November 30, 2012

How Much Toothpaste Is Important For Dental Health?

By Arthur Kezian

Brushing once in the morning is not the only thing that keeps your teeth and gums away from cavities and other mouth diseases. Every part of the human body needs proper care and treatment to keep it healthy and at less risk of permanent disease. Dental health cannot be ignored at any cost. Destroyed teeth ruin the smile of your face and personality. Dr Kezian focuses on the health of the teeth. He regularly attends seminars on dental care, and keeps himself up to date on the newest dental procedures and techniques.
Is Using Your Toothbrush Enough?
A toothbrush, regardless of how expensive it is can clean only so much of your teeth. The brush does not reach the inner lining of the teeth, so food particles stay inside these crevices and causes bacteria and other diseases. Just brushing your teeth is not enough. You put your dental health at risk this way.
How Dental Health Can Be Assured?
Tooth brushing twice a day in mandatory by using a good tooth paste that has cavity control ingredients. By using a good mouth wash once a day, you kill the bacteria inside your mouth. With that being said, these are only home remedies. If your teeth are turning yellow in color, go and see your doctor for a teeth whitening treatment. One visit every 4-6 months to the dental office for a complete check up is required to assure the dental health of your teeth. Dr. Kezian puts emphasis on his patients coming in for a 4-6 month dental health examination so that their teeth don’t expire at an early age.
Although, dental treatments are expensive - One visit to the dental office every 4-6 months is not very costly. If you take care of your teeth on a regular basis, you minimize the chance of bacteria growing and attacking your teeth and reduce your risk.
How to Get Rid Of Dirty Teeth?
If you experience mouth odor and have dark yellow stained teeth, then your teeth are at high risk of oral diseases. You cannot cure these kinds of oral diseases at home, according to Dr. Kezian. The lifespan of your teeth are shrinking, making it important for you to make an appointment with Dr. Kezian so he can help you get back on track and improve your over-all dental health and prevent the progression of disease.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
