February 9, 2011

Change Your Entire Attitude with Help from a Cosmetic Dentist!

By Arthur Kezian

Does it seem like you never enjoy parties and dates, because you’re afraid to show off your discolored, crooked, or chipped teeth?
If you are self-conscious about your smile, it is something that’s holding you back both socially and professionally.  But, you don’t have to suffer with a smile that makes you uncomfortable.  Instead, you can give your smile – and your entire attitude – a makeover with help from a Los Angeles cosmetic dentist!
By working with a qualified cosmetic dentist, you can take easy and painless steps towards getting a healthier, more radiant smile. 
By investing in porcelain veneers.

Dental veneers are one of the most popular options for people who want better smiles.  They are designed to look completely natural.  In fact, porcelain and natural tooth enamel reflect light the exact same way, so no one will know you’ve been visiting a Los Angeles cosmetic dentist.  Instead, people will look at you and simply think you look great.
As an added benefit, getting porcelain veneers isn’t difficult.  In fact, a good cosmetic dentist can have them fully installed in as little as a week or two!
How different would your life be with porcelain veneers?
You could go out on a date without worrying that your smile is making the wrong impression.  You could head to a business meeting and voice your opinion without feeling self-conscious.  You could go to a party and make new friends, without worrying about people judging you because of your smile.
In fact, in Los Angeles porcelain veneers can give you a brand new attitude.  The work of a good Los Angeles cosmetic dentist doesn’t just give you a better smile.  It also makes you feel healthier and gives you more energy.
Think a healthy smile isn’t capable of all of that?  Think again! 

There are tons of psychologists out there who believe in a practice called “Smile Therapy”.  Simply put, with Smile Therapy, patients are told to make a conscious effort to smile more.  As a result, they can overcome their feelings of low self esteem and depression.  Research shows that the physical act of smiling can boost your entire mood, because it reduces the amount of stress hormones being produced in your body.
So, the next time you feel self conscious about showing off your smile, think about all of the good things that can come from a trip to a cosmetic dentist.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


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