February 13, 2012

Dental Veneer Specialists

By Arthur Kezian
Dental veneers are one aspect of cosmetic dentistry which is growing in popularity. The increasing demand for beautiful teeth s encouraging more veneers specialists to set up more cosmetic dental clinics.
Types of Dental Veneers
Since dental veneers are a special form of cosmetic dentistry, this treatment should only be undertaken by dental veneers Los Angeles dental specialists who are qualified and experienced. You can find many porcelain veneers or empress veneers that are used to create the better smiles on your face.
A dental veneer treatment is popular today as it requires little tooth reduction during the treatment. It is a more conservative form of restoration if compared to a crown. Dental veneer dentists are able to alter your bad tooth position, size, shape or color to the one that you want. They can improve on the misaligned bridgework to give you better control as well as improving the general outlook of your teeth should there be any misalignment.
Veneer specialists can adjust the spacing and crowding of teeth that put your smile into bad light.
Caution on dental veneers
One must understand and accept all the implications that can come with a veneer treatment. First of all, very little tooth reduction is required; hence, it is not a reversible form of dental treatment. If for some reason, you are unsatisfied with the end result of your dental veneers Los Angeles treatment, you cannot re-do the procedure.
Although it is proven that porcelain veneers are quite durable, it is possible to chip or crack them if you are negligent with the proper usage or maintenance of the veneers. Dental treatments take at least one week in the fabrication process of the porcelain veneer. However, you cannot have any temporary fitting during that waiting time.
There would need to be several visits to the dental veneers Los Angeles dental provider to have your dental veneer prepared and fitted. You may also need to be subject to local anesthesia if you are nervous about the procedure.
There may be an exposure to hot or cold sensitivity during the dental veneer treatment. You will have to bear with the discomfort until the whole process is complete.
You will need to avoid using your veneers on anything that tests its tensile strength. Normal diets can be handled by your dental veneers but not twisting foodstuffs on the porcelain laminate such as chewing hones, opening nuts or enjoy jelly apples.
Maintaining Your Dental Veneers
It is simple to maintain your dental veneers so that they will be comfortable and longer lasting as they are not cheap and they are irreversible dental works.
Hence, be diligent in your brushing and flossing as you would in any good oral hygiene measures.
Be careful of the type of diet you will pick up with your dental veneers as certain food stuffs can be problematic to them. If you do not wish to spend more money with damaged dental veneers, then it is best to care for your dental veneers as recommended. Do not use them on any foodstuffs that can twist or bend the porcelain laminates.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS  443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


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