April 25, 2011

Teeth Whitening - 6 Ways to Get Whiter, Brighter Teeth

By Arthur Kezian

You may have the straightest teeth in the world.  But, if they’re marred by yellow or brown stains, you will never have a truly perfect smile. 

It’s easier than you think to wind up with dull-colored teeth.  Your morning coffee and tea, your evening red wine, and your late-night cigarettes are all discoloring your teeth.  Because it’s such a common problem, teeth whitening is a very common solution.

So, how do you get the best whitening results?  Follow these 6 tips:

1.        Brush the right way
If you don’t brush your teeth long enough, all of that bacteria will never leave your mouth – leaving your teeth yellow or brown.  If you want a whiter smile, you need to brush them twice a day, for about 3 minutes each time.

And, make sure that the bristles on your toothbrush aren’t too hard.  If they are, it can damage your enamel – the coating that keeps dark food and drink from settling into your teeth.

2.        When you can’t brush, take other measures
If you head out to eat, you obviously can’t take a toothbrush with you.  Instead, chew some sugar-free gum.  Chewing stimulates your saliva production, which, in turn, will wash off the stains on your teeth.

3.       Stay away from sweets
They might taste good, but they can cause sensitivity during whitening.  If you want to munch on something, pick some vegetables and fruits instead.


4.        Choose the right toothpaste
The fluoride in your toothpaste will strengthen you enamel and keep your teeth whiter and brighter.

5.        Visit your dentist twice a year
Aside from giving you routine cleanings that go beyond what you can do at home with your toothbrush, your dentist can also give you some expert tips and procedures to make your teeth whiter.  In fact, if you want results that work, teeth whitening can only be done at a dentist’s office.

6.        Avoid other solutions for whitening
Those whitening strips and solutions can irritate your gums – which can make your teeth look and feel even worse.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


Dental Veneers Los Angeles – Now Get the Perfect Smile, Affordably

By Arthur Kezian

Dental veneers is the perfect choice when it comes to correcting stained, crooked or chipped teeth. All dental imperfections can be corrected by the process. A cosmetic dentist offers a wide variety of choices to patients looking for relief from conditions of dental imperfection and improving their smile quotient.
Dental veneers are a quick and affordable option to make your teeth look beautiful and uniform in nature in terms of size, shape and spacing. The process of providing dental veneers is painless when carried out by expert hands. Experienced Los Angeles dentists with years of experience in providing dental veneers to hundreds of affected patients can make the process simple, convenient, completely painless and highly affordable.

The process of providing dental veneers begins with a simple examination of your teeth so the dentist can make an assessment of the type of treatment needed and the areas of your teeth that require more attention than the others. They prepare the teeth to make it easy to accept the veneer finish. This involves removing the top enamel layer of the teeth so that the veneer can stick to them easily.

The nest step involves making a mold of the teeth to be veneered. This is done to customize the mold to fit to your teeth dimensions exactly and also to make the veneer color match exactly to the color of your natural teeth. This is a specialized task and is an important step to give your teeth a flawless look.

The permanent veneers are then prepared as per the size and color and fitted appropriately to make your teeth look straight and unvarying. Finally the veneer is attached to the teeth and the necessary precautionary measures explained to the patient. Dental veneers are a great option to exercise if you do not like the way your smile reflects on your face. Contrary to popular impression, smile makeovers using dental veneers are affordable and require the patient to make a few visits at their convenience.

Veneers provide professional smile makeovers and cosmetic dentistry services to all age groups. It is important to know where to get your veneers  procedure done from beforehand. Making detailed research for the best dental clinics in Los Angeles can help you find the best ones in business.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


April 11, 2011

Keep Your Wisdom Teeth or Extract Them?

By Arthur Kezian

Having impacted wisdom teeth that sometimes are in an unusual position and can cause the need for a tooth extraction and the following:

Ø      Crowding or displacement of the other teeth
Ø      Tooth decay
Ø      Infections
Ø      Gum problems - Unhealthy gums could be indicative of other oral problems and also overall health condition.

The above topics will be discussed to you when you visit your dentist for wisdom teeth extractions. Feel free to ask any questions regarding this matter. It is better to know your options and have your teeth checked before it might lead to further problems.


Sometimes, the wisdom teeth fail to come out and they often become trapped or impacted in the jawbone area. It is termed “impacted” when it fails to erupt in the dental arch within the expected time. The reason why it fails to come out is that the adjacent teeth, overlying bone, or excessive soft tissue is preventing it to erupt. Some of the abnormal positions of wisdom teeth can cause the need for wisdom teeth extractions and can be tilted, sideways, lying down or even twisted and these positions can be seen if you have a panoramic x-ray taken. Remember that your wisdom teeth are retained unless it is surgically removed.

Dr. Arthur Kezian would provide patients like you, the best treatment there is for a tooth extraction with the use of their high-end facilities. The team can guarantee painless, comfort and ease during the procedure. Their practice of dentistry continues to grow and evolve thus it reaches a milestone every time a patient leaves after treatment. The team can ensure quality dentistry with all the procedures done to restore your smile.


Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los AngelesCA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


April 10, 2011

Dental Implants – No More Embarrassment from Missing Teeth

By Arthur Kezian

Dental implants
are a great alternative for replacing missing teeth. They are also highly effective when it comes to replacing fixed bridges, partials and holding the dentures securely. The best thing about dental implant is that they encourage bone growth and helps in keeping the jaw strong and healthy.

Missing teeth may cause major dental problems in the future such as improper jaw alignment and problems with using your teeth and gums effectively. Oral health problems are systemic and can affect other areas of the body. It is imperative that the problem of missing tooth and other dental related issues be treated as soon as possible. Dental implants offers a wide range of services to help you deal with missing teeth. It involves the placement of a small medical-grade titanium post into the bone, which substitutes as an artificial tooth. The surrounding bone cells and gum tissues act around it and heal it. Replacement tooth crown is then attached to the new artificial root. The dental implant will then look and even feel like your natural tooth.

Implants are secure and fully functional replacement option for missing teeth, as they do not have to rely on neighboring teeth for support. Implants also help reduce the impact of lost teeth to the jaw such as gum recession or bone loss. If you think that implants do not allow your teeth to function the same way as your normal teeth, you are way off the mark. You can bite and chew like you do with your regular teeth without the fear of them coming off.
Implant dentistry is a boon to those who have lost their tooth or several teeth, as they no longer have to suffer a lifetime of discomfiture and bother. The fact that they are topped with realistic replacement teeth makes it possible for them to be used as regular teeth. There is no way anyone will know that you have implants unless you choose to tell them.

Dental implants offer patients a wide variety of choices to replace missing teeth. They can also choose from partial removable dentures, fixed dental bridges and traditional full dentures depending on their requirement and budget. It is absolutely important to get the dental implant service done by a good and reputable professional to get the best value for money.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los AngelesCA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


Cosmetic Dentistry: Combining the Best of Art and Science

By Arthur Kezian
There are many practitioners of cosmetic dentistry but the best dentist treats their profession like a canvas and creates virtual work of art with their dental skills. They are passionate about their work and it reflects very clearly right from the first time you step into their office to the time you finally walk out as a highly satisfied and contended customer.

Cosmetic dentistry is not easy. Only those who have an eye for detail and have a creative and artistic blend of mind can become masters of the profession. There are many stories of cosmetic dentistry having gone horribly wring just because customers ended up dealing with dentists not having the talent and the resources to carry out the task effectively.

When carried out properly with the right degree of expertise and using state-of-the-art equipment, cosmetic dentistry can bring about a dramatic change to your face and more importantly to your smile. A skilled cosmetic dentist is committed to exceed the expectations of their customers every single time. They have highly motivated staff that understands and anticipates your requirements and makes every effort to make you feel relaxed and comfortable throughout the process.
The best Hollywood dentist is well equipped to help you translate your dreams into reality when it comes to perfectly white teeth. They fully realize that a sparkling smile represents beauty, youth and energy. Their team of the best dentists and experienced support staff ensure that you have access to the very best in technology and expertise when it comes to improving your smile value.

The cosmetic restorative dentistry provided by experts in the art ensures that they finish the process with the minimum of inconvenience to their patients. It is the endeavor of the best dentist to make their clients feel important and comfortable and keep them informed in advance about the pros and cons of each option. That is why they do a comprehensive check up and create an exhaustive report for your understanding so that you know how exactly you will look after the cosmetic dental procedure is completed.

A highly experienced dentist offers an entire array of services that include dental implants, designing a customized smile for your face, advanced teeth whitening procedures, porcelain crowns and bridges as well as porcelain fillings. They also provide Invisalign treatment where your poorly aligned teeth can be set right without using bulky braces.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los AngelesCA 90004 (323) 467-2777 


April 1, 2011

Dental Implants – 3 Technological Advances that are Making Them Better

By Arthur Kezian
If you are missing teeth, you don’t have to live with an incomplete smile. Dental implants are a popular and durable way to cover up your missing teeth.  And, thanks to new technology, they are better than ever.Did you know that dental implants have been used for thousands of years?  Historians say the Ancient Mayans crafted dental implants out of seashells, while the Ancient Egyptians used ivory to replace missing teeth.



Dental implants have made giant strides since then.  In fact, the world of dental implants is constantly changing.  Luckily, many of the new advances head to the big cities first. 



So, what’s making today’s dental implants so high-tech?  There are 3 big technological advances that enable your dental implantologist to give you an even better smile:
1.       Implants that your body won’t reject called “bio-compactable”, today’s dental implants use titanium.  Titanium is the only metal that’s nickel-free – meaning that your body won’t see it as foreign and reject it.
Another benefit to using titanium?  It’s strong enough to withstand chewing, drinking, and biting – while still being affordable enough to keep dental implants as a solution for even small budgets.
2.      3D CT scans
Before your dental implant dentist can install your implants, he has to make sure that your jaw bone is healthy enough to hold them.  Instead of relying on x-rays, a good will use new 3D CT scans to get a detailed evaluation of your jaw bone’s density, the location of your nerves and sinuses – so that you get a more precise fit.
3.      Mini dental implants
Implants can be tough to get.  That’s because your mouth has to be in good shape before you can be considered a candidate for them.  Some people’s jaw bones have disintegrated too much to hold implants.  Other people have missing teeth in tiny spaces that are simply too small for standard dental implants.

But with mini implants, you get a smaller implant.  Still made out of titanium, mini dental implants are about half as wide as their larger counterparts.  They aren’t screws like standard implants – meaning they don’t need to bond to your jaw bone.  They are enabling more and more people to take advantage of!

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los AngelesCA 90004 (323) 467-2777 
