March 28, 2011

Wisdom Teeth Extractions with Minimal Discomfort

By Arthur Kezian

Painless and easy removal of wisdom teeth is possible at the best clinic for wisdom teeth extraction. There are doctors who specialize in this aspect of dental care to provide the best services possible for patients affected by wisdom teeth problems. Dentists providing such services are trained extensively in providing the best services in wisdom teeth extraction.

The wisdom tooth begins to grow in the late teens. Most of the times it does not cause any problems but in some cases the wisdom tooth require removal due to lack of space. Poorly aligned wisdom teeth can push against the adjacent teeth and damage them. It can also cause injury to the jaw and harm the nerves. While most people have four wisdom teeth, it is possible to have fewer or even more.

Dental extractions are usually done to correct an existing problem or to prevent problems that it may cause in the future. Potential problems are caused by the presence of properly grown-in wisdom teeth which include infection caused by trapped food particles in the jaw area behind the wisdom teeth. Regular brushing and flossing may prove to be quite ineffectual in such areas. This can lead to frequent infections, considerable pain and development of medically dangerous health condition when left untreated.

Wisdom teeth extraction also becomes inevitable if the teeth have grown in improperly. This causes the tongue to brush up against them frequently leading to a painful and numbing condition which clearly point out to the fact that a nerve is badly affected. Dentists also suggests removal of wisdom teeth if you are planning to undergo major orthodontic work.

It is absolutely imperative that wisdom teeth extraction be carried out by experienced dental professionals who have trained under expert and senior dental surgeons. The best way to diagnose the problems affecting wisdom teeth according to the experts in dental care is to have a panoramic X-ray taken.

It must be made clear to the patients that wisdom tooth removal is a complex surgery involving skin and muscles as well as the bone and the nerves of the oral cavity. An unusually post operative pain and discomfort is normally seen and is in fact normal in most of the cases. The best wisdom teeth extraction makes it possible to undergo the extraction process without much discomfort. Dr. Kezian - your solution to finding high quality medical services, along with caring providers, a friendly staff, and a convenient location.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los AngelesCA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


Now Flash That Bewitching Smile Uninhibitedly

By Arthur Kezian

A perfect smile is often marred by badly maintained and stained, discolored teeth. Teeth whitening helps in restoring the smile and adding more value to your beautiful face.
Teeth whitening can benefit people who have dull looking teeth. It is a proven and hugely effective way to brighten your teeth and of course your smile. Teeth can even be individually brightened using teeth whitening process.

Teeth whitening offers customized services to patients by helping them get the whiteness they desire. Regardless of the intensity of the stain, teeth whitening can be done to improve the brightness factor from five to twelve shades. Teeth bleaching works for most individuals. Peroxides are used in the teeth bleaching products to deliver the desired results, quickly and without any adverse effects to the gums or oral muscles.

Food habits, regular consumption of dark liquids such as tea, coffee, red wine, juices, smoking and even prescribed medications can cause teeth to lose their whiteness. The natural ageing process as well as trauma and genetics are some of the other reasons. Teeth whitening using bleaching procedures can give your teeth a fresh, white and younger look.

A major reason why people go for teeth whitening procedures is because dull and discolored teeth can adversely affect the brilliance of your smile. In many instances, this can affect your personal and professional life. You can create an impression of being a careless person, unconcerned about your appearance and personal hygiene. A great looking smile flashing those pearly whites can make a huge difference to the impression you cast on others in business meetings as well as in social gatherings.

Teeth whitening is done by reputable and experienced dentists who have the expertise of evaluating your teeth and suggesting the right procedures to help you get the color of your teeth restored to earlier levels. It must be noted that serious discoloration of teeth caused by years of negligence may not achieve the desired results. The same goes for pitted teeth. Crowns, bridges and fillings do not bleach. So patients, who have these, cannot expect a uniform level of whiteness.

Teeth whitening can also be done using laser bleaching. In this process, you can walk away with whiter teeth in just one hour. It is advisable to consult the best dentists to get their opinion about the ideal teeth whitening procedures for your teeth.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los AngelesCA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


Removes All Tooth Irregularities Smoothly

By Arthur Kezian

If you want those picture-perfect teeth and a faultless smile then you should head to the best cosmetic dentist. Certified cosmetic dentist has the expertise and the creativity to create customized, natural looking teeth and smile that blends perfectly with your existing teeth.

Cosmetic dentists can fix a chipped tooth with the same expertise as carrying out an entire makeover of your smile. They listen carefully to all your dental problems and needs and create a treatment plan that meet your individual needs perfectly. An unimpressive smile can be quickly turned into a grin that is captivating and alluring.

Cosmetic dentistry offers a whole range of dental improvement procedures that completely turns around the way your teeth looks. Missing teeth or portions of teeth can be replaced using bridges which are custom-made and matches the nature color and contour of your teeth perfectly. Bridges can be removable or permanent depending on their position. Porcelain, gold alloys or a combination of various materials are used to make the bridge appliances.

Synthetic crown caps are an integral part of the services that a cosmetic dentist offers to their patient. They are used to restore a tooth’s function and appearance. They are also used to attach bridges or implants or prevent the further deterioration of a cracked tooth. They are also used to improve the aesthetics of a tooth.

Dental bonding is a part of cosmetic dentistry and is used for cosmetic as well as health reasons. They are used to repair decayed teeth and repair teeth that are chipped or cracked. It can also improve the appearance of discolored teeth and make the teeth look healthy and stronger. Dental bonding can be completed in a single setting with minimal advance preparation.

Tooth colored fillings are an excellent option to the normally used metal fillings and forms part of the cosmetic dentistry procedures. They are virtually undetectable and are designed to match the color and look of your normal teeth. They do not contain mercury and is safe for use for long term.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los AngelesCA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
