks to the amazing services of dentists dealing with teeth whitening. Everybody deserves an amazing smile and confidence even when speaking to colleagues.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


Getting Your Teeth in Better Shape with Dr. Kezian

By Arthur Kezian
Your teeth are the first thing that others notice when you meet people or engage in conversations with them. Your pearly whites and your smile can leave a lasting impression on your clients, friends or in your society. Quite often people are judged by the quality of their teeth. If you want a better smile, then it's time to visit a dental office.
The best dentist provides the entire gamut of dental services to keep your teeth healthy and lasting for a lifetime. They are your best source to get that bewitching smile on your face and also to maintain that sparkling clean looks of your teeth.
Dr. Kezian is an expert in the area of cosmetic surgery. When it comes to this form of dentistry, the main purpose of the dentist and the customer is to improve the overall appearance of teeth and the quality of their smile. Of course, you can also get your teeth and gums treated as in any traditional dental procedure with the best dentist.

Your dentist has the experience in orthodontic treatment such as braces and Invisalign. The modern day braces are a far cry from the braces used during the past decade. They have evolved considerably to deliver high level of comfort to the patient. Invisalign is another area of dentistry where the progress made has been remarkable. It has helped many individuals achieve the exact kind of smile that they always wanted to have. You can also ask for the latest porcelain braces made of feldspar porcelain which is white and matches the color of your teeth. They are indistinguishable from a distance.

Dr. Kezian's office also provides top class dental implants service. The highly qualified periodontists are experts at replacing missing teeth by securing an artificial tooth root into your jaw for anchoring an artificial tooth. You too can enjoy the vast benefits of dental implants if you have good oral and general health and hygiene. The process can be used to replace one or many missing teeth without affecting the surrounding teeth. It can also be used to give additional support to dentures.

One of the most popular and often used dental services is dental whitening services. They are used to remove stains and restore the natural good looks of your teeth. Teeth whitening are also used for occasions such as a party at your office or a wedding in the family.


June 22, 2011

The Best Dental Veneers a Dentist Can Offer

By Arthur Kezian

Dental offices are experiencing a wave of lava crowns today. These are the latest type of dental veneers that one can change your smile completely for the better. These are the types of veneers city is taking on today.
These veneers are made of porcelain that can make you feel that you have natural teeth but they are better, stronger and whiter. Hence, these veneers are now very popular and are known as being the most natural dental veneers.

The product
These veneers are only 0.5 millimeters thick; they are small but can impact your appearance greatly. Porcelain dental veneers are used widely today to enhance the teeth’s position, shape, size and their color; you get beautiful and brighter smiles immediately.
It only takes about a week to get the veneer procedure completed. A small 0.5 millimeter is shaved off your teeth to cater for the veneers which feel like your natural teeth without feeling too thick. 

The process
It is painless unless you have sensitive teeth. When your veneers are waxed and crafted by the dental lab, they are ready to be put on. Some lightweight dental cement is used to stick the veneers onto your teeth with a special light beam to harden the cement for a permanent positioning. Hence, there is no reversal to this procedure.
The strong cement keeps all bacteria at bay which eases your fear of tooth decay under your dental veneers.

Veneer care
As these are costly treatments, you would want to do your best to take care of your veneers. Avoid biting ice or fingernails; floss them regularly with good brushing. Adopt a good oral hygiene at home as well as regularly visiting your dentist for checkups and cleanings.
Veneers can last forever if they are taken care of well for they are strong enough to endure all wear and tear.
The veneers today are the best thing its residents can enjoy if they want great smiles and zero tooth decay. Hence, consider them to enhance your smile permanently.
They not only make you look great with even perfect teeth, they are permanent with their perfectness. They cover all gaps in your teeth and hide any tooth that is chipped or broken. Crooked teeth can look straight and colored teeth are brightened up.
The procedure takes only a week from start to finish; from removal of a thin film off your teeth to waxing and crafting before applying your veneers.
They feel very natural without any extra thickness. There is no pronounced difference that is visible or noticeable by any person. This procedure need not be performed on every tooth. You only need to treat those teeth that are considered problematic.
The procedure of a dental veneer should not be too costly that it becomes unaffordable. A single problematic tooth can consider a single veneer.  It will not stand out like a sore thumb. Consult your cosmetic dentist for the best treatment.
When you have veneers, you must take care of them properly as there is no repair works. A broken veneer must be replaced with a totally new one. Hence, be careful what you bite with your veneers so that they do not chip or break.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 

The Role of Emergency Dentists

By Arthur Kezian
It can be quite stressful when your tooth hurts like crazy after office hours or during the weekends when dental service is not available. An emergency dentist is often a welcome sight if he/she is willing to take the extra mile for a desperate patient.
Urgent dental care can help fix problems which include a strong negative impact on the mouth, teeth or gum. Chipped or broken teeth, bleeding gums or knocked out teeth may want to be attended to quickly. There must be some emergency dentists who are willing to make house calls or open up for these stressful moments.
Classification of Dental Emergencies
Tooth aches
Some tooth pain is so severe that no painkiller can ease it. It could be caused by a broken tooth, a new cavity or an old filling decay. Other reasons include damage from excessive grinding on the tooth. The only solution is to consult the dentist immediately while taking some temporary painkillers.
Sore/swollen gums
These are caused by plaque or gum disease infection; it could also be caused by food stuck between your teeth. Gentle brushing or flossing may ease the pain as you try to dislodge the pieces stuck while rinsing with warm water with salt. If that simple treatment does not ease the pain, call the emergency dentists.
Broken tooth
A broken tooth happens from accidental falls, fighting, sports-related injuries, car accidents or biting hard food. When cavities are old and weak, broken tooth can occur causing chipping or even fractures. Large broken portions can be very painful caused by internal damage and exposed nerves.  
Lost crown
A dropped crown warrants attention. Meanwhile, you can apply some dabs of clove oil onto your tooth’s sensitive area to ease the pain. The dentist may use a coat of dental cement to stick your crown back into secure position.
Salvaging knocked out tooth
If you have your tooth knocked out for any reason, you should get to an emergency dentist immediately to save the tooth. A knocked out tooth means that it is avulsed which can be re-implanted if it were handled by a professional emergency dentist within an hour.
Salvaging a broken tooth
An emergency dental visit with a dentist can assist in advising you if the broken tooth can be repaired looking at the cavities and nerves. You can save all the broken pieces and put a cold icepack to your lips or cheeks to reduce swelling or pain.
 A clean break can be re-cemented; otherwise a root canal is required to save the tooth nerve.

Salvaging fractured or cracked tooth
These are difficult to be detected as they are not visible in x-rays and they seldom cause pain. Extreme pain happens when the crack or fracture is very severe or outside irritants have entered. You will feel the pain upon eating hot or cold stuff which is a warning on nerve damage.
Emergency dental work does occur, but there is an emergency dentist who is available to assist you. Do your best to stay calm and apply the simple measures you can while waiting for the emergency dentist’s instructions or service.
If you are active in sports, wearing a mouth guard will lessen the possibilities of mouth or teeth injuries.
 Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


June 8, 2011

Feel Like a Star at the Best Dental Office

By Arthur Kezian

The best dental office is fully equipped to offer you a range of services that encompasses all areas of dentistry. They are a full service dental office offering every type of treatment from root canal to cosmetic dental procedures and veneers. With your comfort as their main concern, you can be sure of getting the type of service and attention that you have always missed at your local dentist office.

Your dentist is trained extensively in cosmetic, surgical and implant dentistry as well as other areas of restorative and general dentist practices. With their well practiced attention to detail and a pleasant demeanor, you can be assured of enhanced levels of comfort and personalized care.

The goal of the best dentist is to provide their patients with care of the highest levels in an atmosphere that is extremely relaxing. By using the latest and most advanced methods available in modern dentistry and with their expertise, they can help you overcome all types of dental problems with the minimum of stress and anxiety.

Dentists are experts when it comes to procedures such as teeth whitening. They use their in-office whitening procedures combined with modern whitening technology to restore the natural color of your teeth.

Invisalign is one of the most sought after treatment at your most trusted Hollywood dentist. Clear braces are used to transform your smile in a short time and by using simple, harmless procedures. Invisalign clear braces are custom made for your teeth and extremely comfortable to use as they are transparent, clear and removable.

It is observed that anxiety often leads to deterioration of dental condition. An earlier bad experience in a dentist’s office can create a mental block in the minds of the patients preventing them from going for regular checkups. While maintaining oral hygiene at home is a good practice, it is imperative that patients meet their dentist once in a few months to monitor dental conditions that might not be apparently visible.

Sedation dentistry from dentists can provide the necessary care and allow the dentist to carry out the necessary dental procedures without the patient feeling any fear and anxiety. They are however kept conscious enough to respond to the dentists queries.

It is important to choose the best dentist in the city where perfect smiles is the norm. Their latest state-of-the-art dentistry is delivered in a luxurious and inviting space that is normally the privilege of celebrities.

cosmetic dental office offers the most cutting edge equipment and methods in cosmetic dentistry. Thank You for your interest in our dental office. You can have an awesome smile with the help of a dentist.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


Teeth Whitening - A Simple But Effective Way to Restore the Natural Good Looks of Your Teeth

By Arthur Kezian

Teeth whitening treatment are an effective way of removing stubborn stains and improving the way your teeth looks. They are of course the most effective way to improve your smile.
Staining of the teeth is caused by a number of factors. While age is a natural teeth darkener because of years of accumulation of stains that build up on the teeth it is also important to know that your teeth are genetically predisposed to a certain color range.

Your natural teeth color will deepen with time. Teeth that are thin and translucent are the ones on which stains show up more prominently. With the passage of time these stains become more obvious. Thicker teeth respond much better to teeth whitening procedures.

There are many other reasons for staining of the teeth including regular use of certain types of food and drinks, medications, teeth grinding and trauma to the teeth. Teeth whitening can be carried out in many ways. Quick whitening procedures employed at the office include using a high concentration of peroxide gel which is applied to the teeth directly for whiter teeth. Care is taken to protect the gums so that they are not affected by the gel during the teeth whitening process.

While teeth having stubborn stains may require a second visit, excellent results are usually achieved during a one hour teeth whitening session at the best dental clinic. Dentists may also give patients a teeth whitening kit for use at home. This kit consists of bleaching trays and low concentration of peroxide gels that remain on the teeth for one hour at least. Sometimes the trays need to be left on the teeth overnight.

Teeth bleaching products when used properly can change the color of your teeth anywhere from five to seven shades. In some instances, it is even possible to make the teeth brighter by twelve shades.
It is important to get your teeth evaluated by expert cosmetic dentists because not everyone is an ideal candidate for bleaching. In some cases where the teeth is discolored extensively or pitted, it is better to go in for veneers because bleaching may not work and may in fact cause further damage to the color of your teeth. Moreover, patients who have crowns, bridges and fillings cannot get a comprehensive bleaching.

Teeth whitening may appear to be a simple dental process but when done by experienced dentists can make a huge difference to the looks and quality of your teeth. Approaching the right dentist is crucial for best results.

Dental offices additionally strive to keep you healthy by emphasizing preventive dental care and treating smaller problems before they become serious ones. Dr. Arthur Kezian specializes in cosmetic, general, surgical, and implant dentistry.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


Los Angeles Dentist - Take Care Of All Your Dental Problems

By Arthur Kezian

Regular visits to your dentist are a must if you have to keep your teeth in fine shape and maintain good oral hygiene with a healthy smile. You might claim that you brush and floss regularly and also use mouth wash or mouth rinse at appropriate times but a visit to your dentist ensures that you get the attention of a specialist who can judge whether any additional care is required or not.

Preserving the natural health of your teeth and gums can be a great confidence booster. In many cases it is difficult to judge the actual condition of your teeth and gums. They may appear fine and healthy but there can be some underlying issues that may not be felt or seen. That is why you need the services of an expert dentist.

The best dentist is fully equipped to provide the entire range of dental services under one roof. They are trained to provide exceptional dental care for their patients by keeping up with the latest technology and carrying out the dental care procedures in an environment that is soothing and stress-free. They also focus on educating the patients properly and keeping them informed of the procedures so that they are prepared fully for the treatment.

Your dentist has the highest levels of expertise in providing the best of services in many areas of dentistry such as cosmetic dentistry, Invisalign, dental implants, teeth whitening and other services that an expert dentist is expected to provide.

If you are looking to visit your dentist for cosmetic dentistry then it is necessary to understand what exactly you need to do with your teeth beforehand. It is a major misconception that cosmetic dentistry is only for those individuals who want to look good. Cosmetic dentistry not only helps you improve the function of the teeth but also helps you in getting a perfectly beautiful smile.

Cosmetic dentistry can fix a lot of dental problems including a few problems that may be hereditary. Skilled dentists can cover up any deficiency of your teeth using a combination of dental procedures such as dental implants and cosmetic dentistry.

Choosing your dentist must be done with a lot of care. Not all dentists have the same levels of expertise. Only those dentists who have experience in treating many types of dental problems will be able to address your dental issues effectively.

Dr. Kezian - your solution to finding high quality medical services, along with caring providers, a friendly staff, and a convenient location. Thank You for your interest in our office. You can have an awesome smile with.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


June 5, 2011

Dental Implants - Now Face the World with Renewed Confidence

Dental implant is a dental process used to replace missing teeth. An implant is an artificial tooth that is secured into your jaw with the intent of anchoring an artificial tooth restoration. Not everyone qualifies for dental implants. However, if you enjoy excellent general and oral health, have healthy gum tissue and excellent bone density which is necessary to support the implant, then you are the perfect candidate to receive dental implants.

Dental implants are popular because they provide for very natural looking tooth restorations that look and feel similar to your natural, real teeth. They are excellent confidence boosters as they provide the most secure fit. You can use them just as you would use your natural teeth for eating and speaking without any fear of them falling off or looking out of place from the rest of your teeth.

You can consider going to a dental implant professional to replace one or many missing teeth because they do not affect the structure and strength of the surrounding teeth. Implants can give support to a bridge, making it a permanent restoration. It can also give additional support to dentures. Dental implants are available in two types.

The Endosteal type of implant is the one that is commonly used for restoring the looks of your teeth. A cylindrical shaped instrument is surgically placed into the jawbone and provides the highest levels of stability. They can anchor one or many replacement teeth. Dental implants can greatly benefit patients who have partial bridges or dentures.

The Subperiosteal type of implant is different because the implant is not placed into the bone but sits on the top of the jawbone instead. Metal posts that jut out through the gums with hold the replacement tooth securely in place. This type of treatment is ideal for those patients who do not have the desired bone height or are unable to wear traditional dentures.

Dental implants offer numerous advantages. They allow for optimal restorations that have the look and feel of natural teeth which is a huge advantage. Unlike bridges and dentures, bone loss and receding gums do not occur with dental implants. They do not rely on the surrounding teeth for support as they have their own independent support structure. This ensures that your good teeth do not suffer any damage due to implants.

Other restorations such as dentures and bridges make inadvertent movement in the mouth but implants remain fixed and firm. This helps you to eat and speak normally.Visit the best dental implant services to get the top results at competitive prices.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


Correct Dental Imperfections with Dental Veneers

By Arthur Kezian

Are you having problems with your stained, chipped or badly aligned teeth? Dental veneers are your ideal solution. Experienced dentists can correct the imperfections in your dentures and make a drastic improvement to the way you look and smile.

Patients at the leading dental veneer center can look forward to customized services as the dental veneers designed here are specific to the needs of the customers. The process is a quick and affordable way to make your front teeth uniform in size, spacing and shape. Highly trained doctors and staff ensure that the process is painless and carried out with minimum inconvenience.
Dental veneers are affordable. The dentist makes every effort to fully understand your concerns and what your exact needs are. They also provide you with expert guidance on the details of the procedure and the likely cost of the treatment. The steps towards getting a beautiful smile involves preparing the teeth appropriately to accept the veneer finish, taking a mold of the teeth that is to be veneered and finally attaching the veneer to the teeth.

The technically proficient dentists make sure that the front surfaces of your teeth are ready initially so that they can accommodate the veneers. The process involves removing the top layer of the enamel so that the veneer adheres to the original teeth properly. The mold of the teeth is then prepared to match the size and color of your teeth so that they appear natural and flawless. When the final veneers are ready, they call you for the finishing fitting so that you can have the teeth alignment you had always longed for.

Dentists providing dental veneers also help you get the smile of your choice. A great looking smile can change the way people look at you. Smile makeovers done by experts in the field can make a dramatic difference to your face value. Like other services, this one too is customized and tailored to meet the individual needs of the clients.

Smile makeovers are easy to carry out and are affordable. All it takes is a few visits to the dental office and get an entirely new look. In some cases where the customer has maintained good oral hygiene and taken good care of their teeth, all it takes is two visits to get a brand new smile.
Dental veneers play a lot of importance to the convenience and safety of patients during all dental care procedures.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


June 1, 2011

How to Avoid Visits to an Emergency Dentist

By Arthur Kezian

If you are suffering from acute dental pain in the middle of the night then you will need the services of an emergency dentist. They will take steps to provide immediate relief from pain and then make a careful assessment of your case to work out a long term solution to your problem.

Emergency dentists will take up your case even if you have never visited their office before.
Toothaches are most often caused by tooth decay that has entered the pulp of the tooth. On the façade the problem might not appear so serious but once decay sets in the condition of such tooth can deteriorate rapidly. Pain is usually accompanied by infection. That is when you need the services of an emergency dentist. There are other reasons too for dental emergency.

Gum infections and periodontal abscess are a common cause of toothache. Gums around the tooth are severely affected when your wisdom tooth becomes infected. This also leads to conditions of severe dental pain and an emergency visit to the dentist.  Cracked tooth can also cause a tooth ache that can be quite unbearable. Like a deep decay, cracked teeth can also lead to infection of the pulp.

Dental emergency can be prevented by taking adequate dental care measures. Regular dental checkup and maintaining proper dental care can help prevent emergency dental situations. It is often seen that dental anxiety is an indirect cause of toothaches. Previous traumatic experiences at a dentist make you form a strong adverse opinion of all dental procedures leading to a situation where you avoid basic dental care. This can gradually lead to a situation where you will need to visit emergency dentist.

Experienced dentists are aware of such situations and can take care to help you change that opinion with proper counseling. This is where sedation dentistry can play a major role. Dental care can be made extremely comfortable with sedation dentistry; most patients do not even remember the time spent in the dentist’s office. Awareness that you have access to pain free dental care can help you overcome your anxiety and stay current with your routine dental care procedures. If you stay current with your checkups, the chances of you needing emergency visits are lower; this way you can avoid dental emergencies.

Advancement in modern dental techniques has made it easy to undergo any type of dental treatment without pain. You must ensure that you avail the services of an experienced dentist who has the necessary expertise in their chosen area of dentistry.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


Now Get the Smile That You Always Dreamt Of

By Arthur Kezian

Cosmetic dentistry is your best choice when it comes to improving your biggest asset that enhances your face value - your smile.
Good oral hygiene is imperative to keep your teeth and gums in fine shape. It is also necessary to visit your dentist regularly to maintain the good health of your teeth and to monitor any developing problems. However, for a few individuals, their teeth may still not look as attractive as they would like them to. This may be because of conditions such as stained teeth, improper alignment or unattractive shape due to uneven size and spacing between the teeth. All these factors combine to affect the overall look and smile factor.
Cosmetic dentists have the professional expertise to handle all types of dental problems including cosmetic dentistry. They are well versed in treating conditions that affect the quality of your smile. They have a wide range of dental techniques at their disposal that can be used to improve the appearance of your teeth and make your smile look more bewitching than ever.
The primary intent of cosmetic dentistry is to qualitatively improve the appearance of your teeth and enhance your smile. Unlike traditional dental care that focuses on keeping the teeth and gums in fine mettle, cosmetic dentistry concentrates on improving appearance. There are numerous options in restorative treatments available at your cosmetic dentist.
Basic cosmetic dentistry involves methods such as tooth-colored fillings to improve the looks of your teeth cosmetically by taking care of conditions caused by tooth decay. Porcelain or composite materials that match the color of your tooth are used to provide a more pleasing appearance. Treatment processes such as composite bonding take care of imperfections such as chips, breaks, discoloration and decay. Materials that take the natural color of gums and teeth are sculpted into position and hardened. They blend effortlessly with the rest of the teeth to create a beautiful, uniform look.
Teeth whitening are perhaps the most commonly used cosmetic dentistry procedure. Stains from excessive consumption of coffee, smoking and from certain types of food and beverages are removed during the teeth whitening process. The procedure is simple, painless and swift but the results can be spectacular.
There are many other cosmetic dentistry procedures such as dental veneers, dental implants and smile makeovers which are all designed to improve your dental appearance and enhance your smile in the way you always wanted it to look.
Choose the best cosmetic dentist for the best results at the most affordable prices.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777
