By Arthur Kezian
I’m pretty sure you heard the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” What do you think would probably keep you away from the dentist? The answer would be a cup of green tea. Yes, recent studies from Japan show that consuming green tea on a regular basis may help promote periodontal health and prevent gum disease. But of course, remember you still have to visit your dentist on a regular basis.
What are the benefits of “catechins” to ones periodontal health?
· It helps fight bacteria producing cavity from Streptococcus mutans which clings to the teeth. S. mutans uses sugars in the mouth which produces a sticky colorless deposit called plaque combined with saliva and food which produce deposits that collect on teeth and where teeth and gums meet.· Green tea helps inhibit the production of plaque which is a type of colorless deposits which constantly forms on the tooth surface. The buildup of plaque is the primary factor in periodontal disease discovered by a dentist.
· Catechins found in green tea makes the tooth surface a bit more slippery which gives bacteria a hard time to cling onto the enamel.
Not only green tea has a multitude of benefits towards a good and healthy body and gum disease, it now also plays an important part with fighting bacteria in our mouth. Enjoy a cup of green tea everyday to ward of cavities, improve your immune system, give you a healthy heart, and beautify your skin as well.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443
N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777