June 30, 2011

Enhance Your Smile with White Fillings

By Arthur Kezian
When you think of fillings, you think a mouth full of metal, silver amalgam fillings and gold restorations. This is the thing of the past. Thanks to much advanced equipment, techniques and resources in the dental industry, aesthetic has been a basic factor when it comes to having tooth restorations. Now, you don’t have to worry about having gray silver fillings seen whenever smile or laugh to your heart’s delight.
The following are types of cosmetic fillings currently available. Each will depend on the tooth structure and location of your tooth which needs to be repaired.
The Direct Composite

This is a type of filling 
which is offered by your dentist nowadays. Composites are made of composite quartz resin and activated by a light source which is called a Light Cure machine. This is the most common restorative procedure a dentist performs in his office. A tooth colored composite or white filling material are used to fill the cavities, repair broken old fillings with cracks, close gaps in between teeth and build up worn down teeth. This type of filling material is more natural looking and requires more precise placement of the filling material.

Usually, this treatment is done in one visit. Your dentist will use a bonding material for white fillings to adhere unto the tooth. First, the tooth needs to be conditioned and etched. Then bonded by a bonding agent, then finally the placement of the composite material is done and activate by intense light for a specific time period which is about 40 seconds.
Proper finishing and polishing is done after curing the composite material. Then you will be asked to bite unto a piece of paper to check the height of the tooth or if there are any unwanted contacts present on the filled tooth. Proper instructions and post operative care will be given to you by your dentist. If sensitivity is felt after treatment up to a week’s time, it is normal. But if it doesn’t disappear afterwards, let your dentist know right away.
The Indirect Composite or Porcelain Inlay/On lay

This is another type of filling. This material is placed on the back of your teeth and it is called an indirect filling because it is fabricated in the laboratory, then bonded and cemented directly on the surface of the damaged tooth. This procedure usually takes two visits. The benefits of these types of material is that preserves and strengthens the tooth structure, has a much more natural looking appearance, lasts longer than the amalgam fillings and prevents the need for extensive treatment on a later time. Indirect Inlays and On lays are highly strong and durable and has better aesthetic quality. This is usually suggested for large cases of tooth decay.  Inlays and On lays are more of a conservative approach when it comes to having a tooth filled but is much more expensive compared to a composite filling.
Ask your dentist regarding white fillings, and rest assured that you will receive professional, gentle care in a relaxed environment throughout the course of your treatment.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


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