May 21, 2012

4 Ways Dental Implants Can Make Your Life Better

By Arthur Kezian
You may think that dental implants are solely a cosmetic thing.  Yes, they will make your smile look better -- but when you work with a good implantologist, you can take advantage of so much more than just whiter, healthier-looking teeth. 
In fact, by taking advantage of everything that dental implants have to offer, you can make your life better in 4 different ways:

1.       You'll have a more balanced diet
If you have missing teeth or loose dentures, the odds of you being able to eat an apple or munch on some carrots are pretty slim.  But when you can't eat all of those healthy fruits and vegetables, your health starts to suffer.  By getting implants, you'll be able to eat anything you want -- meaning you'll be able to take advantage of much healthier eating habits.  You'll never have to worry about developing a vitamin deficiency because you can't eat the foods you need!


2.       You'll have more self-esteem
If you're missing teeth or you have severely-damaged teeth, it can affect your entire outlook on life.  If you're embarrassed to smile or meet new people, you can turn into a hermit that never interacts with -- or fully enjoys -- the world around them.
But when you get implants you can feel better about yourself.  You'll have a smile that you can be proud of, and you'll feel more prepared to take on the world around you.


3.       You'll be able to speak with confidence
Part of the self-esteem issues that you're facing have nothing to do with cosmetics.  Instead, you may be insecure about your voice.  Many people with missing teeth or bulky dentures have trouble speaking clearly. 
Luckily, though, an implantologist can install implants that feel just like your natural teeth.  That way, you'll have no problem enunciating!

4.       You'll look younger
Hate that droopy smile that's developed over the years?  Embarrassed by the sagging skin that makes your face look older and less attractive?  Your teeth could be to blame!
Here's how it works -- when you're missing teeth, the bones around them deteriorate faster.  If your bones aren't as strong as they used to be, they have a harder time supporting the skin and muscles in your face.  As a result, you end up with wrinkles around your mouth, lips that aren't as full as they used to be, and a smile that's doesn't curve upward like it did years ago.
Even though they're not natural teeth, dental implants can give your bones the support they need.  In fact, implants can even promote bone growth -- meaning that you won't just stop the aging process, but you'll also be able to reverse it.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777   


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