October 8, 2012

Why It’s Important to Understand How Tooth Decay Forms

By Arthur Kezian

Tooth decay is a very crucial topic; many people don’t even realize that their teeth have decay until it is too late. Before discussing ways to repair tooth decay, you should understand how and why it starts in the first place.
What is tooth decay?
Tooth decay is basically a cavity that is starting to form. It is caused by a process called demineralization – dissolving of the enamel. Your enamel is made up of many minerals, one of which is calcium. Acids in your mouth dissolve these minerals and start to soften your enamel. This allows bacteria in the mouth to penetrate deeper into your teeth and cause cavities over time. 

How to detect tooth decay:
Many people would expect to have clear forewarning signs when their teeth are deteriorating, but that is not always the case. When your teeth are just starting to form decay, you don’t feel much. It is when further deterioration occurs where you feel some symptoms. These symptoms can be sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, discoloration of your teeth, or in more dramatic cases, throbbing pain. Feeling pain is a sign that the decay has enlarged and must be treated as soon as possible.
Treatment and Prevention Methods:
To treat tooth decay, your dentist will take an X-Ray of the area, and upon taking an X-Ray can decide how far the tooth has deteriorated. If it is possible to save the tooth with a filling, as in the decay has not yet reached the nerve, then a composite filling that matches the shade of your tooth can be put in. The decay is drilled out, the tooth is desensitized, and the filling is placed to stop further decay. Visiting your dentist on a regular basis (at least once every six months) can help prevent big cavities. Your dentist will find and keep an eye on beginning cavities and take action when they start to decay more. This way, you don’t have to worry about the decay reaching the nerve and having to get a root canal instead of a filling.

Another way to prevent cavities is simply by brushing and flossing faithfully. Make it a night-time routine to brush your teeth, floss in between all of them, and even use antibacterial mouthwash that has enamel protection. Now, some people are prone to getting cavities and say that brushing and flossing doesn’t make a difference, that’s wrong; without brushing and flossing you would get twice the amount of cavities. 
Take action against preventing tooth decay and visit your dentist today. Dr. Arthur A. Kezian and his staff are ready to help you do exactly that. Keep your oral hygiene in good hands. Call the office for more information or for a free consultation. It’s a small step that will benefit you immensely.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


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