August 19, 2011

Teeth Whitening – Flash That Smile Confidently

By Arthur Kezian
Teeth whitening is a safe and inexpensive way to get your teeth back in sparkling white condition. It is an effective cosmetic treatment for those who have stained and yellow teeth and cannot get the color of their teeth restored by conventional cleaning methods.
Teeth have an enamel surface that is made up of crystalline rods. The enamel protects the teeth from the harm caused to it by acts such as smoking, drinking excessive coffee and eating sweets which cause acid formation. The enamel begins to wear off as we grow older. It cracks up and begins to collect stains faster than before. Whitening treatments  are effective at removing some of the stains but the gaps in the enamel remain because of which the staining process begins all over again. Whitening makes it possible to restore the original whiteness of teeth and keeps it that way for longer periods.
Genetically, our teeth are pre-disposed to a certain color range. This color deepens with time despite the best precautions. Some types of food and beverages such as coffee, tea, dark soda and red wine can cause discoloration faster. Smokers also face the same problem as the nicotine in cigarettes can also be very harsh on the teeth.
An effective whitening treatment can bring about significant changes quickly. The dentist uses a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide gel that is applied directly to the teeth. Teeth stains can be removed to a significant extent in one or two visits. For stains that are more stubborn, more visits may be required.

Some dentists will give patients a whitening kit that contains of bleaching trays that can be used at home. They have a lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide gel that remains in contact with the teeth for at least one hour and at times even overnight. The best dentists provide a teeth whitening procedure that is fast and convenient, long lasting, does not affect the sensitivity of your teeth significantly and is done professionally without causing any side effects.

Teeth whitening is a well-established process in cosmetic dentistry. The active ingredient, hydrogen peroxide has been established to be safe and does not adversely affect the gums. The process works well for most of the patients except in some type of stains which are caused by antibiotics. The results vary from individual to individual and will depend on the structure of the teeth.

Teeth whitening also has teeth whitening processes that can get your teeth whiter in just about one hour. The improvement in the condition of the teeth can be as much as eight shades whiter. State of the art apparatus combined with a proprietary whitening gel and blue light source can create a revolutionary whitening process. The blue light activates the whitening gel and makes it work faster and better than any other teeth whitening methods.
It is important to use the services of the top teeth whitening dentists to get the best possible results.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 



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