July 9, 2012

Headed to a Dentist? 3 Ways He Can Give Your Smile a Boost

By Arthur Kezian

If you're looking for new ways to have a healthy-looking, beautiful smile, you're not alone.  In fact, people have been searching for ways to give their smiles a boost for thousands of years -- back when someone created a set of dentures out of ivory.  Ever since, good cosmetic dentists have been in high-demand!
Luckily, there have been some major advancements in cosmetic dentistry over the years. In fact, these 3 recent ones will have you running to a skilled cosmetic dentist:
1.      Dental porcelain crowns
If you have uneven or damaged teeth, you probably don't have a whole lot to smile about.  Luckily, dental porcelain crowns can change all of that!
What are they?

Crowns are like little covers for your teeth.  When your dentist puts one in your mouth, it slides right over your tooth.  That way, your teeth will all look the same size and have the same shape.  If you have a chipped or cracked tooth, a crown will give it the support it needs, so that you don't wind up with additional damage.
Crowns have been around for years, but they used to be made out metal.  Talk about a bad look!  Today, they're made out of porcelain, so they can make your teeth look brighter and whiter.
Because they're so pearly-white, porcelain crowns are used to cover up titanium dental implants.  That way, you'll look like you have a full set of healthy, natural teeth!


2.      Dental veneers
Wondering how that A-list celebrity has such a perfect white smile?  She probably takes advantage of the veneers! Even if you don't have a movie role coming up, you can work with a great cosmetic dentist to get the same look.
The best veneers are thin pieces of either porcelain or resin.  Your cosmetic dentist will use special cement to stick them onto the front of your teeth.  As a result, veneers can cover up any gaps in your teeth, make crooked teeth look straight, and make your teeth all look the same length.  Plus, they'll give you a brighter smile!
Since dental veneers don't adhere to your entire tooth, they won't give you the support that crowns can.  But if you're simply looking for a cosmetic upgrade, dental veneers can't be beat!

3.      Custom porcelain shading
If your dentist is going to put a ton of porcelain into your mouth, it only makes sense that he would need to come up with the perfect color.  After all, if you're only getting work done on a couple of teeth, they'll need to match your existing teeth.  Even if you're getting all of your teeth done, you'll need a shade of porcelain that's just right for your skin tone.
Luckily, it's easy for a good expert cosmetic dentist to mix a shade that's perfect!
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


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