November 30, 2012

How Much Toothpaste Is Important For Dental Health?

By Arthur Kezian

Brushing once in the morning is not the only thing that keeps your teeth and gums away from cavities and other mouth diseases. Every part of the human body needs proper care and treatment to keep it healthy and at less risk of permanent disease. Dental health cannot be ignored at any cost. Destroyed teeth ruin the smile of your face and personality. Dr Kezian focuses on the health of the teeth. He regularly attends seminars on dental care, and keeps himself up to date on the newest dental procedures and techniques.
Is Using Your Toothbrush Enough?
A toothbrush, regardless of how expensive it is can clean only so much of your teeth. The brush does not reach the inner lining of the teeth, so food particles stay inside these crevices and causes bacteria and other diseases. Just brushing your teeth is not enough. You put your dental health at risk this way.
How Dental Health Can Be Assured?
Tooth brushing twice a day in mandatory by using a good tooth paste that has cavity control ingredients. By using a good mouth wash once a day, you kill the bacteria inside your mouth. With that being said, these are only home remedies. If your teeth are turning yellow in color, go and see your doctor for a teeth whitening treatment. One visit every 4-6 months to the dental office for a complete check up is required to assure the dental health of your teeth. Dr. Kezian puts emphasis on his patients coming in for a 4-6 month dental health examination so that their teeth don’t expire at an early age.
Although, dental treatments are expensive - One visit to the dental office every 4-6 months is not very costly. If you take care of your teeth on a regular basis, you minimize the chance of bacteria growing and attacking your teeth and reduce your risk.
How to Get Rid Of Dirty Teeth?
If you experience mouth odor and have dark yellow stained teeth, then your teeth are at high risk of oral diseases. You cannot cure these kinds of oral diseases at home, according to Dr. Kezian. The lifespan of your teeth are shrinking, making it important for you to make an appointment with Dr. Kezian so he can help you get back on track and improve your over-all dental health and prevent the progression of disease.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


November 26, 2012

Porcelain Crowns: Are They Really Necessary?

By Arthur Kezian
You have already scheduled your appointment for the root canal to take care of those pesky cavities, now you need to decide whether or not you need porcelain crowns. Often dental insurance does not cover this more expensive procedure so before you pay extra you need to learn about the benefits and pluses over less costly alternatives.
Dr. Kezian understands that a well educated patient is a happier patient.  Here are the basics to get you started:
What are dental crowns anyway?
Once you have a tooth cavity severe enough to damage the dental pulp or core of the tooth, conservative management is no longer a good option.  Treatment choices include tooth extraction or a root canal. Generally people want to hold onto their own natural teeth, so choose the root canal option.  Your dentist will essentially scrape out the debris within the cavity.  This weakens your tooth, making it more prone to fracture or breaking.  Here’s where a dental crown comes in!
A dental crown is like a hat or cap that is placed over the tooth.  This protects the tooth’s shape and strength.  To keep the crown in place, a cement is used.  Importantly, the crown is fully visible.  The choices for crown material are metal or porcelain.  Metal is cheaper but not as cosmetically pleasing! Metal crowns are sturdier but best reserved for out of sight teeth like molars.
Porcelain, while more expensive, is essentially the color of enamel and therefore a more aesthetically pleasing.  Porcelain crowns are also a good choice for those who suffer from metal allergies.
What problems can occur with crowns?
You may be asking yourself, what can go wrong?  Not much if you are in the good hands of an experienced dentist.  Sometimes a person with a newly crowned tooth, may experience heat or cold sensitivity.  Switching to a toothpaste specially formulated for sensitive teeth will likely do the trick.  If the cement used wears off, the crown can fall off.  One drawback of porcelain crowns over metal crowns is that porcelain as a material is more prone to chipping.  If the chip is small a sealant similar in color to the crown can patch it.
How long will my new crown last?
It’s tough to predict how long a crown will last.  On average, expect your crowns to last anywhere between five to fifteen years.  Factors that influence the longevity of dental crowns are similar to those that put you at risk for dental caries in the first place such as oral hygiene, diet, smoking and whether or not you grind your teeth.
How to I take care of my crown?
Crowns really do not require special care in specif.  Underneath the crown is still a living tooth that is at risk from further cavity formation and gum disease.  So basically, ramping up your oral hygiene practices is the sure-fire way to protecting your new porcelain crowns.
Dr. Kezian will gladly meet with you to discuss dental crown options and treatment choices that are best for your specific needs.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


November 21, 2012

Dental Hygiene For Dentures Is a Must!

By Arthur Kezian
Dentures are not always a bad thing. Sometimes they’re a better alternative to nothing. As we all know, bad teeth not only make people sick, but also cause a variety of problems.
Although they are not your natural teeth, it’s important to take care of the over all hygiene of your dentures. If you look closely, you will see that dentures need as much care as natural teeth. Dental health is very important and plays a key part in your overall personality and look. Therefore, Dr Kezian and staff are here to guide you on various aspects related to dental health.

How to take care of Dentures:

Dentures do not last according to the price people pay for them – A key factor that plays into the longevity of your dentures is home-care. The first to caring for your dentures is taking them off before going to sleep at nights and placing them in the clean cold water. The water will clean them and they would stay away from all kind of diseases.
There are a variety of great denture baths available in the market to make this first step possible. And if you cannot find these bathes, you can also use a bowl or a glass of cold water. Moreover, when you clean them, you must not put any pressure on them. But you have to make sure that every food particle is perfectly removed. If you don’t have the proper cleaning solutions, use toothpaste and place them in clean water for some time.

Advantages of removing Dentures:

As discussed earlier, you should remove your dentures before going to bed. It not only allows your mouth to rest but it also allows the tissues of the mouth to recuperate. It also removes the strain of holding. All these factors help to keep people away from all kinds of fungal problems.

After you fit the dentures, Dr Kezian and staff also recommend you use the denture glue as well. It will help your teeth to stay in mouth and with this; you can feel free from any kind of embarrassment. You must have to keep everything in a proper shape as dental hygiene
 is very important and plays a great part, at least in your smile.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


November 16, 2012

How to Find the Right Cosmetic Dentist For You

By Arthur Kezian
Are you looking for the best cosmetic dentist? How do you pick the right one?  This can be an overwhelming process, especially since most dentists claim to be “experts” in the field of cosmetic dentistry.  You need to arm yourself with knowledge and the right questions to ask in order to help choose the best dentist for you.  Don’t be afraid to go after the attractive smile you’ve always dreamed of having.
Dr. Kezian is very knowledgeable in the field of cosmetic dentistry.  Below are some guidelines and tips for you to use as you explore your options.
Things To Know When Choosing A Cosmetic Dentist
Many dentists predominantly do routine dentistry and only a few actually do cosmetic work.  Find out from a dentist, what percentage of their practice involves solely in cosmetic dentistry such as porcelain veneers or other cosmetic techniques.  Don’t be afraid to ask for specific percentages or annual case volumes.  Take charge!
Most dentists like pictures and take a lot of them - be curious and ask to see them!  Most cosmetic dentists have albums of before and after pictures that you can look through.  If you don’t see photos, go somewhere else!
What About A Dentist’s Credentials?
Unfortunately most dental schools don’t spend a lot of time on cosmetic dentistry.  There are many post-graduate programs that offer expert training specifically for cosmetic dentistry.  In addition, there are many membership associations that a cosmetic dentist will affiliate with to keep up with the most up to date technology and techniques.  This information should be easily obtainable and visible in the dentist’s office.
Many cosmetic dentists will happily provide you with a list of former patients you can call.  Be ready to ask questions and address any concerns that you may have. 
Get A Free Consultation
Make an appointment.  Most cosmetic dentists will provide you with a free consultation.  This is the time to ask all the hard questions and get the facts!  Look around the office.  Is it clean and well kept?  Does the technology seem up to date?  Does the dentist take the time to really talk and reassure you?   Trust your instincts!  A good and well-trained cosmetic dentist will have many treatment options for you.  Based on your specific needs and wants, together you will be able to select the right treatment plan. 
With these tools you should be able to select an honest and capable dentist.
Dr. Kezian is a cosmetic dentist with years of experience.  Make an appointment today for a free consultation.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


November 9, 2012

Now That You’ve Quit Smoking, Get That Winning Smile Back!

By Arthur Kezian
Congratulations on quitting smoking! By having taken that first and essential step, you’re on your way to getting both your general and oral health back on track!  Many former smokers notice that even after discontinuing the use of tobacco products, the after effects caused by years of smoking have left their teeth yellow and discolored.  They yearn for a white and glistening smile! Dr. Kezian and staff can create a whitening program tailored specifically for you to restore your teeth’s natural color.
Teeth whitening is a type of dental work that traditionally falls into the category of cosmetic dentistry - This just refers to any dental work that improves the appearance of a person’s teeth or gums, not necessarily a change in the function.  Many dentists can easily perform these tasks as well as other types of dental work.
Although teeth whitening or bleaching products exist over the counter, it is generally recommended that a dentist oversee or supervise the lightening of discolored teeth. This is especially true if the teeth have fillings or other restorations because this can lead to uneven whitening patterns. Before starting the whitening procedure though, it is best to get a dental cleaning first.

How does whitening work?
Teeth whitening products contain a bleaching agent.  Over the counter and some dental supervised at-home products have a bleaching agent that is a lower strength, equivalent to about 3% hydrogen peroxide. In-office bleaching agents are much stronger, with hydrogen peroxide in the concentration of 15-40%. 
In-office bleaching is a safe and quick method to achieving whiter teeth.  A whitening product is applied directly onto the tooth’s surface and kept securely in place with a custom made tray that fits your teeth exactly. This is in contrast to over-the-counter products that use a mouth tray that’s generally one-size-fits-all. Dr. Kezian can also make a custom mouth tray for dental supervised at-home treatments.  Depending on the degree of tooth discoloration, more treatments may be necessary to achieve the level of whiteness you desire.
How Long Do Teeth Whitening Effects Last?

Unfortunately, teeth whitening is not a permanent solution to keeping a white smile.  Typically, the whiteness lasts for about a year.  If you consume foods and drinks that cause stain, whitening may last for a shorter period of time. Along with whitening, you should also keep track of your dental cleanings.
What are the benefits to teeth whitening in the office?
A dentist will perform an oral exam, noting the degree of discoloration and the presence of restorations.  A more tailored and individual treatment plan can be designed specific for your needs.  In addition, additional protective measures such as a rubber shield to protect the gums can be provided in the office.
Now that you have taken charge of your life by quitting smoking, you are on the road to improving your oral health.
Please come schedule a consultation with Dr. Kezian to determine what teeth whitening plan is best for you!

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


November 5, 2012

Emergency Dental Hours for Our Patients

By Arthur Kezian
Do you need an emergency dentist with flexible hours? Do you have tooth pain but are hoping it will go away on its own?  Everybody has a hectic life.  There never seems to be enough time during the week to get it all done!  If your schedule makes finding a dental appointment during the normal work week feel like an impossible task, search for an emergency dentist or one who works on Saturdays.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian knows that keeping an appointment from Monday-Friday within the hours of 9-5 is a challenge for the average person, and dental accidents can happen at any time too.  Dr. Kezian and his staff provide patients with superb dental care, and take emergency appointments. 
Flexible Hours
We have flexible Saturday scheduling in order to cater to your busy life.  We offer dedicated, excellent and reliable service.  In addition, we are available in the case of a dental emergency. 
Don’t Wait Too Long
Just like you take care of your general health and well being, your dental health needs tending too!  Many people put off routine dental check-ups due to busy and overscheduled lives.  Remember, preventive dentistry is better and essentially less time consuming than if you wait too long.  Semi-annual check-ups can identify early evidence of tooth decay and remove plaque and tartar.  In addition, dental cavities caught early are more likely to be taken care of by conservative treatments such as sealants. 
If you are suffering from tooth pain or irritated gums, don’t delay in making an appointment. An emergency dentist is available for urgent appointments as well.
Dental Emergency
What constitutes the need to see an emergency dentist?  A traumatic accident resulting in the loss of a tooth comes to mind.  What do you do if this happens?  Find a dentist who takes emergency calls during any time of the day. In cases that don’t require a trip to the emergency room but need to be taken care of quickly, such as a lost crown or a fractured tooth, Dr. Kezian and his staff can see you right away.
So remember, Dr. Kezian is available to meet all your dental needs, routine and emergent. 
When life takes a turn and you need an emergency dentist, you know who to call!
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
