February 3, 2014

Ways to a Whiter, Brighter Smile

By Arthur Kezian  

Do you have teeth that are stained or look yellow? Are you self-conscious about your smile? If you answered yes to both of these questions then maybe it’s time you consider whitening your teeth. Bleaching is one of the most requested procedures in Los Angeles today. Not only does your physical appearance change after bleaching but you will notice a lot more confidence as well. It is one of the best priced procedures to help make a change to you smile. If you are looking for a beautiful smile, then bleaching can get you one step closer to it.

There are different ways to achieve a whiter smile, but all the methods fall into two categories – in office bleaching or bleaching at home. The main difference is how the products are applied or used. Both options use bleaching agents with peroxide. At-home whitening kits can contain peroxide anywhere from 3% up to 22% while in-office bleaching can contain 15% to 43%. Although the in-office bleaching is a lot stronger, it is not necessarily better. Dr. Arthur A. Kezian has been in the dental field for over thirty years and has worked with different types of bleaching procedures. He has tried every method and believes the best one for his patients is the bleaching done at home. These at-home bleaching kits include trays with gels and let you start whenever you want and stop whenever you want; it is all for your convenience.

The Procedure

The first step in getting the bleaching kit is taking impressions of your teeth. During your first appointment, a dental assistant will take impressions of your teeth using putty that will dry and take on the shape of your smile. The putty will set and your impressions will be finished. Depending on your dentist, these impressions will be sent to a lab to create your bleaching tray which looks very similar to a mouth-guard (but not as bulky). You will be given a second appointment to pick up your bleaching trays once they are ready.

At your second appointment your bleaching trays will be given to you along with instructions and a set of rules to follow. Your dental office will show you how to wear the trays and how to apply the gel. There are different brands for whitening kits and the brand used at Dr. Kezian’s office is the Philips Zoom! If you are using the Philips Zoom kit, you will see a difference in one day, but have to bleach for about 5 days to get to a desired shade of white. There are day kits as well as night kits with a higher percent of peroxide. The night kits are usually recommended for first-time users. The trays are to be worn five nights in a row to see a dramatic difference.

Although getting a Hollywood smile through bleaching seems effortless, sometimes it can be a little difficult. Depending on your body, you may experience sensitivity due to the bleaching. If you notice a lot of sensitivity, you can start bleaching your teeth every other night rather than every night. Giving yourself a break from the whitening would help ease the sensitivity. Amongst this, there are other ways to decrease sensitivity, like using Sensodyne as your toothpaste while you are bleaching. This toothpaste will relieve tooth pain due to sensitivity. You are also advised to stay away from citrus foods and drinks during bleaching to prevent sensitivity.
For other tips about using bleaching trays, feel free to contact Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS and staff. They will be more than happy to help answer all your questions about bleaching. If you are ready to start, make an appointment today! You can be five days away from brighter, whiter teeth!
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 http://www.drkezian.com


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