May 28, 2013

Always Consult a Professional Root Canal Dentist for Oral Treatments

People who are suffering from dental problems must pay attention to their oral hygiene. Neglecting your oral hygiene can lead to damaging effects. Once you develop a cavity, it only grows larger. This cavity can turn into a big area of decay and can weaken the dentin in your tooth. These bigger cavities will lead to fractures and cracks. Fractures and cracks may not always be painful; sometimes you can’t even tell your tooth has a crack in it. But, most times, fractured teeth cause severe pain, especially if the fracture has reached your nerve. This is when you need to contact a root canal dentist. The dentist must have knowledge and experience regarding root canal treatments. Dr. Arthur A. Kezian is a dentist who is well equipped for the job.

Ways to Mark out Fractured Teeth:

·         Sometimes cracks are not noticed on teeth because they can be hard to see through a mirror, or might be located on the back side of your tooth. The best thing to do is keep up with your regular dental check-ups. It is always important to have a dentist do a thorough examination of your mouth, teeth, gums, and bone level. This way, you can rectify problems with your teeth before they become an issue. Always consult a professional root canal dentist.

·         Large fractures are due to oral cavities lying between the teeth. These cavities can create problems with chewing or biting. Temperature sensitivity can also be present with cracks or a fractured tooth.

Ways to Minimize the Level of Pain:

·         Other than proper oral treatment, home remedies are very effective in giving relief to tooth pains. These remedial solutions are mostly concerned with the cleanliness of the teeth. Among all dental treatments, a root canal dentist provides the best solution and treatments. Not all dentists are experts of this, so find a dentist who is experienced with root canals. Dr. Kezian has full knowledge about root canals and always uses the latest technology during procedures. Until you make an appointment with a dentist like Dr. Kezian, here are some tips to follow at home:

1.      Try to rinse your teeth with lukewarm water.

2.       In case of a bloody fractured tooth, apply pressure with the help of a gauge to control the release of blood.

3.      With the help of cold padding, impact of swelling and pain can be minimized. Moreover, it gives a soothing effect to the teeth as well.

4.      Along with all above advices you can take pain killers until you get to your appointment.

Suitable Ways for Restoring the Teeth:

·         Tooth decay is a very serious issue if not properly handled. Proper cleaning and care helps save your teeth from cavities and decay. Dr. Kezian and staff offer numerous wellness and awareness information regarding oral care on their website. They also give guidelines on how to take care of your teeth and prevent them from getting cavities.

·         Dr. Kezian is a well known root canal dentist. Additionally, he and his staff give great post-operative treatment guidelines and follow up treatments to patients. If you are in pain, don’t wait! Call Dr. Kezian to make an appointment for a consultation and receive authentic advice after a full diagnosis.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


May 20, 2013

Remarkable Ways to Revive Your Bright Smile

Many people are concerned with having their teeth whiter. With age, teeth do tend to discolor. This discoloration can be maximized due to some foods and drinks you intake. Even excessive intake of caffeine like coffee or tea can make the situation worse. Along with whiter teeth, most people also want to have a full looking smile. This means people who have missing teeth want to replace them. In this case, implants are needed. Dental implants not only restore your missing teeth but they can also be bright and white. You can whiten your teeth prior to receiving your implant and then have the implant match your now whiter teeth. If you are interested in a brighter smile or curious about options for replacing missing teeth, you can call the office of Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS and make an appointment for a consultation.

Spectacularly Bright Teeth with Good-Looking Smiles and Dental Repair:

·         You can consult Dr Kezian and Staff to make your dream a true reality. They are very helpful in giving guidance and consultation regarding dental implants and other treatments.

·         The correction of misaligned teeth not only improves your cosmetic looks, but it betters your eating habits because it improves your bite and the way you chew. The outcome is beneficial in more ways then one.

Revive Beautiful Smile With Crowning And Easy Bridge Adjustment:

·         Apart from dental implants, crowns can also be used in order to repair teeth that are in bad condition or are misaligned. In cases of missing teeth, bridges can also be used. These options are equally helpful for changing the discoloration or the stains that appear on the surface of teeth. Crowns, bridges, and implants are some of the treatments you can opt for to better your smile. You can acquire the help of an implant dentist for more information.

·         Always discuss with your dentist to see which option is best suitable for you and your family.

Lovely Smiles and Best Dental Care for Fairer Teeth:

·         The misalignment or the crooks that occur between the teeth can be now treated very easily. People can now seek the help of an implant dentist to make their smile look aesthetically pleasing.

·         The misalignment of teeth should be dealt in a timely manner because the negligence can cause difficulty in cleaning your teeth. This can lead to poor eating habits which ultimately has a poor impact on your overall hygiene.

·         Dr Arthur A. Kezian is an expert in handling misalignment issues. In short, he is undoubtedly the best dentist whose expertise and experience in this field is worth sharing. His research in this area has also proved his skills and potential.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


May 13, 2013

Boost Your Self Esteem by Teeth Whitening

Everyone longs for a beautiful and attractive smile. A nice smile is one of the many important factors through which you can attract others, whether it be in a friendly atmosphere or something regarding your career. But, if you are not esthetically pleased with your teeth and you refrain from smiling, then that can have a negative impact on you. To avoid this, Dr Arthur A. Kezian provides terrific treatments for your teeth and gums. One of the many procedures that aid in cosmetic beauty is teeth whitening. A teeth whitening treatment ensures that you have a sparkling smile on your face which will leave a good impact on people you meet, which in turn will boost your self confidence. Moreover, along with cosmetic treatments, he also assures you complete oral care and dental health if you consider some of the following points:

Pre Examination and Assessment Phase:

·         Before taking consultation for any dental treatment one must have to consult the doctor for pre examination and proper diagnosis. This helps to identify the real cause and source of a flaw. This also helps the doctor suggest the appropriate solution for that particular problem.

·         The same goes for bleaching. You must see your dentist prior to a teeth whitening procedure. The dentist will recommend the appropriate amount of whitening gel for your teeth as per condition.

·          A thorough examination is also important in case of cavities or teeth that need attention. First make sure your teeth are all in good condition, and then consider whitening options.

·         Whitening treatments have very remarkable results which help increase your confidence. 

Tips for Whitening:

·         It is commonly misunderstood that whitening treatments weaken the roots of teeth and deteriorate them after some time. This is not how the whitening treatments work. If you are consulting a professional dentist then you are on the right track because he or she would give you the proper treatment and let you know if bleaching is right for you after having the complete history and examination of your teeth.

·         A tooth whitening dentist can ensure that the treatment only removes the stains and yellowish color from the teeth leaving them looking brighter and whiter.

·         One of the best whitening treatments is the custom bleach trays. These are molded and shaped to exact form of your teeth and can be used at home whenever you would like. Patients who first use the trays notice a whole shade of a difference in their teeth after 5 days!

People should consult with their dentists about whitening options before they decide to use store bought products and bleach their teeth themselves. It is always important to seek professional advice first.

A dentist can check the teeth and dental health of patients and recommend the appropriate treatment to them. They can guide patients to keep them away from anything that can be damaging to their teeth and gums. Call Dr. Arthur A. Kezian today to schedule a consultation and be one step closer to a whiter, brighter smile.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
