June 4, 2012

Is TMJ Pain Ruining Your Life? Here's How to Solve the Problem

By Arthur Kezian
When you're dealing with a TMJ disorder, even the most simple of things - like eating, yawning, or talking - can be excruciating.  Trying to make conversation on a blind date or trying to enjoy a big, thick sandwich feels like agony.  That's why people with TMJ pain are desperate for answers and relief.
So, first things first - what causes TMJ pain?
Your TMJ - or, your Temporomandibular Joint - is the "hinge" that connects the side of your skull to your lower jaw.  Inside the joint, there is a small cartilage disc.  If that disc slides out of place, it puts pressure on the nerves around it.  Every time you open and close your mouth, the disc slides around, usually making a popping or clicking sound.
Why does the disc slide out of place?
There are a number of reasons - like a jaw injury, too much teeth grinding, chewing too much gum, or even experiencing too much stress.  No matter what causes the disc to move, the result is the same - intense pain.
How do I know if I have TMJ pain, and not something else?
Only a qualified TMJ specialist can tell you for sure that your discomfort is being caused by a TMJ problem.  A good dentist will give you a complete physical exam - including x-rays and a check of your bite alignment - to see exactly what's going on.
Typically, TMJ pain causes headaches, trouble opening and closing your mouth, cheek pain, muscle spasms, and ear pain.  In fact, some people's ear pain is so intense that they think they have an ear infection!
What can a good specialist do for me?
Once he figures out what's causing your specific pain, there are a number of things he can do to give you some relief.  Some of the most common TMJ pain treatments are:
-        Braces, specifically for people who have bites that are out of alignment

-        Mouth guards, which can eliminate excessive teeth grinding

-        Special stretches and massage techniques that can instantly relieve pain

-        Prescription pain killers and/or muscle relaxers, but only on a temporary basis

What if the problem is more serious?
If your pain has led to a lot of inflammation, your dentist can give you a corticosteroid shot.  However, this is only done in rare cases.
More and more TMJ dentists in Los Angeles are turning to laser therapy.  Specifically, they use a special laser to soften the cartilage disc.  That makes it easier for the disc to slide back into its proper place.
No matter what's causing your problem, you don't have to let TMJ pain ruin your life.  With the help of a good TMJ specialist, you can feel as good as new!
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
