April 25, 2011

Teeth Whitening - 6 Ways to Get Whiter, Brighter Teeth

By Arthur Kezian

You may have the straightest teeth in the world.  But, if they’re marred by yellow or brown stains, you will never have a truly perfect smile. 

It’s easier than you think to wind up with dull-colored teeth.  Your morning coffee and tea, your evening red wine, and your late-night cigarettes are all discoloring your teeth.  Because it’s such a common problem, teeth whitening is a very common solution.

So, how do you get the best whitening results?  Follow these 6 tips:

1.        Brush the right way
If you don’t brush your teeth long enough, all of that bacteria will never leave your mouth – leaving your teeth yellow or brown.  If you want a whiter smile, you need to brush them twice a day, for about 3 minutes each time.

And, make sure that the bristles on your toothbrush aren’t too hard.  If they are, it can damage your enamel – the coating that keeps dark food and drink from settling into your teeth.

2.        When you can’t brush, take other measures
If you head out to eat, you obviously can’t take a toothbrush with you.  Instead, chew some sugar-free gum.  Chewing stimulates your saliva production, which, in turn, will wash off the stains on your teeth.

3.       Stay away from sweets
They might taste good, but they can cause sensitivity during whitening.  If you want to munch on something, pick some vegetables and fruits instead.


4.        Choose the right toothpaste
The fluoride in your toothpaste will strengthen you enamel and keep your teeth whiter and brighter.

5.        Visit your dentist twice a year
Aside from giving you routine cleanings that go beyond what you can do at home with your toothbrush, your dentist can also give you some expert tips and procedures to make your teeth whiter.  In fact, if you want results that work, teeth whitening can only be done at a dentist’s office.

6.        Avoid other solutions for whitening
Those whitening strips and solutions can irritate your gums – which can make your teeth look and feel even worse.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


Dental Veneers Los Angeles – Now Get the Perfect Smile, Affordably

By Arthur Kezian

Dental veneers is the perfect choice when it comes to correcting stained, crooked or chipped teeth. All dental imperfections can be corrected by the process. A cosmetic dentist offers a wide variety of choices to patients looking for relief from conditions of dental imperfection and improving their smile quotient.
Dental veneers are a quick and affordable option to make your teeth look beautiful and uniform in nature in terms of size, shape and spacing. The process of providing dental veneers is painless when carried out by expert hands. Experienced Los Angeles dentists with years of experience in providing dental veneers to hundreds of affected patients can make the process simple, convenient, completely painless and highly affordable.

The process of providing dental veneers begins with a simple examination of your teeth so the dentist can make an assessment of the type of treatment needed and the areas of your teeth that require more attention than the others. They prepare the teeth to make it easy to accept the veneer finish. This involves removing the top enamel layer of the teeth so that the veneer can stick to them easily.

The nest step involves making a mold of the teeth to be veneered. This is done to customize the mold to fit to your teeth dimensions exactly and also to make the veneer color match exactly to the color of your natural teeth. This is a specialized task and is an important step to give your teeth a flawless look.

The permanent veneers are then prepared as per the size and color and fitted appropriately to make your teeth look straight and unvarying. Finally the veneer is attached to the teeth and the necessary precautionary measures explained to the patient. Dental veneers are a great option to exercise if you do not like the way your smile reflects on your face. Contrary to popular impression, smile makeovers using dental veneers are affordable and require the patient to make a few visits at their convenience.

Veneers provide professional smile makeovers and cosmetic dentistry services to all age groups. It is important to know where to get your veneers  procedure done from beforehand. Making detailed research for the best dental clinics in Los Angeles can help you find the best ones in business.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
