March 28, 2011

Now Flash That Bewitching Smile Uninhibitedly

By Arthur Kezian

A perfect smile is often marred by badly maintained and stained, discolored teeth. Teeth whitening helps in restoring the smile and adding more value to your beautiful face.
Teeth whitening can benefit people who have dull looking teeth. It is a proven and hugely effective way to brighten your teeth and of course your smile. Teeth can even be individually brightened using teeth whitening process.

Teeth whitening offers customized services to patients by helping them get the whiteness they desire. Regardless of the intensity of the stain, teeth whitening can be done to improve the brightness factor from five to twelve shades. Teeth bleaching works for most individuals. Peroxides are used in the teeth bleaching products to deliver the desired results, quickly and without any adverse effects to the gums or oral muscles.

Food habits, regular consumption of dark liquids such as tea, coffee, red wine, juices, smoking and even prescribed medications can cause teeth to lose their whiteness. The natural ageing process as well as trauma and genetics are some of the other reasons. Teeth whitening using bleaching procedures can give your teeth a fresh, white and younger look.

A major reason why people go for teeth whitening procedures is because dull and discolored teeth can adversely affect the brilliance of your smile. In many instances, this can affect your personal and professional life. You can create an impression of being a careless person, unconcerned about your appearance and personal hygiene. A great looking smile flashing those pearly whites can make a huge difference to the impression you cast on others in business meetings as well as in social gatherings.

Teeth whitening is done by reputable and experienced dentists who have the expertise of evaluating your teeth and suggesting the right procedures to help you get the color of your teeth restored to earlier levels. It must be noted that serious discoloration of teeth caused by years of negligence may not achieve the desired results. The same goes for pitted teeth. Crowns, bridges and fillings do not bleach. So patients, who have these, cannot expect a uniform level of whiteness.

Teeth whitening can also be done using laser bleaching. In this process, you can walk away with whiter teeth in just one hour. It is advisable to consult the best dentists to get their opinion about the ideal teeth whitening procedures for your teeth.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los AngelesCA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


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