November 14, 2014

Dental Professionals – Resolving Chipped Teeth

By Arthur Kezian

Dental problems can occur any time. One example of a problem is a chipped or fractured tooth. Dr. Kezian, a specialist in dental procedures, will help you understand a chipped tooth and how it can be repaired.

What is a Chipped Tooth?
·         A blow to the face, catching a baseball or tennis ball on the chin, or even biting into something hard can all cause a chipped tooth.
·         This is more likely to occur if the tooth has experienced a lot of decay or already has a deep cavity.
·         Should you ever have a chipped tooth, do not panic; Dr. Kezian and his staff are specialists with knowledge of the various restoration procedures available to revamp that gorgeous smile of yours.

It is important to know what to do and avoid doing when you discover that one of your teeth have chipped.

        The first thing to do upon realizing that you have chipped or broken teeth is to seek a dentist immediately. The reason being that failing to do so could lead to further damage, infection, or tooth loss.
        Once you make an appointment with a dentist, you should take care of your injury by rinsing your mouth with warm salt water. In case you experience pain, use the salt water rinse and take a pain reliever.
        Avoid eating and try to eat soft foods or liquids if you have to.
         Never attempt to bite down with your chipped teeth; you don’t want them chipping further.

How to Cater for Minor Chipped Teeth?

If the chip is of a minor nature, it is possible for your tooth to be repaired in one quick visit. A chip can be fixed using composite bondings. With advanced dental technology, the bonding can look very natural! During the procedure, an adhesive is used to bond the resin to your tooth and shape it accordingly to your tooth’s anatomy. An ultraviolet light is then used to harden the resin. A couple adjustments will be made to make sure your bite is on point and the new bonding is smooth, and the repair is complete.

What Happens when the Chipped Tooth has Decay?

When a large piece of your tooth is missing or there is significant amount of decay in your fractured tooth, your dentist will either cap or crown the damaged tooth. This is usually a two-visit appointment. The procedure commences with x-rays. Once the diagnosis of your tooth is complete, upon your approval, the treatment will start. Your tooth will be prepped, minimizing its structure to make room for the crown that will sit atop it. You will be given a temporary crown to provide structural support for your tooth until your second appointment, where your permanent crown will be ready.

What Other Restoration Methods are Available for Chipped Teeth?

If the tooth is severely damaged, a root canal is performed to save the tooth. Your teeth have nerves and a pulp chamber, and when infected or damaged, can cause you excruciating pain. To free you from pain, your dentist would remove the pulp, clean out the root canal, and seal the chipped tooth to later crown it.
Another alternative restoration method to damaged teeth involves the application of veneers. Veneers are made of porcelain or resin, and are thin custom fit shells used to cover chipped teeth. They are attached to the frontal surface of your chipped teeth. Just like crowns, veneers also require a two-visit appointment.
If you have ever have a chipped tooth, don’t wait around. Call a dentist immediately and plan a treatment together. You and your dentist can review the aforementioned options and decide which is best for you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS and staff. We are here to guide you through the entire process.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777


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